The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1000 [999] Full-time mother counterattack 7

Chapter 1000 [999] Full-time mother counterattack 7 (six thousand)
Although the community they live in is a resettlement community, the supporting facilities are fairly complete. They live on the tenth floor, the elevator room, a total of 33 floors. Standing on the tenth floor, you can actually see the hustle and bustle of the city, because it is The house is facing the street, so even if there are no firecrackers, the neon lights of the city will make the whole city extraordinarily dazzling.

Children usually don’t eat well at school, but now dinner is eaten at the employer’s house most of the time, and they will give them some food and oil if they have it. In fact, I really don’t spend much on living expenses. The family strictly abides by their duties, but sometimes the two old people take the initiative to put shrimp, meat and other good things for Wen Han to eat, which makes her very moved.

Zhang Qian's family should be regarded as a scholarly family, the old couple are retired professors, Zhang Qian is a well-known local business lawyer, Cai Yuan is an excellent head nurse at the Provincial People's Hospital, such a family is indeed rich, but no matter how she counts, she shouldn't If you can afford a villa of more than 3 square meters in the West District, the price of this house alone is 1200 million, right?
The West District is an area with low consumption in this city, with an average house price of 49, and because all the houses of the relocated households have been relocated in the past two years, there are a lot of houses, otherwise how could she afford to rent the [-] square meters? Yuan standard room?
It is said to be 49. There are many high-rise communal stalls, but it is actually only about [-] square meters, and the design is not very reasonable, wasting a lot of area. The house must not be bought, no matter how cheap it is.

Even if the old couple has a retirement salary, can they add up to [-]?Cai Yuan’s salary is high, [-] to [-] per month, but they earn hard money. The nurses are so tired. They run up and down every day. Even the head nurse has never been idle, so it is difficult for them to gain weight get up.

The biggest variable may be Zhang Qian, the victorious general in the commercial battlefield, maybe she underestimated the value of a lawyer?
Didn't you say it?A good lawyer's consultation fee is charged by the minute.

If you think about it this way, it is understandable that people can afford a villa.

In contrast, if I want to study in a normal school and earn thousands of dollars a month in the future, isn’t that too unpursuing?Is it because of the three-month vacation every year?
It seems that she has to think carefully about the major she is going to apply for. Since the liberal arts has been decided, she must be more cautious when choosing a major.


Even if there are only two people, there are no steps in the province during the Chinese New Year. Dumplings, steamed buns, fried rice cakes, meatballs, enemas and other snacks made in the north during the Chinese New Year, all of them can be cooked without missing a single one. You can eat three or four times at a time. The space is preserved, and you won’t feel bored. The child is always watching when she is busy. The mother and son have a very good atmosphere. Anyway, as long as the mother is around, even the air can be sweet.

Wen Han's birthday is on December 12. In other words, he is only three years old. If she hadn't looked at the household registration book, such a sensible child, she would have thought he was four years old. How could she have thought that he was only three years old, and he was sent by heaven to rescue him? Is this mother's angel?How can you be so sensible?

In Qi Qi's view, the mother and son's New Year's Eve is also the day of the New Year's Eve, because they have to leave relatives on the first day of the new year, but for them, where can they have relatives?
On the night of New Year's Eve, she used Alipay to transfer [-] yuan to each of Cai Yuan's two children, counting it as her wish.

Cai Yuan transferred 666 yuan to her for the New Year’s Eve. Seeing this amount, she was relieved. She was mainly worried that they would give too much and she would be under too much pressure. Now that they gave three sixes, she was not so stressed. After all, the year-end of [-] years ago is really too much for her.

What surprised her should be the original owner's parents, who each gave her a red envelope of [-] yuan.

"I wish my grandson grow up healthy and happy."

Parents in the family group also sent red envelopes, but she didn't grab them, and her brother and sister-in-law also @她, wishing her a happy new year. I haven't contacted her for half a year. The Chinese New Year is suddenly so lively. To be honest, she is not used to it.

But she had to accept it. After all, it was a red envelope given by her elders. She accepted it and expressed her gratitude.

The younger brother transferred 1000 yuan to herself, saying it was the child's lucky money, and she transferred [-] yuan to her younger brother. Except for New Year's greetings, there was nothing extra to say during the whole process.

They didn't ask where they were, and she didn't ask how the family was doing. Before 10 o'clock, the family group fell silent.

Qi Qi looked at the WeChat group on her mobile phone and suddenly felt that this was normal.

With a sneer, she closed her phone and stood by the window with her child, looking at the bustling traffic and dreamy neon lights outside the window, she held Wen Han in her arms and said softly.

"Xiaohan, believe in mom, sooner or later, she will buy you a home we share in a first-tier city."


On the morning of the first day of the new year, she and her child both got up late and slept until ten o'clock in the morning. After washing and eating, they turned on their mobile phone and checked, yo, the new year is starting, and there are quite a lot of orders. It's cold outside, but it's warm inside. , but she still went downstairs with the child and rode an electric scooter to run a takeaway.

"Xiaohan, we can't stay in a too comfortable place for too long, we have to toss and work hard, so that your enthusiasm can be mobilized. Right?"

The little guy was covered tightly by her, wearing a mask and hat, only two eyes were exposed, and he opened his eyes curiously to see the world that filled him with novelty.

He likes to follow her out to deliver food. Most of the food delivered on the first day of the new year are singles, and the food they can order is also a big restaurant that does not close during the Chinese New Year. Of course, the food delivery fee today is also high , Usually four yuan, today it may cost eight yuan.

The orders grabbed are not necessarily elevator rooms, and there are also many old-fashioned residential areas. This kind of order is fine if you encounter low-rise buildings, but if you encounter high-rise buildings, it may be troublesome.

Today's order is a bit special. It was ordered by my grandson for my grandfather who lives alone. The old man lives on the second floor. She called the employer for a long time but no one opened the door. Today is the first day of the new year, where can the elderly go?

When asked about her age, when she was already in her 70s, the alarm bells were already ringing in her mind. When she knocked on the opposite door and found out that he didn't go out yesterday, she was faintly worried, "I don't think something is right, I should call 120, 119,"

"Trouble you, I'm in Shanghai now, I'll go back as soon as I can book a ticket, please, call me immediately if you need anything,"

The boy's voice was trembling. Qi Qi was also a little nervous. The neighbors were also very scared and worried that the one who opened the lock could not be found. They could only call 119. 119 will be there in less than 15 minutes. He opened the door twice, and found the old man in the bathroom. Fortunately, the old man was still breathing, but he couldn’t yell out. Fortunately, there was heating in the house, so he didn’t freeze to death, but the condition was not very good, he seemed to have had a stroke After the 120 came over, it was judged that something must have happened in the toilet in the early morning. Fortunately, this takeaway was delivered at noon today. If not, I'm afraid it was...

Out of the boy's request, after she called to explain the situation, she took the child to the hospital while waiting for the boy to come back. The doctor already knew about the situation, and even took photos of the operation notice. She only dared to do it here after signing. She took a QR code for the boy and handed over the money for the hospital directly to the hospital.

Because she needs to stay here to deal with emergencies, she and her son only delivered two orders today and waited quietly at the door of the operating room.

The old man has only one daughter, and the daughter has only one son. A few years ago, the old man's daughter died in a car accident, and his son is still a college student. This year, he planned to come back with his father to visit the old man on the fifth and sixth day of the new year. Something went wrong.

Qi Qi sighed in her heart, if the old man just left, it would be fine, if he is paralyzed, who will take care of him in the future?What about medical bills?These are the most practical questions, but the grandson's tone is good, he should be a very well-educated person. When they talked on the phone, many people on the other end of the phone were busy making ideas, and they said they couldn't buy it. I will drive back when I get the ticket. I hope this old man who lives alone can get good care.

Several of the old man's neighbors came, and from what they said intermittently, it was the old man himself who didn't want to go to Shanghai, saying that this was his home, and he wanted to guard his own home. You can't go over and cause trouble for your grandson.

It's really pitiful to the parents of the world. Although a son-in-law is half a son, he still has his own parents to support. Even if they bought a house in Shanghai, there is no room for him in the house. After thinking twice, the old man still chooses to stay in his own home. Loneliness is certain, at least it won't make him feel uncomfortable.

The condition of the elderly should not be bad. Although this community is a bit old, it is a school district house. In the future, it can sell for 8000 yuan per square meter. Moreover, the elderly are retired cadres, and they also have a monthly salary of [-] yuan. I'm not confident enough, and I don't know how to live by myself.

The operation lasted from two or three o'clock in the afternoon until around ten o'clock in the evening. No matter how sensible the child was, she got impatient, making noises and crying. In the end, it was not easy for a doctor to see her, so she gave up her bed to them. Come out and let her put the child to sleep first.

At two o'clock in the morning, the old man entered the intensive care unit, and he might stay here for a few more days. He had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and the delay was too long. Whether he would wake up or not would depend on the situation, but hemiplegia is certain.

At five o'clock in the morning, her mobile phone rang in a hurry, and there was a running sound from the other end of the phone, "Second floor, intensive care unit."

The boy didn't come alone, and his father was also with him. From the moment his father came in, he shook hands with her to express his thanks, and he was quite polite and polite.

She took them to the doctor together, and in this spare time, she went to the doctor's office to pick up her child.

When she came out with the child in her arms, both father and son ran towards her at the same time, and the boy's grateful eyes turned red.

"Sister, I'm sorry for delaying you for so long and making you suffer here with your child. It's the New Year's Eve. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. This is a little love from my father and me. It's a red envelope for the child. You must To accept."

"No need, you are too polite. With the situation of the elderly, there are still many places to spend money in the future. Don't be so rude."

The man reached out and took the red envelope, and stuffed it directly into her hand, "You are welcome, big sister, as you should. As for the child's grandfather, we are considering transferring him to Shanghai. Don't worry, we won't ignore him, too. I am busy with work, my child is in school, and the old man is stubborn. If my wife was here, I would definitely not let him be so capricious. We have also communicated with the doctor just now. In the best case, there will be sequelae, and the worst may be Vegetative, but no matter what, there will be a beginning and an end, this red envelope, please be sure to accept it."

Qi Qi glanced at the man in surprise, inexplicably felt that his one-inch haircut looked a bit like a soldier, and he behaved vigorously in the world. He actually saw through her thoughts and explained so much that even his son couldn't help but look over.

Forced to do so, she accepted the red envelope, and the father and son sent her to the gate of the hospital and called a taxi for her: "Where are you going?"

Qi Qi thought that her electric car was still downstairs at the old man's house, and it was almost dawn today, so she told the driver about the old man's community.

Turning around to respond to the father and son: "My electric car is still in your grandfather's community. It's dawn. I'll take the children to eat and go home. Thank you."

The father and son hesitated to speak, and finally the father closed the taxi door, "Go slowly, I wish you and your child a happy new year."

Qi Qi nodded, "I also wish you a happy new year, and hope the old man recovers soon."

Watching Qi Qi leave, the middle-aged man sighed: "What kind of situation would allow a single mother to come out to deliver food on the first day of the new year?"

"Single mother? Dad, where did you see that?"

"If it's not a single parent, what kind of man would let his wife bring the child to deliver food on such a special day in such a cold day?"

The young man choked and sighed: "She is a good person."

For ordinary people, waiting for such a special day for such a long time would have long been impatient, but she was even worried that the father and son would abandon the old man.

The doctor also said just now that he cared about the elderly very much, and asked a lot of questions when he left the operating room. As two people who have never met before, it is indeed extraordinary that they can do this.

"Where's her cell phone number? Give it to me,"

The son was puzzled, and the middle-aged man explained: "Your grandfather followed us back to Shanghai, and the house is empty. Why don't you rent it to them? It's also a fate. By the way, I can help your grandfather look after the house."

The young man had an epiphany: "That's right, as far as her character is concerned, she is reliable, and she is better than grandpa's unreliable relatives. Dad, you are still thoughtful."

Qi Qi didn't expect to receive a call from the middle-aged man at noon that day.

"Hello, my name is Qi Heng, and my son's name is Qi Huan. I don't know if you are free at noon today. I would like to invite you to dinner. I have something to tell you."

"Mr. Qi, you don't have to be so polite,"

"Miss Qi, look, your surname is Qi, and our surname is Qi. Our two families are related. In the case of my father-in-law, he must follow us back to Shanghai. As soon as he leaves, the house at home will be vacant. I wonder if you Need it?"

Qi Qi was surprised, she didn't expect the other party to mean this, she said with an apologetic face.

"Thank you for your kindness, but Mr. Qi, I have just paid half a year's rent, and the place where I live is relatively close to the employer's house. It is also very convenient for children to go to school, so your house...,"

"Oh, you misunderstood us. We don't care about the rent. We just want to find someone to show the house to the elderly. As you know, their community is considered a well-known school district in this district. If you need it, we can help the children enter. Public kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools in the future are also possible,”

Qi Qi didn't expect that her new friendship would be rewarded with such sincere gratitude from the other party. To be honest, this kind of sincerity put too much pressure on her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qi, thank you for your kindness, I don't get rewarded for nothing, I really..., and my child and I don't have a fixed place to live, and we may not always stay in this city, you,"

"Then are you willing to go to Shanghai? The elderly also need to be taken care of, and we need to hire a nanny,"

Qi Qi helped her forehead in embarrassment: "Mr. Qi, I'm sorry..., I have no plans to leave for the time being." At least half a year later.

But she didn't intend to tell him about the specific situation, so the two of them had no choice but to hang up the phone politely.

What Qi Qi didn't expect was that when she hung up the phone, the other party added her WeChat, the reason.

"If you come to Shanghai in the future and need help, you can come to us."

The other party is really stubborn, but with little effort, they also gave a thank-you fee of 1000 yuan, which should complement each other. Who knows, alas, I also met such an unusual person. She doesn't have many friends anyway, so she Added friend.

Qi Qi didn't plan to go to university locally, subconsciously, she wanted to leave this province, the farther away from her ex-husband the better.

As for which city to go to in the future, she hadn't thought about it, but Shanghai, she hadn't even thought about it. She wanted a Shanghai hukou, tsk tsk, the difficulty was comparable to that of Beijing hukou, and she thought she didn't have that ability.

One day off in the second day of junior high school, from the third to sixth day of junior high school, we will continue to deliver food. Although the children in the seventh day of junior high school don’t start school, the employer’s family has to go to work. Now the children are having a good time, so everyone in Cai asked her to bring the children with her Going to work, based on this point, Qi Qi took the thousands of dollars worth of intestines that she specially fed to Zhang's family during the Chinese New Year as a New Year's gift.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the door, she received a red envelope from the second elder. She and the child both had it, 200 yuan each: "Congratulations at the door, good luck."

"This is a custom in my parents-in-law's hometown. You can take it, or they will be unhappy."

Seeing Qi Qi's embarrassment, Cai Yuan quickly explained, and Qi Qi quickly caught her, "Thank you uncle and aunt."

"Then what are you doing politely, come in quickly, it's so cold, hey, what did you bring?"

Qi Qi said embarrassingly: "This is the sausage I made for you. I don't know if you like it or not. There are two flavors: spiced and spicy."

"Ah, that's great. I like it. Why don't I like it? You've got a heart. I'll transfer the money to you."

"Sister Cai, you're gone again. This is my New Year's gift to your family. Let's stop mentioning the money. I'm sorry to mention it again."

"Ahaha, okay, okay, don't mention it, thank you, I will leave the family to you, I have to go to work quickly."

Cai Yuan yawned, her fair and sensible face was full of reluctance: "It's a pity that the holiday is over so soon."

After Cai Yuan left, the old man took the three children to play in the living room. Qi Qi changed into work clothes and cleaned the upstairs and downstairs of the house. Since she went to work at 06:30 in the morning, she cleaned everything in the house. Time to make lunch.

"Qi Qi, eat lightly these days, and eat too greasy during Chinese New Year."

"Okay, don't worry, I think so too."

Years ago, she built a simple plastic shed in the yard, and planted some wild vegetables in it, but they were still too small, and it was estimated that it would take another half a month to eat them.

A lot of Chinese cabbage and radishes were planted in the yard a few years ago, some of them were pickled to make Northeast sour cabbage, spicy cabbage, and spicy radish, and the other part was buried in the ground, and a cabbage was pulled out to remove the rotten outer layer The leaves are peeled off, and inside is a solid and white cabbage, which looks juicy.

"Wow...," Wen Han's cry came from the room. Qi Qi's heart skipped a beat when she heard the sound. Fragments of the full-length mirror, the old man and the old lady saw her coming, and hurriedly said: "Call 120."

Wen Han's face was cut in several places by the fragments of the mirror. Fortunately, his instinctive reaction blocked his eyes. If these fragments entered his eyes, the consequences would be unimaginable. How did it happen, she didn't have time to ask.

If it was in a room without heating, maybe it wouldn’t hit so hard. After all, they wear thick clothes, but their house has heating, and everyone wears autumn clothes and johns at home, so Wen Han’s head/face/arms / There are some abrasions and stab wounds on the calf, although the blood flow is scary, other places don't matter, the place near the corner of the eye is the most serious.

Because the eyelids are thin, the puncture is not light, and even if it recovers, it will leave scars.

Wen Han is in Cai Yuan's hospital, she came to the hospital with the child, and the old man still has to look after the two children at home, so when Cai Yuan saw Qi Qi, she was very sorry: "I'm sorry that Wen Han suffered such a serious injury. Injury, we will take responsibility,"

"Sister, don't be nervous. Although I didn't ask how it happened, no one wants to do this, right? Besides, when children play together, they will inevitably bump into each other. These are normal, and I never thought about it. Who is to be held accountable? Although the old man is nearby, their legs and feet are inconvenient, and it is inevitable that they will not react quickly. Fortunately, he is not in danger. I feel that as a mother, I did not consider the danger at home. It is my responsibility, and you do not need to blame yourself. "

"Qi Qi, you are so kind, don't worry, whether it is our responsibility or not, since it happened in my house, I must be responsible, so we will bear the child's medical expenses, I asked the doctor, the point in the corner of the eye My son may have scars, and I will take the responsibility for cosmetic surgery when I go back."

The first thing the two mothers think of is to solve the problem instead of blaming each other. In addition to the good relationship between the two families, it is more out of trust.

In the afternoon, the two children came to the ward in person and explained to Qi Qi what happened. It was nothing more than three children playing hide-and-seek. Zhang Qian’s daughter wanted to hide behind the mirror, but accidentally pushed the mirror. Wen Han was standing in front, and the accident just happened. ...

(End of this chapter)

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