chapter 98
"Go, why don't you go? Go." Turning around and queuing behind, Tian Daliang followed closely.

"Don't talk nonsense when queuing up. If I didn't get the water, you definitely don't want to know the consequences."

Qingyun thought about it for a while, and told Tian Duoliang uneasy, this kid has no taboos, he can't speak his mind, and he will throw everything away, who knows what his words will cause panic.

"Tian Duoliang laughed dryly, he just prefers to talk.

"Am I that kind of person?" Seeing Qingyun staring at him coldly, Tian Duoliang's calf trembled, and he changed his words immediately, "Promise not to talk nonsense."

The evil star's gaze made him panic.

The two of them passed, and the team had already lined up for the elder's team. If they went to the back row, they would definitely lose their share of the water today.

Qingyun glanced at it, and also didn't want to go to the back row.She couldn't wait, but the old man Qingtian couldn't wait, and then turned to look at Tian Tara.

"There are too many people."

Tian Duoliang murmured while looking around, and happened to catch a glimpse of Qingyun's eyes. Amazingly, he understood the meaning in Qingyun's eyes.

Tian Duoliang slandered in his heart. He felt that Qingyun was not as honest as he showed. Old man Song was blind, and he was like a thief all day long.

No, as soon as he left Old Man Song's sight, his true nature was revealed.

Seeing that Tian Duoliang understood what she meant, Qingyun raised the corner of his lips rarely, this kid was finally useful.Otherwise, she would really be chasing people.

Tian Duoliang's eyes slipped around in the crowd, and when he saw something, his eyes lit up.

"Go, go over there." He took Qingyun to the middle of the third row.

There is a story of bullies oppressing good people.

The matter is very simple, the two men are going to cut in the queue, and they are also smart, so they choose the middle, not to go to the front, so as not to be seen by the water dispatcher.

For no reason, two people came to jump in the queue, and the people in the queue would definitely not be willing!It's not easy for them to queue for a long time.

This precedent must not be set. If they back down, what if there will be a few more people who want to jump in the queue?
The refugees in the queue were firm, and they disagreed with each other, and the two sides started to fight.

The one who was cut in the queue was a black and thin man. How could he be the opponent of the two tall and majestic people?Can only be beaten, unable to resist asking for help from the people behind.

Although the people in the queue were unwilling, the two men didn't directly insert themselves in front of them. They said they could, but they couldn't be beaten, so they didn't hear the black and thin man's call for help.

"Yo, it's so lively!"

Tian Duoliang was a ruffian, his eyes swept over to a few people, then walked over and kicked the two men who were beating them away.

"Good dogs don't get in the way." A rogue bully.

"Which grandson dares to kick grandpa?" The two men who were kicked over were instantly furious and got up to look for the culprit.

The refugees in the queue saw that the two men were angry, and they all stayed far away from Qingyuntian Duoliang, so as not to burn their anger on them.

No, Qingyuntian Tara and the two stood out.

The two reckless men fixed their eyes on them.

"It was the two of you who kicked grandpa?" The reckless man had a fierce look in his eyes, his face trembled, and he raised his fist to smash Tian Duoliang.

Another attacked Qingyun.

The farce here, the cottage people who sent the water in front of them all saw it, but no one came.

The teams on the left and right looked at the farce next to them, and continued to move forward slowly.Nothing beats the allure of water.

Everyone thought that the fate of these two thin young men was as miserable as the black and thin man, only to be beaten.

Hearing two screams, I thought, is this not guilty?

The result was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was the two reckless men who screamed miserably.The refugees looked at the screaming people on the ground, and at the two thin young men...

People can't be seen.

These two are even more annoying.

"Grandpa kicked the two of you, what can you do?" Tian Duoliang provoked and kicked him again.

"It's almost done, water is important." Qingyun kicked the person who was blocking her way.

Because of the reckless man jumping in the queue, the third team was disconnected. The front team was almost at the end of the line, and the rear did not dare to pass, leaving a large space in the middle.

Qingyun glanced at the crowd around him, then grabbed the black and thin man next to him, and lined up behind the front team.

Qingyun ranks behind the thin black man.

The black and thin man in front of him touched his bruised and swollen face, and he bared his teeth in pain, feeling like a dream.He thought he was going to be beaten to death, but the man who beat him was lying on the ground.

When he thought of who was standing behind him, the black and thin man felt uncomfortable. He wanted to turn his head several times and say to the people behind him, "Master, can you change your position?"

He didn't have the courage to say it.

As soon as Qingyun left, Tian Duoliang made a 'bah' at the two of them on the ground, and immediately followed.

The team at the back just followed up and queued up. Everyone was very aware of current affairs, and no one jumped out to oppose the two Qingyun jumping in line.

Soon it was Qingyun's turn, he glanced down at the two or three mouthfuls of water in the bowl, picked up the bowl and drank it.

The man who sent the water looked at him blankly after seeing that he couldn't leave after drinking, and then shouted, "Next."

Qingyun opened the bamboo jar and handed it to the front, and suddenly grinned at the person who sent the water, "Brother, the old man in the family is too old and in poor health, so he didn't come to line up. Can you call me the water and I'll take it back?"

The young man who sent water stared, and was about to say "no" when the middle-aged man behind him came over and patted his shoulder. The man who sent water looked at the leader and said nothing.

The middle-aged man said to Qingyun, "Yes."

As soon as the man's voice fell, the crowd immediately churned.

Why is this young man so special?Not to mention drinking, but also want to take water away.Why can't they?

Of course, the refugees were not convinced and just whispered. They had seen the farce just now. This young man is not easy to mess with, and no one wants to mess with them.

The middle-aged man raised his hand and pressed down, and the crowd slowly quieted down.

"I know that everyone is unconvinced. There are two reasons for this. I will tell you."

The refugees looked at him to see what he could say.

"I saw what happened just now. Those two men beat people if they couldn't cut the line. So many of you saw it, and none of them helped. Only these two little brothers took action. It shows that they are good people.

Qingyun clicked his tongue and glanced at the middle-aged man. If she didn't know that she was taking advantage of the fire, she would have thought she was a chivalrous person?

Tian Duoliang scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled naively. It was the first time someone said he was a good person!
"There are a lot of old people who have fled the famine, not just the little brother. We sent water for a few days, and the little brother was the first to drink the water and wanted to bring water back to the old man to drink. It shows that the little brother is a filial son. Such a person Why don't I agree?"

 Baby you overwhelm my leg hair, didn't guess it right
(End of this chapter)

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