The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 999 [998] Full-time mother counterattack 6

Chapter 999 [998] Full-time mother counterattack 6 (six thousand)
On the night of September 9th, she returned home after delivering food, and looked at WeChat. Her ex-husband still hadn’t sent any money, including her bank card number, and everything was checked. There was nothing. Qi Qi sneered, and washed the child to accompany him After falling asleep, she opened the previously saved recordings/wechat screenshots/court judgment and other relevant evidence, edited a video, and prepared to send it to her video account.

After all, she is also a broadcaster with [-] fans now, so she doesn't believe that relying on the power of the public can't cure him!
It's fine to abandon her. If he doesn't even pay his son's support, is he still a person?

Before posting, she left him a WeChat message: "You don't have to pay child support and court compensation. You just need to accompany me to the police station in my hometown and change the child's surname. I promise, from now on, How about not contacting you again?"

The WeChat reply was almost instant, but there were only a few short words: "You are dreaming!"

I don't know what these words refer to, child support is a dream?Or change your surname to dream?

Anyway, if that's the case, then she will keep these as evidence, in the future..., who may regret it!

At zero o'clock, the re-edited video was sent to the video account, and the copy is as follows.

"I sent this video not to ask for anything, but to use it as proof that it is imperative for me to change my child's surname in the future. Even if I can't do it right now, I will make you regret it sooner or later with just these few words. Lahei, we will never see each other again, and we will have nothing to do with each other!"

Before Qi Qi posted this video, she had already blocked all his contact information. From then on, she really didn't want to have anything to do with such a person.

I thought it was a video released in the early morning, and there was no traffic, so how could I have imagined it, but within half an hour, her messages and private messages flew around.

"Oh my God, it turns out that poor mother who was awarded a compensation of 5 yuan after three years of marriage is you, the podcaster? This is unbelievable."

"Upstairs, the compensation awarded by the court is the compensation awarded by the court. What can you do if they don't give it to you? Also, I don't think Bao Ma is pitiful. On the contrary, she is very lucky. At least when she was young, she realized her mistake and everything is still there. There is a chance of redemption, you see, after the divorce, doesn't she live a full life?"

"Your ex-husband is so heartless, shouldn't you review yourself?"


On any occasion, there is no shortage of vicious comments or gossip. Regarding these, Qi Qi has long learned to deal with them calmly. If you say what you say, I will do what you say. If I care about what you say, then indirectly prove it She jumped into those people's pits, not worth it.

Although the employer's family gave her a big vacation, how could she have the right to go out to play?She has already decided to take her son to deliver food. Part-time programmers don't have to live every day. To be able to receive 5000 yuan in extra money a month is already a gift from heaven for the mother and son.

Before going to bed, it is still the old rule to go into the space to review the knowledge points of high school. She ordered the textbooks online.

Because she has taken the college entrance examination many times, even if she didn't enter the school, she is sure to review the knowledge points. Although it is definitely not as effective as the teacher's learning, especially this is the college entrance examination in 2022, but with her strength, she can hit a second. Should have been enough.

Many teachers have said that learning in high school is all up to you, and the teacher just plays the role of a guide. A good learning method is better than rote memorization.

Tangyuan has experienced so many lives, but in fact, she has mastered the knowledge points of all subjects in high school very well. Even if the age is different, the textbooks are changed again and again, but the core content is so little, and she mastered these, which is equivalent to a I have just stepped into the gate of the university. As for the final result, it depends on my own luck.

Because I can get enough rest time in the space, I am quite energetic on the [-]th day.

Woke up at five or six in the morning, took my baby and started to deliver breakfast. After about nine o’clock, I was free and went to the driving school to register and paid about 3000 yuan. The third certificate.

On the same day, she downloaded the Keyi APP, and started to study the questions when she was free. She had to score more than 95 points before making an appointment for the exam. In order to shorten the time, she planned to come over to do the questions tomorrow.

Wen Han's peace of mind is what Qi Qi feels as a place of comfort when she is busy. She feels that the original owner taught the child very well. She is not very old, but she understands the mother's hard work. She sits in the takeaway frame on the pedal every day and looks at her mother. Laugh, occasionally a kind-hearted person gives him a small toy, and he will be happy for several days.

She has delivered food overtime several times. These are all caused by external reasons. She has offered compensation, but everyone has chosen five-star praise for the sake of her bringing children, so the world is still There are many good people.

If encountering bad weather, she will choose to play with her children at home instead of going out, because she has only one life, and she is Wen Han's only relative, so she must cherish the hard-won rebirth of the two of them.

From midnight to noon on November 300st, in twelve hours, the hit rate of her video reached more than [-] million, and the message also reached nearly [-]. Most of them were female netizens who felt the same way, filled with righteous indignation and complained, of course , There were also people who made things worse, saying that she didn't cook well, went to make jokes, and even male netizens attacked her personally. She chose to ignore these.

The ex-husband's phone number couldn't be reached, and she was also blocked by her ex-husband's relatives who could be blocked, but there were always people who slipped through the net and called her mobile phone to swear at her.

These people hit one, she recorded one, and then blocked them. They scolded them, but she didn't speak or respond. Anyway, she ignored them to the end.

That night, she received 23500 yuan on her bank card, with a bonus message: delete the video.

She logged into her online bank and transferred the money back intact: Impossible, not rare!
Maybe Wen Han did rely on her to take care of him before he was three years old, but after three years old, he only had a mother and no father.

She took the screenshot of his remittance, the screenshot of her return, and the above sentence, made a small video and released it.

[If it wasn't for the pressure from the Internet, would you give money?You won't, since you are not sincere, why should I care about this money? 】

【Without the help of you, the nominal father, my son can still grow up to be an adult】

The message area exploded again——

[You are right, what you said was so vicious at the beginning, if the video hadn't become popular, would he be willing to give money?Men, wives and children can change their lives, but women are different. Men can give up everything, but women...maybe only for this one child for the rest of their lives. 】

[Everyone has given you money, what else do you want?Don't think it's too much?Or do you feel that you give less and want more?Threat with this? 】

[Strongly urge the man to come out to speak in the comment area, not just listen to this woman's one-sided words, who knows if there is any hidden secret behind this? 】

[What else is there to hide?I was their former neighbor. This man had a relationship outside and brought him home. He was pregnant and came to the door. I hated the ugly one in front of me. After I got rich, I found a younger and more beautiful one.]


Regardless of whether these messages are true or not, they have nothing to do with Qi Qi.

However, after a few days of fermentation, it is a fact that the video has gained countless fans for her. It is only a few days to get over [-] fans.

What more fans pay attention to is [I want to see how hypocritical you are, I hope you will not let me down]

It's a pity that this kind of person searched all of her videos, but couldn't find any videos that could leak her identity information, either teaching cooking, or recording her reviewing high school knowledge points, or videos of her delivering food. In short, the mother and son's No information was revealed.

In the end, I could only go to the learning video and leave a message [wait for the face-slapping moment].

Facing such persistent netizens, besides ignoring them, Qi Qi actually worked harder than usual, in her own words.

Originally, I just wanted to take the second exam, but you said that, if I don’t get into a good school, I’m embarrassed to announce the good news, right?
If it took five or six hours to study before, after being attacked by these vicious messages, she has extended it to ten to twelve hours.

There were seven days during the National Day holiday, and she earned a total of less than 400 yuan during these seven days, an average of less than 60 yuan per day.

There is no part-time job to do during the holidays. After November, the remaining 1000 yuan will arrive in the account, and I will save 5000 yuan. It was originally 1000 yuan, but she and her son have spent almost [-] yuan on their living expenses during the recent period. Yuan.

During the seven-day vacation, I went to the employer's house twice to clean the house, clean the fish tank, and water the garden. The driving school successfully made an appointment to take the subject one exam on the morning of the 8th. Because I had to leave early in the morning, I had to ask Cai Yuan for leave again. She was taking subject one, so she agreed without saying a word.

"It's okay, take the exam well. I have work this afternoon, and I'm at home in the morning. I'll cook this meal today. If you have to leave early, you can send your child to me first, and I'll send you to school."

During the summer vacation, Wen Han came to Zhang's house several times. Cai Yuan was so talkative because Qi Qi didn't care about many things. After all, working overtime is too common in her kind of job, but everyone said that she picked up her children. Come here, take care of the elderly and children and wait for them to come back before leaving, and never ask for any overtime pay.

So when Qi Qi has something to do, Cai Yuan will do her best to help. Doesn't the word 'sincerity' be the only way to get along with each other?
After the subject test in the morning, I arrived at the driving school around 10 o'clock. When I got home at 30:04, it happened to be the time to pick up the boss of the first grade. When I picked up the boss, I bought a la carte. After I came back, the old man played with the child and did not delay cooking and serving. The elderly and children have to take a lunch break after eating, and they have to send their children to school at around 30:[-] in the afternoon. After less than two hours, they go to interest classes after school at [-]:[-]. In the middle, they have to go to the kindergarten of Wen Han and Miss Zhang’s family. Pick them up from school, and then go to pick up the young master of Zhang's family together, and finally return to Zhang's house at about six or seven o'clock.

Then prepare dinner for the children. It was about eight or nine o'clock. Zhang Qian and his wife came back one after the other. This is not the time to take the old man to see a doctor. It would take a day to go to the hospital. Later, Cai Yuan considered this and asked Qi Qi to take care of the child. The old man took her with her when she was on night shift.

Originally, it was said that there is no need to worry about school leaving at six o’clock, but every time it can be tossed until eight or nine o’clock, not to mention the delay in delivering food, the interaction time between her and her son has also been shortened a lot, although she can have a meal at Zhang’s house Meals, their family often gives some clothes, toys, books that the children don’t wear, and even the passwords for the early education classes (online classes) they have attended will be given to Qi Qi to benefit Wen Han, but Qi Qi still feels that she She will work for another year at most, and when she has saved enough tuition and living expenses, she will give her child a normal home.

On the ex-husband's side, since she sent the next day's video, returned the money to him, and severed all ties with him, there has been no movement.

Her life returns to the cycle of her employer's home, school, kitchen, training institution, food delivery, and part-time jobs.

It was getting colder that day, and Qi Qi got the old clothes that Sister Cai gave her and her children. Although they were old, the quality was very good, and Qi Qi didn't dislike them. After all, it costs a lot of money to buy clothes all year round. The clothes were all new and very clean. She had no reason to dislike them and accepted them all as they were ordered.

There were few part-time jobs in October, and I only got 10 yuan in the end. The live video broadcast had more than 2000 fans, and there were rewards and traffic for the live broadcast. Even if I didn’t participate in the delivery, I got 300 yuan. She saved 11000 yuan, and after deducting daily living expenses, she saved 25000 yuan.

In October, when I was free to pick up and drop off my children every day, I still haven’t forgotten to go to the driving school to study subject two. Because of my proficient skills, I made an appointment for subject two after two weeks of learning, and passed the test successfully. Subject three is faster, and I can make an appointment for a test within a week. , At the end of October, I successfully passed the third subject, and passed all of them.

For the road test, she is not stage-frightened at all. Others take two to three months or even four months to get a driver's license, but it took her more than a month. The last subject four was obtained on November 11rd, and the fourth test was completed. She got her driver's license, and when she told Cai Yuan the good news, she congratulated her and said that she was very capable, because Cai Yuan took the exam for four months before getting her driver's license. Work is too busy.

With a driver's license, it is much more convenient to pick up and drop off the children. There is a pineapple nanny car at home, and it is very convenient to pick up and drop off the children when shopping for vegetables.

In mid-November, heating was provided in the north. Her house was more than 11 square meters, and the heating fee for four months was less than 40 yuan. She paid 1000 yuan, just to give the child a comfortable environment.

"You can use this car, you can drive it home, it will be much more convenient for you to go back and forth,"

Qi Qi rejected Cai Yuan's kindness: "No need for Sister Cai, I have an electric car, it's very convenient."

The car can shelter from the wind and rain, and it is safe. It is a good thing, but it is not her own. She will not occupy it outside of working hours.

At the beginning of December, she paid half a year's rent in one lump sum, that is to say, the rent will be 12 yuan until the end of June next year.

After deducting rent, living expenses, heating expenses and other messy expenses, the expenses from November to early December were 11 yuan, and I earned 12 yuan in November. After deducting the expenses, I saved a total of 1 yuan.

In December, because programmers worked overtime and had a lot of work at the end of the year, her December salary plus part-time jobs and video income exceeded 12 yuan for the first time.

After New Year's Day, she had already saved 5 yuan in savings, and there were only more than 20 days left before the Chinese New Year.

The new year is over, although she will not go home, but she feels that this opportunity is rare, so she can take advantage of this time to take the child out for a walk.

After the lunar new year passed on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, Cai Yuan was embarrassed to let Qi Qi continue guarding their house, and gave Qi Qi a big red envelope of 2 yuan at once.

Qi Qi was stunned: "No, Sister Cai, this, this is too much, how can I be ashamed?"

"You deserve it. You've been busy with our family for the past six months. Look at how well it's taken care of inside and out. I don't know how many people praise you. You've worked hard, and you don't even need overtime pay. Why don't I give you a big package at the end of the year, which of course also includes your salary for this month. I know your family is out of town, so I will give you a few days off in advance, and you can take your children to see where you want to go. I am willing to spend money and wish you a happy new year in advance."

To be honest, it is not easy to find a good employer, and it is not easy for them to meet a loyal and reliable nanny like her. They accommodate each other, and they have achieved each other. Twenty thousand is really a lot, especially for her alone. With a monthly salary of [-], it was really not easy to meet such a good family during the period of underestimation.

This is much better than going to work in hotels, restaurants, or companies.

In the 1 days of January, the year-end bonus salary added up to 20, and she also earned 15 from her part-time job. The takeaway this month is relatively small, only a few hundred yuan, but her video platform fans have exceeded 1000, and there are more than 5 every month. The income of 77000 yuan is about [-] yuan. After deducting the daily income, there are [-] yuan left, plus the previous [-] yuan, a total of [-] yuan.

Years ago, I transferred [-] to my father, [[-] is the repayment, [-] is the interest for you and the annual fee for the New Year, I wish you and your family a happy new year]

Without too much sensationalism, Qi Qi saved [-] yuan for financial management, and the remaining [-] yuan was for her and her son's New Year's expenses.

Looking back on the past half a year, she was busy with fulfillment. Although it was difficult to bring a child, she exchanged her sincerity for her sincerity. The people around her were not all good people, but at least no one made it difficult for them. I am grateful to meet them, and also Thank you for your hard work.

She hasn't calculated how much money she has earned this year, but she can save 6 yuan, which is beyond her imagination. She will take the college entrance examination in June next year. The son's tuition fee and the living expenses of the two are saved together. After entering school in the second half of the year, I can only rely on holidays, winter and summer vacations to save money.

Her first goal has been accomplished, her father's money has been repaid, and her next goal, to be admitted to university, is imminent.

Where can I spend 2000 yuan for Chinese New Year?I couldn't go far away, so I chose a few scenic spots nearby. Anyway, as long as the mother and son are together, it doesn't matter where they go. The important thing is that they can eat, drink, and go shopping.

She started to buy new year's goods after New Year's Day. With space, their family can't even use the refrigerator, not only to keep fresh, but also not expensive.

Since becoming a nanny, she always remembers where there are cheap dishes and which supermarkets offer discounts.

Ms. Cai bought her own food at first, but later she found out that the quality and cheaper vegetables she bought occasionally were better and cheaper, so she resolutely handed over the power of buying food at home.

Combining the usual eating and drinking, and going to the vegetable market from time to time, you can roughly guess whether Qi Qi is greedy for ink.

In fact, Qi Qi's character is here. They believed in her character, and naturally learned to let go.

The mother and son traveled within the province for three days, spending 800 yuan to play from the 24th to the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. After returning home, they didn't want to go anywhere.

Wen Han walks a lot, his legs hurt, and he also walks with Qi Qi on weekdays, but he still lacks exercise.

Unlike Qi Qi, who runs around every day, not only has she lost 100 catties, but her body has also become much stronger. The effect of wind and sun is quite good, and it was a few degrees darker just after summer. This is winter wear After thickening, it was whitened again.

Otherwise, it is said that people who are white can easily return to white after tanning. Looking at it now, it is absolutely true.

She transferred [-] to her father, and the money was collected at that time, but the news was not sent until two days later.

"Come back for Chinese New Year?"

"It's okay, don't post random videos."

"Where are you nannying now? How are you and the baby?"

"It's not easy to live by yourself. Don't give us money. We will accept the money, or your sister-in-law will not be happy."

Between the lines, it seemed that her parents cared for her, but that was for the original owner, she was not the original owner, and she didn't feel anything.

In the future, she will give 5000 yuan every year as a tribute to them, and she doesn't want to say anything about the rest.

So the final reply was only one line [I'm fine, don't read, please take care of yourself, I will go back to see you when I have time. 】

After much deliberation, the old man still sent a voice: "Why don't you pay compensation and child support? Are you stupid? You don't know that he has remarried, right? I heard that the woman's family has a little money. They met through business together. Qiqi, that's the money he should give, don't be stupid."

After this voice, Qi Qi didn't reply, because she knew that there was no way to explain this matter, but it would become darker and darker, meaningless.

Those who understand her don't need to say anything, they can know what she thinks, and those who don't understand her will say that she doesn't know how to flatter her, don't know how to borrow a donkey, and don't know that a man's face cannot be erased. I don't know how I will regret it in the future.

Her parents are both traditional rural people. Although she is not married far away, she is not close either. Presumably, as long as there are gossips, people with good things will reach their ears. Qi Qi knows that this is the nature of human gossip. Since she can't change it, then don't change it. Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, she can't hear or see, and they won't stand in front of her and attack her personally. As for the in-laws, hehe, her son is promising. Naturally, she said whatever she wanted, did she think that she would be afraid?
No, sooner or later she, Qi Qi, will stand up and become the lord. When that day comes, it's uncertain who will laugh at whom!

(End of this chapter)

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