Chapter 96
"That's it!" The old man laughed twice, not sure whether to believe it or not.

"I heard that there is not much water. If you want to go, try to go as quickly as possible. Many people are desperately rushing forward. There are many strong men in your team, so you should rush fast. Arrive early to divide the water, so as not to be late."

What Qingyun said was exactly what they were worried about, so they sent the old man over.

"Okay, I'm going back. Let's meet in front. If there's a lot of water, I'll ask for a share for you too!" The old man hurried back, thinking that what Qingyun said was reasonable, and hurried back.

Seeing the figure of the old man running away, Qingyun smiled and turned back to ask Song Wenqian, "Old man, what do you think?"

Don't die if you don't hear the answer!

Tian Duoliang also came over to listen, and by the way, returned the child to Qingyun and said, "Your brother, watch for yourself."

Qingyun put the child on his neck again, the child was happy, and his eyes were like crescent moons when he smiled.

"It's not surprising that there is a lake on Huanggu Mountain. What is rare is that the people in the cottage are sincere, not afraid of the rugged mountain road, and send water down." Song Wenqian squinted and looked at Huanggu Mountain.

"What do you mean, I think too much?" Qingyun grinned, it was rare for her to think twice, and the result was unsatisfactory.

"You must be thinking too much." Tian Daliang interjected.

"What's the matter with you!" Qingyun kicked him, Tian Duoliang hid behind Song Wenqian, and Qingyun spared him.

"You can think more about what happens, I have nothing to teach you along the way. Very good, keep going." Song Wenqian was very pleased, and rarely praised Ci Qingyun.

Qingyun hummed.

The fork that leads to Huanggu Mountain is where those people deliver water.

Since the refugees knew that there was water here, they have been spreading the word, and they all ran over with all their might. The three floors inside and the outside were crowded and crowded, blocking the road.

When Qingyun and his party arrived, they saw this scene.

Everyone desperately squeezed inside, shouting desperately, "Give me some water", "Give me some water", and the sound overwhelmed the sound, making it more noisy than the market.

Qingyun's eyebrows gathered together, it was very dangerous to squeeze down like this, and stampede incidents would definitely happen.As soon as he finished his thoughts, he heard a scream of "Ouch" from inside, and was quickly suppressed by the crazy crowd.

"I'm going to grab the water,"

Tian Duoliang was about to move, looked left and right, and was about to rush over with a bamboo stalk, but was stopped by Qingyun.

"What's the hurry?" Qingyun pulled the person back, pointed at the crazy crowd, and said, "Did you see it? You're all crazy, how did you grab the bamboo lobster? Before you got close, someone pushed him out."

There were children and girls in the team, Qingyun didn't say it clearly, let Tian Duoliang look at the crowd, but motioned him to look at the feet of the crowd, there was blood on the ground.

Where the blood came from, they both knew very well.

Everyone desperately grabbed the water, but no one looked at the ground.If Qingyun hadn't heard the screams, she wouldn't have looked at the ground.

Tian Duoliang: "..." These people are crazy.He also cherishes his life!
"Don't grab it?" Tian Duoliang was not reconciled, it was clear that the water was in front of him, he could see it, and he could get it ten steps forward.

Qingyun pointed to the empty space at the foot of the mountain and said: "There are too many people here and it is not safe. First protect the old man and them to go there, and then come over to grab the water."

Tian Duoliang glanced at Old Man Song and the others, the old and the young were indeed in the way.Sweeping in the direction of Qingyun, there is a large open space there, urging: "Go, go, come back soon."

Song Wenqian glanced at the crowd rushing for water in front of him, frowning and sighing.

He didn't let Qingyun do anything, these people have gone crazy and can't listen to anyone.At this time, whoever stops them from grabbing water will be the enemy and will be attacked by them.

It's all caused by this severe drought, people are not like people, and countries are not like countries.

Song Wenqian, old man Li, and a few people knew that they would not be able to grab water. If they didn't have the physical strength, they would not be safe if they stayed here and dragged their feet.Follow Qingyun to the open space.

"Old man, take a break here, I'll go over there with Daliang to see. Shangguan Qingtian, stay here obediently, don't run around, listen to your grandpa Song, if you get lost, I won't look for you."

For the first time, Qingyun called out the child's name seriously, with a very stern expression.

The first time the child saw his brother's expression, he was startled and nodded.

Qingyun rummaged through the bamboo for a while, grabbed two bamboo tubes, and tied them with ropes to hang around his neck.

Tian Duoliang followed suit and grabbed two of the same ones and hung them around his neck.

The two ran towards the crowd, there were still twenty steps away from the crowd, Qingyun did not go forward, stood aside and looked over there, rubbing his chin and thinking about things.

With Qingyun around, Tian Duoliang followed her in all actions.Qingyun didn't move, and he didn't move either, causing Qingyun to glance at him.

"Aren't you going to grab water? Why don't you go?"

Tian Duoliang smiled dryly, "You are better than me, I will follow you."

Seeing that someone was trampled to death, he didn't want to go alone.If something happened, there would be no one to save him.Qingyun is powerful and smart. If he doesn't grab it, he will definitely find something.His brain is not good, it is better to follow Qingyun obediently.

"Aren't you surprised?" Qingyun said after seeing it.

"What's strange?"

He didn't see the problem, except that there were more people.I was anxious, so many people grabbed it, and there was only so much water. It was their turn. I wonder if there is any water left?
If Qingyun doesn't go, he can't do anything about it!
"They sent water down for the refugees to drink. This is a good thing. No one can say that they are good people, and no one can say that they have a good heart. No one can see that the refugees are suffering, so they have worked hard, and they are not afraid of their own safety."

"Of course, good man!" Tian Daliang sighed again.

If he can't do it, the refugee has a fart relationship with him, and he will die of thirst.

"Yeah, good man!" Qingyun licked his teeth and raised his eyebrows with a wicked smile, "Why is such a good person watching refugees desperately grab water and stepping on them to death, no one will come out to take care of them, do you think it's strange?"

Tian Dorang echoed her words while listening, "Yeah, what a nice person... eh? What did you say?"

Tian Duoliang suddenly turned his head to look at Qingyun, Qingyun raised his eyebrows, looked back at him, and then slowly, slowly gave him a bright smile, "Isn't it strange?"

Tian Duohao seemed to be frightened, swallowed his saliva, then turned his head in horror and looked at the group of water deliverers hidden behind the crowd of people grabbing water.


Tian Duoliang murmured, if it wasn't for Qingyun's reminder, he would not have discovered this problem.Not only did he not find this problem, but the refugees here did not find it.

Everyone, almost dying of thirst, suddenly heard that there was water to drink, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, grab the water to drink, and everything that happened around was not important.

"Who are you asking? I want to know too." Qingyun hummed, "Go, go back and have a look."

 Guess, kids, why?
(End of this chapter)

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