Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 884 Clouds move in all directions

Chapter 884 Clouds move in all directions

Bai Yanheng nodded, "General Shan's problem has been solved, but where is Zhou Guogong? Will he fight in the same way?"

Qingyun shook his head, thought for a while, and said: "Once Qian Qizhi and Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu start fighting, Po Jun Qi Kill and the others will wait and see, and the army will not be involved in the war for the time being. A sneak attack or ambush does not require so many troops, which is enough." More than enough.”

The number of troops is estimated by Qingyun based on the war situation of both sides and various considerations. Generally, the highest estimate is given.

"Send a letter to Pojun Qisha and the others, asking them to cooperate with the actions here. Pojun Qisha continues to keep an eye on Qian Qizhi and adapt to changes.

Isn’t it true that Yunzhou Border has the money to mobilize a million-strong army?

Let Tian Duoliang Black Bear lead a large army, pretending to be Qian Qizhi's army, bypassing Guizhou and entering Yunzhou, and sneak up on the side of Zhou Guogong's army. After the sneak attack, he immediately evacuated, and the army withdrew towards the direction of the millions of northwest troops, and then attacked again halfway. He sent out Zhou Guogong's army to sneak attack the northwest army, provoking a battle between Zhou Guogong and Qian Qizhi.

As a result, Zhou Guogong was also drawn into the battlefield, so all the forces were involved in the battle.

Big waves wash over the sand! Who is the final winner depends on his own means! "

While Qingyun was laying out his plans, several forces were also undercurrents in private.

Southwest, Yizhou

Study room of Duke Zhou's Mansion

Duke Zhou was sitting in the main seat, with his three sons and a group of staff sitting under him. They were discussing the withdrawal of Duan and Tan, and everyone was arguing endlessly.

One person hurried towards the study.

"Report to the Duke, the spies have found out the reason why Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu withdrew their troops. Northwest Marshal Qian Qizhi led an army of three million to the Central Plains. The army has arrived in Qianzhou.

Another news came back from the border generals of Yunzhou that a million-strong army suddenly appeared on the border of Yuanzhou. The spies have found out that this army came from the northwest and was Marshal Qian Qizhi's army. "

"Northwestern Army?" Zhou Guogong lowered his eyes and patted the armrest with his right hand, wondering what he was thinking.

"Father, Qian Qizhi is very ambitious and scheming. He likes to make plans before taking action. The princes are fighting for hegemony and the situation is unclear. He is stationed in the northwest, waiting for the opportunity." The person who spoke was the eldest son of Zhou Guogong, Zhou Shizi. .

Everyone understood that now was the time, so Qian Qizhi led the army to the Central Plains.

"Previously, Duan Jiaxu went to war with us, and Tan Linyu went to war with General Shan. The forces from the southwest, east, and central plains were all on the battlefield. Shangguan Qingyun, the hero of the North, is in the north and has no plans to go south for the time being.

Qian Qizhi believed that this was his best opportunity and there was no force to stop him, so he personally led an army of several million people and headed straight to the capital. It can be seen from his actions during this trip. "

"Brother meant that now is the best time, so Qian Qizhi came to the Central Plains.

I don't think so.

The situation in the Central Plains has long been decided. Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu are in control of the Central Plains. In the previous war, although these two men lost some of their troops, their military strength alone is not as good as ours and that of General Shan. They must have at least two million soldiers and horses. have.

Now that Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu are in alliance, they have four to five million soldiers and horses. How can Qian Qizhi's three million soldiers and horses fight against Duan and Tan?

Don't forget that Qian Qizhi still has one million troops at the border of Yuanzhou, while the Central Plains only has two million troops, twice as many as Duan and Tan.

Attacking the Central Plains is probably just a smoke bomb, and they may want to attack our Yunzhou. "

It was Zhou Guogong's second son who spoke to retort.

Zhou Shizi looked at his second brother with an expressionless face, and then saw Zhou Zhouzi slapping the table and roaring: "Qian Qizhi is a good old man, marching in the dark and in the light. There are several secret passages in the northwest leading to Yunzhou, that one million The army must have come via a secret route."

Does this need to be said?

No one present knew how many weapons were secretly transported from there when Qishan was still under the control of the Eighteenth Village. Half of the staff thought that Zhou Shizi was right, and half of the staff thought that the second young master was also right, and they argued one after another.

"It doesn't make sense here! The prince said that Qian Qizhi wanted to attack the capital. Why didn't he go to the capital through the border of Mingzhou instead of Qianzhou? Going directly to the capital via Mingzhou, while going to Qianzhou, he had to go around Gaozhou to reach the capital. The distance Far more than twice that.

According to the latest information obtained by the spies, Qian Qizhi's army is now in Qianzhou and can reach the junction of Qianzhou and Guizhou in about half a month at most. Only then did Duan and Tan withdraw their troops and rush to the Guizhou border. "

Over the border of Mingzhou is the area under the jurisdiction of Taifu Yang. If Qian Qizhi's army goes that way, Duan and Tan will naturally not stop them.

But Guizhou is their territory, and Qian Qizhi's army entered Guizhou with the obvious intention of attacking them and grabbing their territory. It's strange that Duan and Tan don't care.

"Qian Qizhi wanted to win Duan Jiaoxun, so why did he deploy millions of troops in Yuanzhou? This doesn't make sense. Could it be that he still wants to fight on both sides? He has too much appetite."

Zhou Guogong looked up at his youngest son who was sitting quietly and said, "Third son, what do you think? You have stayed in the northwest for several months. What kind of person do you think Qian Qizhi is?"

"This person has a deep scheming, and my son can't see through it. During the few months I stayed in the northwest, I only met twice. On the day my son arrived with the princess, we met when the princess was kidnapped by the barbarians to discuss saving her, and we never saw him again after that. Pass.

Marshal Meng was Qian Qizhi's savior. Looking at the final fate of the Meng family army, it can be seen that this man is quite vicious.

This time he came out from the northwest with only one purpose, that chair. Anyone who stands in his way will die. "

Zhou Guogong: "."

Everyone: "."

Everyone in the room was silent. Qian Qizhi was too vicious. No one could believe this kind of person, and they couldn't believe it either. Who knows if he will be the next Meng Jiajun.



Shangzhou, General Shan's Mansion

"General, it has been found out that Duan and Tan suddenly withdrew their troops because Qian Qizhi's army from the northwest entered Qianzhou and headed for Gaozhou, leaving 500,000 troops in Yuzhou. General, they have withdrawn, should we continue the attack? "

Some generals believed that their opportunity had come and they must fight back.

The Shan family army was well stationed at the border of Shangzhou and never provoked interruptions. Unexpectedly, Duan Jiaxu and Tan Linyu, those two bastards, unethically raided their city and almost defeated Shangzhou.

If it weren't for their strong soldiers and horses, and their generals were good at fighting, they could have led the Shan family's army to save the situation from an unfavorable battle situation, and even attacked Yuzhou and occupied two cities before breathing a sigh of relief.

"How is the situation with Duke Zhou?" General Shan asked after thinking for a while.

"Duke Zhou is not moving for the time being."

"Since Duke Zhou is not moving for the time being, we will not move either first. Duan and Tan have twice as many soldiers and horses as we do. The situation in Yuzhou is unknown, and it is disadvantageous for the army to pursue it in depth. Send scouts to continue to investigate. Qian Qizhi is ruthless. The northwest is close to the southwest. Instead of attacking Zhou Guogong, he went to Qianzhou. I don’t know what his intentions were. "

"Yes." The general took the order and went down to make arrangements.

Thank you Changli_

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