The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1308 [1307] The story of the buried woman farming 35

Chapter 1308 [1307] The story of the buried female farming 35 (5100)

As soon as Wei Ying heard this, his desire to survive burst out.

"You can't see your own excellence, can you? Do you need me to list your excellence for you one by one? Don't worry, I will stay under your tree for the rest of my life, the kind that is willing."

Such greasy words should logically be disgusting, but Bai He just curled her lips: "You know what to do!"

The corner of Wei Ying's lips curled up, and he quickly chased after him. The two of them found a place, tied the donkey and the sheep, and came down to play with the three sons in their arms.

San'er squatted on the ground and dug the soil with a branch, while Bai He was watching, Wei Ying simply pulled her to sit on the nearby rock.

"I lost my mother when I was as old as you. I didn't know how to cherish when my mother was there. Only when my mother was gone did I know that this family was missing her. It was no different from being separated. It was not until you appeared that we father and son The lives of the two have hope."

Bai He felt uncomfortable listening to these words: "I co-authored it because I can cook, which makes you feel hopeful in life? What do you think of us women? Old mothers? Knowing how to cook and make clothes makes you feel Is it time to start a family?"

When Wei Ying heard that this meant being annoyed, he quickly explained: "No, don't worry, why would I have such thoughts? My father and I do all kinds of dirty work. We are not afraid of work, but Can't do it, can't you? Absolutely don't mean to treat women as human beings, don't misinterpret what I mean. "

Bai He dismissed it, "If you say this now, who will know in the future? Women, after you get married and have children, you really don't have any confidence to leave. After serving the old, you have to serve the young, a child." You can keep her by your side for a lifetime. Especially for women who have no financial resources, they count on their husbands when they are young, and their sons when they are old. "

Wei Ying was surprised by her words: "Why do you have such an idea? Shouldn't husband and wife be of the same mind? Don't you have a boy and a girl? You can't see how we get along, how could I treat you like that? And you?"

Bai He sighed, and slowly shook her head: "I'm not just talking about you, but just expressing my position. Even if I marry you in the future, I won't be your accessory. I'm an individual. , I have an independent personality and freedom, and I have contributed money and effort to this family, so you will never want to use yourself as the pillar of this family to blackmail me into doing things I don't like to do."

Wei Ying felt more and more that there was a certain gap between himself and Bai He, why couldn't he understand many words and words?What was the child's original family environment that made her feel so much emotion and fear?
He pursed his lips, and slowly stretched out his hand to cover the hand on her knee. When the big hand wrapped around the small hand, she looked up at him, her eyes met, Wei Ying was serious and sincere. Look her in the eyes sincerely and say.

"If you entrust yourself to me, you can rest assured that I am not the kind of heartless man. The men in our Wei family are reliable men who will not bully women, let alone beat women, and will do what they say. You put it in the palm of your hand and you can see my father. My mother has been away for so many years. It’s not that no one introduced him to him, but my father misses the past and never looks for it. I'm a little angry, and I'm worried that if I remarry and have younger brothers and sisters in the future, they will be biased and not toward me, so you should believe me, this kind of thing is up to you, I will definitely treat you well, you have to believe me .”

Weicheng is indeed a nostalgic person. During the Ching Ming Festival, she even made sacrifices for Weicheng. She took Liu'er, Xiaomang, and San'er to pay homage to Aunt Wei. Grass, while telling the changes of this year, it is like gossip, real and touching.

She never asked about the past of the Wei family, and Wei Ying never asked about her background. No matter what they used to do, at least the household registration they have now is legal, so she is willing to believe what this man says, but she doesn't. will change your original intention.

"I believe you, but I don't want to get married so early, if you are willing to wait,"

"I am willing. Anyway, at this age, there is no difference between a few years earlier and a few years later. I just took advantage of these few years to save more money and buy you a big house in the county town."

"I don't want a big house, I want land. After you make money, buy a farm outside the city. I like that kind of life. As for the life in the city, I don't yearn for it."

Buy land?

This Wei Ying really didn't think about it, but after she mentioned it, it is indeed very necessary. Both of them have no land now, and they have to open up wasteland to plant some medicinal materials, which is really wronged by my daughter-in-law.

"You're right. As farmers, we should have our own land. Okay, I'll go to inquire about the prices outside the city when I turn around, and try my best to make you a landowner as soon as possible. From now on, whether it's farming or growing medicine, I will give you my own land." Allows you to achieve free reign."

Bai He was very satisfied with his arrangement, "Okay, then I'll just wait for you to give me a dowry gift, and I won't do it for less than [-] mu of land."

Wei Ying's lips twitched, "Actually, you can go even higher. Now the price of an acre of good land ranges from three to five taels, and the highest is five taels. Twenty mu is only 100 taels. It can help you realize it now, so you can go ahead and talk about it, as for me, I will go to the city after the spring of next year and find a broker to inquire about it for us, try to buy a big one at a time, and save money in the future It’s changed, how about this?”

Bai He was still on the fringes of prices in this era and didn't know much about them, so he was a little surprised when he heard that the price of fertile land was only three to five taels.

"I thought the good land would have to be sold for ten taels of silver."

"You are talking about the area in the south of the Yangtze River. The good land over there is indeed at this price. Our side is not in the south of the Yangtze River. No one wants one tael of silver per mu of dry land. Five taels of good land are top-notch good fields, and we It's very backward here, and it's not a prefectural city, and I think the other party will export it five or two times, but I haven't inquired about it in detail, and it won't be too late for us to discuss it after we have inquired."

When Bai He heard this, she nodded. In fact, it's not all good for her to stay at home, at least she is very ignorant of the concept of money in this era.

She remembered that there was a shortage of silver in ancient my country, and some ancient records showed that the monetary value of one tael of silver was quite high.

Before the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, one tael of silver was equal to more than 200 coins, and after Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, one tael of silver was equal to more than 3000 coins.

In the Ming Dynasty, one tael of silver was enough for a commoner to live for a year, so Qi Jiguang's soldiers were only paid three cents of silver a day, which was less than one tael a month.

During the Wanli period, the annual revenue of the treasury reached 200 million taels, and it was only after the reform of Zhang Juzheng that the treasury revenue was rich.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Grandma Liu saw that Jia's house served a meal of crabs for 24 taels of silver, and exclaimed that a small family can live for a year.

Grandma Liu’s family was considered middle-class at the time. She had a house and land and could afford to hire a worker girl. It was the first time she went to the Jia’s mansion to play autumn wind and got 20 taels of silver. Thank you very much.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" also mentioned that the proper annual salary (basic salary) of the seventh-rank magistrate is only 45 taels of silver.

But why do they open a noodle stall and earn dozens of taels a month?Why?Is the currency devalued?Or is it that her time and space are not the Ming Dynasty she thought?
Silver is not as valuable as I imagined!
Of course, if silver is worthless, the purchasing power will also decrease relatively. This is mutual. You cannot have silver that is worthless, and the purchasing power will not be enough. This is not normal.

Hey, it doesn't matter, it's not up to her to decide whether it's worth it or not. Since buying land is not as difficult as they imagined, it's good to realize the landlady's dream as soon as possible.

Although the mountains are very good, it would be a good choice if she could farm and grow medicines close to the county town. She would also benefit a lot from opening a medical clinic at that time.

Again, if you want to be rich, you have to be close to the city, including the education of your children in the future. It is also true that there are no schools in the mountains.

But if you want to give up after going to this side of the city, that's okay, she's not that kind of person, nostalgic, it's really hard to part with such a well-organized place.

Suddenly, there seemed to be many ideas in my mind, always thinking about how to realize them one by one.

The two sat until the third fell asleep. Wei Ying picked up the little guy and let him lie on his shoulders. With the other hand, he led the donkey. Bai He followed behind and led the two sheep, and they went down the mountain hand in hand. , I ran into a villager who came to the mountain by chance, and looked at the backs of the family of three, and felt that they matched inexplicably.

"In my opinion, this doctor Bai and this kid Wei Ying will walk together sooner or later. Look, they are a good match."

"Didn't the two families acquiesce in the fact of their engagement? They must be a family in the future, but why are these two not married yet? Uncle Weicheng has long wanted to have a grandson."

"People are not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? Isn't Miss Renbai still carrying a milk doll now? She must be older and let go of her hand before she can get married. Otherwise, the days will be so tiring, that's fine. Hurry up and chop firewood, I’m not happy to ask you to prepare it earlier, when you came, did you see how high the piles of firewood in the Wei family and the Bai family were?”

"They live on the mountain, so they must have a lot of equipment, because it's convenient, and we're going to be exhausted after traveling so far..."


The couple were arguing and rushing on the road, Bai He and Wei Ying had already gone down the mountain and returned home.

In the next few days, strong winds blew in the mountains, accompanied by hail, and the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees. The cold white lotus even burned the warm kang.

San'er is also a smart child, not to mention the wind outside, and the freezing rain, it was too cold, and when he returned to the heated kang in the house, his hands and feet were warm, and he didn't want to go out anymore.

The advantage brought by the strong wind is the branches that can be seen everywhere. Xiangzi Wei Ying Liuer went to the mountain to collect firewood early in the morning, and once he carried it home.

The front and back yards and even the windshield walls around the house are stacked up, so as not to be afraid of the cold this winter.

Because of the cold weather, the kitchen was moved from the outside to the inside of the house. The firewood for cooking is made of small branches and leaves, and the wood for the kang is thick, big and burnable. After all, it is ignored after being lit. They always go to the Kangtou to look around, so their firewood not only needs to find small branches for cooking, but also cuts some large tree trunks that can withstand fire. This work has been done since Wei Ying and Xiangzi came back.

There is absolutely no shortage of firewood in their house. The pig that Wei Ying carried back was also broken down by them and put in the cellar (space).

When she was picking and storing in the space, she saw another big elbow left by the wild boar she hunted before, and then she remembered that the elbow hadn't been eaten yet, so when she was burning the kang, she marinated it in the backyard .

The smell of meat is everywhere with the wind, and these woodcutters are talking about having a big meal at noon before they enter the yard.

The wild pork is not tasty, it is woody and hard. Although it has been stewed for a whole morning, the effect is mediocre, but fortunately these people are manual laborers at home, the kind who can't take time off and can't accumulate food.

So the staple food at noon is this big pork knuckle. After the flesh and bones are separated, the meat is torn into a state that is convenient to eat, and then cabbage, meat, water vermicelli, tofu and many other materials are added to it, and the stewed meat and vegetables are fully integrated. After the taste, it will not only improve the grade of wild pork, but also make people have the desire to eat it.

Afterwards, steam a large pot of steamed buns in the stove, and cook a pot of vegetable tofu soup full of sauce flavor, and their family's lunch is ready.

The tofu is all processed by themselves after grinding it with a millstone. Because the water used to grind the beans is mountain spring water, the tofu is very delicious and smooth.

Previously, when a patient came to the house and saw Liu Er making tofu, he thought it was miraculous, and wanted to buy some when he left, but Bai He declined.

The tofu in their family is only eaten by themselves and not sold. In fact, the beans are selected from the space and are precious. Moreover, tofu is hard to make and can't be sold for a few dollars. She usually makes it once and eats it for several days.

Wouldn't it be terrible if I opened this hole today and let them taste how delicious their own tofu is, and they will think about it in the future, urging them to make tofu every day?

So don't start this head, just don't sell it.

"This is... wild boar?"

Everyone can eat serious domestic pigs and wild boar. Because the firewood is so hard, they all looked at Bai He in surprise.

"Yes, there was an elbow left before, I forgot, no, it's not bad, it has been marinated, I soaked it for a long time, and stewed it for a long time, does it still taste fresh? How salty, right?"

Everyone nodded without doubting her, "It tastes good. It's been stewed for a long time, otherwise it would taste even harder. I thought it was over. Why did it take me so long to find it?"

Bai He smiled embarrassedly: "It's not that we haven't been short of meat for more than a year, whether it's pickled fish or pickled pork, and the chickens, rabbits, quails in the yard, etc. If there is no shortage of meat, I can't remember , and some wild boar ribs, wait a few days before stewing this."

When mentioning pigs, Wei Ying thought of pig pancreas: "I specially bought four or five pig pancreas for you this time, have you seen it?"

Bai He nodded, "I see, then no, I've already poured the ash water from the grass and trees, and when the weather is fine, I'll make pig pancreas. Speaking of which, I haven't asked you about it yet. The detergent I made for you before is used What are you doing?"

It is said to be dishwashing liquid, but in fact, it is the alkaline water from the ashes of plants and trees with a little oil added. The oil with a low proportion cannot form a liquid, and it becomes a semi-soft but not hard paste, but it is used for cleaning pots For washing dishes, it is more than enough.

"It's very good, it's very clean, and the gray soap you made is also selling well. I think our family can open a grocery store,"

"Grocery store, let's talk about it after you make money, but you can really think about it. I have this craft, and I can find more workers to do it in the future. Although I don't earn much, it is a craft anyway."

In fact, she can also make some facial fats and ointments, including lipsticks, perfumes, etc., which can be refined, but this condition cannot be met for the time being, and their cooking stalls are not suitable for placing too many irrelevant things. You can buy a larger farm, but you can think about whether you can open an assembly line or something.

After winter, there is basically no work on the mountain, and there is no need for Xiaomang to collect herbs, but the medicine collected at home also needs to be ground after processing, so Xiaomang will also go up the mountain to follow Bai after finishing her own work. Ho continued to study.

Studying medicine is a boring and tedious process, which also requires a lot of patience and perseverance. It does not mean that you can master it by memorizing a few medical books.

The key point is that Xiaomang and Liu'er's literacy skills are limited, just knowing is not enough, they must be able to write, and it happens that winter is not very busy, and the house is very warm after the heating kang, so she took the children to teach these people literacy exercises in the house .

Now there is no shortage of pens, inks, papers and inkstones in their family, but during the study period, they still mainly practice in the sand table, and they will not practice on paper until they can write well.

The godmother asked Xiaomang to bring her another fifty duck eggs. After winter, the poultry eggs will not be so dense. Fortunately, they have learned how to pickle them, so they can be sold in the spring of next year.

The godmother was worried that Xiaomang would eat, drink and study at their house, so she would send fifty duck eggs every month. The pastries are returned as a gift.

The two families are getting along very well now. Because of her household registration, the local area does not allow unmarried independent households, so her household registration is settled in the third room. Not only is she a goddaughter in name, but she is also a person who settles in the law. So she treats Xiaomang A good family is just as it should be, isn't it?
Probably because of this, the rest of their family tried their best to come to her to take advantage of her. They never took anything when they saw a doctor, and sometimes their children even took food from Liu Er. Stiffness made it difficult for Xiaomang's family to be a human being. She was already angry.

The godmother is not blind. After hearing about this, she went to these houses to make a fuss. Finally, those children were not so arrogant afterward. She even ran over to her and told her that except for the medicine for the second elder to see a doctor, you can give it away. In addition, everything else had to ask for money and food, so she was not polite, and only then did she have the flexibility later. Not only did she ask for it, but she also asked for it with interest. It was really enjoyable!

 A new month begins again, happy Labor Day!

(End of this chapter)

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