The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1307 [1306] The story of the buried woman farming 34

Chapter 1307 [1306] The story of the buried female farming 34 (5000)

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the wild grapes to flood the mountains. Last year, ten altars were brewed, and two were kept outside, and the rest were sealed in the space. Early this year, Uncle Wei thought about it. He also asked Wei Ying to buy back the wine jar, which clearly means that he didn't drink enough last year!

Thinking about it, last year there were only two jugs of wine left. The two of them drank one jug in winter, and half a jug after the new year. I just put the jar back together, and I went up the mountain from time to time to see if the grapes were purple or sweet. It was really hard to put my heart into it.

So looking at this year's situation, she wants to secretly hide a few jars, but she may not be able to, but she can bury half of them in the ground, and save some every year, and the older they get, the better they will taste.

Carrying grapes down the mountain hardly required her to do it. Except for Uncle Wei leading Xiaomang and Liu Er up and down every day, Xiangzi and Wei Ying, who occasionally went home, would stay at home for two or three days and carry them down the mountain. They didn't return to the county seat until they had enough ten jars.

When there are more grapes, more sugar is needed, so she also planted two batches of beets and sugar cane, and boiled a lot of sucrose.

The grapes are placed in the cellar one month before they are brewed, and after one month there are no major problems, they will be wrapped in mud and sealed in the cellar. Of course, they can also be buried in the ground, whichever is fine.

Before brewing grapes, she also brewed two jars of mulberry wine, because mulberries come down earlier than grapes. In April/May, this mulberry wine was brewed, but Uncle Wei had never drunk this kind of wine before. , so I can't remember it. After she brewed it, she still put it in the cellar and waited for the natural fermentation to the best time before taking it out for tasting.

At the beginning of August, cucumbers, beans, and eggplants were not picked up very much, but peppers were still in bunches, which looked very rare.

After eradicating unrecoverable vegetables, they planted sesame seeds, and then planted rapeseed after the sesame seeds were harvested, so that they could be picked up again, ensuring that their family would have oil all year round.

Of course, it's just enough for their own food. If they want to eat the noodle stalls in Gu's main city, it's probably not enough, and they have to buy it at their own expense.

But they have donkey carts, and they can collect a lot of raw materials by walking around the countryside, and then take them to the oil mill in the city to squeeze oil. You still have to use meat oil for noodles, and you can choose vegetable oil and vegetable oil for cooling in summer. Sesame sauce, and the wonton stew in the morning also needs the embellishment of sesame oil.

Before August [-]th, Xiangzi learned moon cakes from her at home for a while, and after returning to the city, the two brothers began to think about making moon cakes for sale.

Their method is very simple. Everyone who comes to eat will cut half a piece of mooncake for them to taste. If they need it, they can directly order and buy it. too much.

Because the materials used to make moon cakes have to be authentic, such as peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, and sugar oil, are all precious things, so they are more expensive to sell.

People who eat it think it is delicious, so they will ask the price, and if they can accept it, they will buy it, and if they cannot accept it, no one will force it. However, Xiangzi still introduces the raw materials he uses very carefully.

Those who often eat their noodles know that they also sell snacks and dolls. With the good reputation in front of them, is there any reason why mooncakes cannot be sold?

So this month's profit will definitely double.

Last year, I didn't have time to make persimmon vinegar. This year, when the persimmons are ripe, I let Uncle Wei and Xiaomang go to the mountain to pick persimmons early.

There are quite a lot of persimmon trees in the mountains. Not only can you make persimmon vinegar, but you can also make persimmon cakes. Anyway, whenever you have time, you can go up the mountain. She will occasionally go up to help, and take the opportunity to transfer to the space. After falling, it will grow naturally mature, reddish and soft. If you pick it again, not only the color is beautiful, but the taste is also excellent.

Now the persimmons they picked are still hard and astringent.

It's not too difficult to make persimmon vinegar, rice vinegar is already made, this is just a change of raw materials.

Ripe fresh persimmons are picked off, washed with clean water, dried in the shade in a dust-free and pollution-free environment, and then the persimmon stalks are removed.

Cotton yarn is scalded with boiling water for disinfection, and tanks and bamboo baskets are rinsed with boiling water when disinfecting.

After the vat and bamboo basket are sterilized and dried, use cotton yarn to line the bottom of the bamboo basket with one or two layers, and then use cloth to line the inner circumference of the bamboo basket with a layer, and then the material can be loaded.

After loading the material, cover it with cotton gauze, and finally cover the whole tank with a dustproof bamboo cover.

Keep it in a place free from pollution and mosquitoes.

After six to nine months of natural fermentation, the persimmon water poured out of the tank is the stock solution of persimmon vinegar.

Don't touch it for two months. When you can smell the sour smell of vinegar, take down the bamboo basket and see if there is a milky white translucent layer on the persimmon water in the tank. It is a vinegar coat. If there is, it proves successful. This is the early fermentation.

But not too sour and sweet.

The color is as transparent as red wine.

The key is the next step, post-fermentation.That is to make aged vinegar.

Aged vinegar made in this way can be stored for several years.

Use a wooden spoon to pour the stock solution of persimmon vinegar into a sterilized bottle, pack it tightly, and dig a pit below one meter in the shade to bury it.

This is the post-fermentation, digging as you use it, it's as simple as that.

The color of persimmon vinegar made from fully ripe persimmons is as transparent as red wine, while the color of persimmon vinegar made from immature persimmons is blue (it can be as transparent as red wine after post-fermentation). deep.

But there are deposits, which is normal.

In any case, this year’s rush can be regarded as taking these wild persimmons home. Except for the persimmon vinegar, the rest are buried in straw in the cellar to let them mature naturally, and you can take them as you like.

It is also easy to make persimmons. After peeling, the skin and stalks of the persimmons must be kept for later use.

Peeled persimmons should be scalded with boiling water to avoid mold.

After that, put it in a bamboo drying basket and take it out to dry. It doesn’t matter if it’s cloudy.

After drying for a few days, pinching again, the second time is stronger than the first time.

After a few more days in the sun, spread one layer of persimmon skin and one layer of persimmons into the basket, stack them well, and then put them in a ventilated place. After more than ten days, the frost will be able to hang, which is considered done.

This dried persimmon can be eaten on weekdays, and can also be used as an ingredient in bean pies in winter, so if they can pick more, she asks them to pick more.

When San'er was one year and eight days old, they were eating, and he was walking along the stone table, but suddenly he walked towards her.

At that time, her tears of surprise were about to flow out. Uncle Wei and the others applauded Cui Yusheng after he walked to her side to celebrate Cui Yusheng. It was only after she got her household registration certificate that she knew that Cui Xiang had given the child her surname long ago.

It is said that in order to adopt the Bai surname, they gave the person who applied for the household registration twenty Wen coins!
The kid didn't say anything, but she was moved when she accidentally took out her household registration card to look at it.

Bai Yusheng, let alone, this surname and such a name quite match!

There are many wild fruit trees on the mountain, as long as you are willing to look for them, they are everywhere, such as wild apples, dates, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pine cones, as long as you are not afraid of hardship and wander around in the mountains, there are actually many good things to go Yes, many of them are hidden in the deep mountains, and the nearby ones are almost made up by the people at the foot of the mountain. If you want to eat again, you have to go to the deep mountains, because these mountains are rolling and very big. What they eat now The location is just the tip of the iceberg.

After August 20th, they stopped selling cold condiments, and replaced them with noodles and wonton stew. Occasionally, they would make dumplings and deep-fry vegetables. In short, they can do whatever they think of, a small noodle stall, The location is not big, but the monthly income has reached 30 taels, and in the month of August [-]th, it even reached a profit of [-] taels.

The two brothers work in full swing every day, and they are not afraid of hardships, and they will not feel pain in front of the stove under the scorching sun and sweating profusely. Instead, they will feel that the task on their shoulders is heavy. Live a happy life.

Their thinking is very pure, without any long-term goals, but like a small bridge and flowing water, it is simple and distant.

This summer, there were not too many heavy rains, but there was a lot of light rain, so they harvested a lot of dried wild mushrooms.

After autumn, a rain brought a cold, after San'erhui left, she became more and more attached to her, and she followed wherever she went.

After harvesting a batch of medicinal herbs, another batch is planted. This batch is about the same maturity as wheat, and it will mature around May next year.

The two wastelands she opened were previously planted with beans, and when they matured in half a month, she would directly plant rapeseed.

This time when Wei Ying came back, he not only brought back new fabrics, but also bought more than [-] catties of cotton for his family to buy a pair of thin cotton coats.

Last year's ones could still be worn, and this year she added another one. Seeing that the amount of cotton wasn't enough, she planted two more crops in the space, adding up to [-] catties.

Just use the extra to make a sleeping bag for the little guy, so as to save the time of kicking the quilt at night.

After one year old, the child basically stopped drinking milk at night. Give him a whole bowl before going to bed, pee once at night, and basically sleep until dawn.

And he can have the awareness of this, and he will tell her when he wants to pee, he is really a caring and good boy.

Of course, there were also times when she was too sleepy and wet the bed. Fortunately, there were many small quilts prepared for him, and her big quilt was not damaged by urine.

Since the child was born, he could not call his father and mother, and he was called his sister and brother all day long. Although the pronunciation was not very accurate, he could understand it.

When it was just the two of them, she would secretly feed him fruits such as bananas and strawberries in the space, and sometimes a small bowl of cheese would make him happy for a long time. She was a child who was easy to satisfy.

The boy's mouth and mouth are stupid. Although it's not too late to walk, the pronunciation is still not clear. Fortunately, people who are familiar with him can understand it.

Before the frost, almost everything in the field was taken home, including the radishes and cabbage grown in the yard.

As soon as the fresh radishes and cabbage were received, they started busy making dried radish and spicy cabbage and sour cabbage again, until the official winter.

Of course, all the dishes that can’t be eaten this summer are also dried and made into dried plums or various dried vegetables, just waiting to eat iron pot stews when there are no vegetables in winter!

Their family has never sold eggs. She will taste the eggs that she can't finish and make them into eggs. But that thing can't be eaten too much, so I still eat fresh food every day. I occasionally make dumplings and steam a chicken cake for my children. Ah, just saving up day after day, the number of wild eggs in the space has reached about [-]. As for the quail eggs, there are even more.

The advantage of having more is that occasionally she marinates a big pot, stews it with meat, tofu skin, tea leaves and other seasonings, then pours sesame sauce into the biscuits, oh, the taste of the tiger skin egg is so delicious up.

Because she has to come to such a pot from time to time, no one has ever doubted, and no one has thought that she can still save so many supplies in her space.

Bai He couldn't explain why she was able to save so much, haha.

Anyway, now the noodle stalls are bought in the village, and there is no need to bring them to the city. Sometimes they put them on, and they also unload them. I am afraid they will not be willing to eat at home. If they come and go, they can be saved. up?

After entering the twelfth lunar month, the two brothers completely closed their stalls and quit. One is that there are many fewer people after the cold weather. I also specially ordered a pig. With this pig, I will go to the mountains to catch some fish when I go back. This winter is guaranteed.

Naturally, the dairy goats will also be taken home.

The guy who set up the stall was locked in the old house of the Cui family.

All the leftover supplies of rice, flour, oil were transported home twice, because the strength of the donkey was placed there, and it was both sheep and pigs, so it would definitely have to be turned around two or three times.

When I got home and made an inventory, the two brothers split half to one. This year, Baihe’s family saved about 800 taels. The batch of medicines were sold at a price of 500 taels. The income is 100 taels, a total of 200 taels.

She took out 100 taels and returned it to Wei Ying, because he had paid for her alchemy furnace, so she would definitely have to pay it back if she had the money, but in the end, she just didn't want it.

"Why are you being polite to me? What's yours is yours, and what's mine is yours. I'll be sad if we distinguish it so clearly. Besides, I wouldn't be able to earn the 200 taels of silver without you."

Wei Ying has now saved more than 400 taels of silver. He originally had 500 taels, but he paid 100 taels in advance for Baihe, and there are still 400 taels left.

With this amount of money, they could already be considered the richest man in the village, no, it should be said that they are the richest man in Qingcheng Mountain.

But they are all low-key, even though they made money in the city and bought a pig home, their daily dress is the same as before.

Xiangzi didn't keep a penny and turned it all in. Bai He intended to give him a part so that he could save money to marry a wife, but the child was sincere and insisted on letting her take care of it.

Bai He didn't insist anymore. Anyway, he will have a suitable partner in the future, and she will have to work hard to find out, so it is understandable for her to keep the money.

But Liu Er earned the few taels of silver, she said she would not take anything, only two or three taels a year, it's not enough for poor people, she can't let go of that.

The donkey came back, and there was another milk sheep, so the demand for grass was even higher. Fortunately, she had space, but she only fed the good one to their family, and the other still needed hay. It was not because he was partial, but because he was worried about his appetite If it grows up, I will feed it when I go to the city in the future. If it doesn't eat, won't it affect my business?

Fortunately, there are still a lot of hay in the mountains, which can be harvested at any time, and a lot of them are stored at home. Sometimes I find it troublesome, so I just take them up the mountain to eat.

When Wei Ying came back this time, he bought her a bracelet, a face mask, a gold hairpin, a jade hairpin, and the ones he had given before, at least 50 taels of silver.

No, after lunch, the sun was good, she led the sheep out, and helped San'er to sit on it. The little guy was so happy that he kept kicking his legs, and she turned to Liu who was washing the dishes. Er confessed: "I'll take it into the mountains to digest it!"

Unexpectedly, after walking for only 5 minutes, Wei Ying came out leading the donkey and another sheep, and he could catch up with her in two steps.

Seeing his impatient look, Bai He felt it was funny: "Since when have you been so clingy?"

"Our relationship hasn't made much progress. I'm anxious. Of course I don't want to let go of any chance to be alone with you."

His eyes were too hot, which made Bai He a little uncomfortable. After all, among all kinds of people, no one had ever stared at her so boldly.

He is already an exception. Although he is not good at words and does not understand romance, at least he will bring her a gift every time he comes back. Although he does not know what will happen after marriage, but from the current observation, he is not a person who values ​​money very much. I also believe that I will take care of this family with my heart in the future, and naturally, I will not be so strict with him.

"I thought you were used to seeing all kinds of women in the city, and you would look down on me, a village woman in the mountains."

"What are you talking about? How can you not be as good as those women? You don't know how good you are. You can read literature and medicine, cook and embroider. Even a lady is nothing more than that. They can't match you at all. Besides, there are very few unmarried women who come to eat at our noodle stall. Most of them are married women, old people and children. But to be honest, some people have inquired about our brothers, but we rejected them because we have a marriage at home. .”

Bai He frowned: "Refused? Why did you refuse? It's time for Xiangzi to talk about marriage."

"You haven't married yet, why is he panicking? There are so many good girls. Just the neighbors in the past are enough for him to pick up his eyes. You don't know how good his business is now. You know that he opened a noodle stall, and the family As the days get better and better, those neighbors who looked down on him before are all vying to get their daughters to try their best to get close to Xiangzi, don't worry, you don't have to worry about him not being able to find a wife."

Bai He raised his eyebrows, "These people are really quick to see the wind, Xiangzi can say, there are almost no neighbors who think highly of their family, even those who donate money, it's because of his mother's face, as for His unreliable father doesn't have half a cent of face. Xiangzi has repaid all the kindness, so naturally he won't get involved with them again, but you are right, Xiangzi has learned a craft now, and there are indeed more It’s a chance to meet each other. What about you, shouldn’t you also have more opportunities to choose better people? Doesn’t it feel a bit boring to always hang on my tree?”

 The last day of April, the month is over again.Happy May Day holiday. Although I can't go anywhere, I still hope that everyone is happy and healthy every day. I wish all my reading treasures happiness and health, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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