Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 97 Resolving the Crisis

Chapter 97 Resolving the Crisis
The two walked over slowly, without disturbing the crowd grabbing the water, bypassed the group of people from the front, and touched the edge of the fork.

"Have you seen Wang Chaoming and the others?" After walking around and not seeing Wang Chaoming's team, Qingyun asked Tian Duoliang, maybe he saw it.

"No, hey, if you don't say it, I don't even think of it." Tian Daliang looked back and said, "It's strange! We walked around in such a big team and didn't see a single one. The old man and the child went somewhere?"

It's too dangerous here, and there are many old people and children in their ranks.

"It's possible, forget it if you don't see it, the place is so big, you will meet sooner or later." Qingyun asked casually, not caring where Chaoming and the others went.

When I reached the edge of the fork, I could see clearly what was going on there.

The intersection leading to Huanggu Mountain was blocked by two trolleys. Large stones were stacked on the trolleys. Behind the trolleys stood four people, each with a long spoon, and a large wooden table next to each person. bucket.

There were dozens of people standing behind the four, all of them young and strong men, each with a long tassel spear and a sharp blade that radiated a lot of light in the sun.From the bulging kenko flesh of their exposed arms, it can be seen that these people have exercised.

There are four wooden bowls, slapped, on the trolley stone.The four people in the cottage drew water from the wooden barrel and poured it into the bowl. The people in front immediately grabbed it and made way for the people behind.

If anyone didn't leave after drinking it, and wanted to drink the second bowl, the person with the tassel spear behind would stab him mercilessly, and when the spear was pulled out, the blood splattered on the stones.

Whether the person who was stabbed will survive or not, only God knows.

Even if there was a threat of a tassel spear, the desperate refugees still tried their best to grab water and drink, and it was useless for the people behind to push and beat them.

At this moment, Qingyun saw that five or six people had been stabbed, his chest was dripping with blood, and he didn't care.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, this group of people is really cold-blooded.

Tian Duoliang saw this scene and his face became hot. He vowed to say that they were good people. Seeing their cold-blooded expressions of stabbing the refugees, they really had nothing to do with good people.

Many people saw the refugees being stabbed for water. Maybe this scene stimulated the refugees. All of them looked crazy, and those who did not grab the water pushed the scooters frantically, trying to grab the water from the barrels behind the scooters.

The scene was very chaotic and crazy.

Something big is going to happen!

Qingyun thought to himself that if the people from the cottage did not come out to stop it, the mad refugees would definitely overturn the trolley, and the wall would be out of control by then, and the future would be unimaginable.

"Don't grab it, grab it again, and you'll fall."

A ruthless young man picked up a wooden bucket and threw it on the trolley, and the clear water flowed down from the stones all the way down.

The refugees who were pushing the trolley crazily in front of them saw the water running down, their eyes were red, and they rushed over to suck and lick the water on the rocks on the trolley.

Seeing the refugees in the water, their emotions became more intense and crazy.

Some refugees tried to climb on the scooter and roll over.

The crowd is out of control, and the tassel can't stop the crazy refugees.

At this moment, among the people with long tassel spears, a middle-aged man came out with a gong in his hand. After he came out, he looked at the people who were madly grabbing water, and rang the gong.




The sudden loud noise shocked everyone for a moment, and the crazy crowd stopped snatching, and all looked at the source of the sound.

The middle-aged man is very satisfied with this effect.Simple and honest appearance, swarthy complexion, burlap vest and patches, at first glance, it is a standard for rural farming, which makes people more convincing.

"Folks, folks, listen to me," the middle-aged man looked at the crowd with a sad face.

"I know that there is a severe drought everywhere. The rice in the fields has dried up, and the vegetables in the fields have dried up. There is nothing to eat or drink. I have to abandon my home and leave my hometown."

"The father and mother in the family do not want to drag down their children and grandchildren, and give them a way to live and stay in their hometown..."

The middle-aged man choked up as he spoke. His words evoked the sympathy of many refugees. All the refugees fell silent collectively, and a sad atmosphere shrouded the scene.

Indeed, in order to allow future generations to live, the elderly parents gave up their lives and stayed in their hometown...

It has been four or five months since the severe drought, and after fleeing the famine for two or three months, the parents in the family did not leave much behind in order to bring more food for their children and grandchildren.

On the way to flee the desert, they saw too many corpses, including old people, men and children.

He was still a strong man when he went out. After a month or two, he was so thin that he only had a piece of skin left. He was so hungry that he even ate all the soil, and then he died... I couldn't live on my own, and I subconsciously didn't think about my father at home. What will happen to the mother, it seems that if you don't think about it, the father and mother are still alive.

The middle-aged man wiped away his tears, but his eyes swept across the crowd, and he was satisfied to see many people crying silently.

"How hard and difficult it is to escape, I don't need to say, the villagers have experienced it, and it is not easy to survive until now..."

"There is only one life. It is left to you by your father and mother. Your life is not your own, but your parents', brothers and sisters. I hope the villagers can cherish it! I said so much, not for other reasons. Yes, I just hope that the villagers will take the initiative to line up, the water is here, and it will not run."

Qingyun snorted, it's a talent!It's a pity not to engage in MLM.Look at the emotions this mobilized... I can't accept it.

Thinking about the parents at home waiting for them to go back, thinking about the brothers and sisters who died on the road, and the crowd with some intense emotions, they slowly calmed down.

The refugees who climbed on the scooter slowly slid down from it, and then everyone slowly took a few steps back.

Someone walked out of it and was the first in the first row.

Someone started, and more people walked out slowly, and soon there was a line in front of the scooter, lined up according to the position of the barrel in front, a total of six rows.

The middle-aged man was satisfied and signaled that his partner could continue to send water.

Tian Duoliang laughed when he saw this, "That man is not simple, he fooled them with a few words."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, it must not be easy!A few words of hatred resolved a crisis.

Looking at the dozens of people behind with long tassel spears, why are there so many weapons in a small cottage?

The point is that the weapons they take are not hoes and scythes, but the unified tassel.That cottage is so rich?
Although it felt strange, Qing Yun didn't think much about it.

There is not much water in the bowl, just one bottom, at most three or four mouthfuls, the refugees have nothing to be dissatisfied with, and they pour it down one mouthful.

Seeing the line of elders and elders lined up below, Tian Duoliang became anxious and asked Qingyun, "Aren't you going to line up?"

After a while, there is no water.

 Thank you for the reward that pressed my leg hair, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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