Chapter 1340 [1339] Ding Wei (6000+)

In the space, the glutinous rice balls have no form, just a wisp of soul floating there, facing the fertile fields that are still invisible and intangible.

"Now, in the twentieth life, I have gone through all the calamities. Now, can I be reborn to the year I was born and see my parents?"

Liangtian didn't respond for a long time, but when Tangyuan was waiting impatiently, he finally spoke.

"Let's be honest, you've lived your twentieth life in a down-to-earth way, pragmatically, and earnestly do your job well. You're not greedy or hypocritical. Although you've borrowed the power of space, it's still inseparable from your own efforts. Generally speaking, this system is still very satisfactory. Of course, it cannot be said to be perfect. After all, you still have room to ask for help in the middle of the mission. That year."

Tang Yuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley: "What do you mean by that? You want to renege on your debt?"

"Don't get excited. Your purpose is to meet your parents. Is it okay if I let you see your parents? But your wish to be reborn as the original body may not come true, and you have to be prepared. There is no space, no abilities, the only thing you can use is the skills you have learned in your twentieth lifetime."

Tang Yuan nodded. She knew this and took it for granted. Besides, she was tired of using space, and it was time to challenge her abilities.

Liangtian was not unreasonable when he saw her, and his attitude improved a lot: "After rebirth, we two will really say goodbye, and your life, no matter how you live in this life, is the real one. The end point, of course, if you still want to continue to cooperate with me, then you don’t choose rebirth, but choose to continue the mission. Of course, the difficulty of the subsequent missions will also rise to a new level. It is by no means the entry level of the [-]th century. "

Tangyuan was already tired and tired, and even said that she had lived enough: "Thank you for the good land, but I just want to be born again."

After learning about the host's request, Liangtian shut down for a while, then restarted.

"Okay, then I'm here to wish you good luck. You died in 2020 in your previous life, you were born in 1990, your mother gave birth to you when she was 24, and she was born in 19, now I will give you two There are two choices, one is to be reborn to the end of the decade and be friends with your mother, and the other is to be reborn when they are 20 years old when they are discussing marriage, with a difference of 20 years, how do you choose?"

One year of durian, one year of [-], Tangyuan was a little stunned when she heard this choice. The former could grow up with her mother, while the latter might be able to get to know her and her father without interference. At the end of the era, she would definitely not be able to ignore her life and would definitely participate in it. Then in the life she participated in, could she still meet her father and give birth to her?impossible.

Liang Tian continued to remind: "Don't forget one thing, you are already dead, and it is impossible to come back to life. Even without your intervention, the two of them walked together, unless they conceived in one night, otherwise there is no difference. You may appear exactly the same, maybe someone else will give birth to a boy? Besides, your mother is considered a long-distance relationship. Her natal family is hundreds of kilometers away from your father's family. Can you take care of both of their lives at the same time?"

"I have a suggestion for you. Since there is no way to create another you, you can actually help them lead a better life. Your purpose is to witness them grow old together, healthy and happy, right? In this life, you will be their peers , can’t we be girlfriends, grow old together, and finish this life together?”

Tangyuan looked in Liangtian's direction in shock, apparently she had never considered this issue, and now Liangtian's words lingered in her mind for a long time, lingering.

This timing is very important, and she must choose carefully.

Although the 80 years were hard, but starting from the dolls, she can better grasp the direction of their future development. As for her father, she must not care about it, so she can only settle her mother first. Although the reform and opening up in the [-]s But they were all grown up and she couldn't help them much.

In the end, the glutinous rice balls chose this time of the [-]th year to be stuck.

My father is from Hubei, and my mother is from Henan. There is a distance of 2020 kilometers between them. In 19, this distance is nothing at all, but in the age of [-] years when the traffic is not developed, it is not so easy to interfere. Simple.

But there is one advantage. Although both parents are from rural areas, they both found formal jobs with their own abilities and have pensions. Moreover, my father was a soldier in his early years and studied machinery. After changing jobs, he worked in heavy machinery. It is nursing, so she has the opportunity to be a doctor.

The generation of grandparents and grandparents are all rural people, and their ancestors worked in agriculture, so there is nothing to say.

There is no mention of returning home.

So, when the selection button appeared in front of Tangyuan, I chose 19* without hesitation.

The glutinous rice balls are afraid of going back to the 70s and [-]s. One is that there are many top-quality goods and the family is poor, and the other is that the author of many plots cannot control them.

But she didn't want to miss her mother's growth, so she could only suppress the anxiety in her heart, and chose to start. When the space became chaotic, she fell into darkness, and then felt a little suffocated, as if being pressed forward by a force of gravity , I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the surrounding light was brighter, and someone was slapping her ass. Because of the pain, she wowed uncontrollably.

It was very noisy around, but she still heard: "Hey, congratulations sister-in-law, looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon can be regarded as looking forward to a girl, look at how beautiful this girl is, with thick hair and clean body, this time My brother Zhenlong is satisfied with the appointment, I will go out and announce the good news to them!"

It's a pity that I can't see clearly, I just feel that there is a figure shaking, what did that person say just now, the girl who was looking forward to it after a long time, does this mean that she has an older brother?

The little ball was quickly hugged into a warm embrace. It smelled a little sweaty, which wasn't pleasant, but it didn't repel it either. Could this be her mother in this life?

Not long after, a gentle voice sounded above my head: "I thought I could only be a mother-in-law in this life, but I didn't expect that I would also be destined to be a mother-in-law. That's great," followed by a heartfelt smile.

Then she felt the woman's fingertips gently touching her cheek, and she was sure that she had traveled from the mother's womb, it was really dumbfounding.

The newborn baby is not growing well in all aspects, limp and weak, but her hearing is fine, because she can feel that different people are hugging her and teasing her happily, and sometimes she impatiently opens the door. Eyes to see, but soon dozed off.

"This girl is really easy to feed. She eats and sleeps, and doesn't make a fuss. She is much better than those boys." This was her father's voice.

After an unknown amount of time, several boys rushed into the room, "Mom, my sister is born? Let me hug you."

"You guys are stupefied, my sister is so small, she's still soft, why hug her? Just stay and take a look. Hey, why are you still groping!"

"Dad, why are you nervous? I washed my hands outside, so I touched my sister's little hand. Look, it's soft and gentle, and she's still scratching my fingers!"

Boys chattered, and after a while they introduced themselves.

"Hey sister, I am your elder brother. My name is Ding Jianguo. I am ten years old this year. When you grow up, I will protect you!"

As soon as she heard this voice, she felt that the child was energetic, the kind of tiger-headed tiger-headed, although she couldn't see clearly, she imagined a face from the vaguely visible outline.

"Sister, I am your second brother. My name is Ding Jianshe. I am eight years old this year. From now on, my second brother will play with you!"

Although this voice was not as bright as that of the first voice, it was full of naughty energy.

"Mom, what's your sister's name, hurry up and get one, I'm your third brother, my name is Ding Jianping, I'm five years old this year!"

This child, with a baby voice, just when she thought she had three older brothers, a cuter voice sounded next to her.

"And me, I'm your fourth brother Ding Jianshu, Dashu's tree, I'm three years old this year, get up quickly, I'll make mud for you to play with."

God, the four brothers, so she can be a group. pet. This is not an abuse novel, nor is it a top-quality novel, a group. pet. essay?
Hey, that's good, she's afraid of the best, those things are too difficult to deal with, and she really doesn't want to deal with them at all.

As expected of a child who was born in the Year of the Duliu, look at this smooth construction of the country and the construction of the country, will there be any satellites and red stars in the future?

However, in the next second, she couldn't laugh anymore, because her father interrupted at this moment: "Why don't you call me Jianhong? How about Ding Jianhong?"

The corner of the little baby's mouth twitched. Do you want to be so vulgar? I don't think there are enough patriotism and redness. How about Jianhong?

No, she doesn't like this name, call me Ding Yi, what a simple name, no one can write names faster than me.

"Don't call it that name, it's too much, and it's vulgar. We didn't go to a literacy class a few days ago. The teacher taught the word Wei, and it mentioned a flower called lilac. What do you guys think? Is it better to be called Ding Weiwei, or Lilac?"

"Hey, that's a good name. They're all flowers, right? I remember that there is a kind of flower called crape myrtle flower, and another kind of flower called crabapple flower. This is crape myrtle and crabapple, and it's also lilac. Which one sounds better?"

"Mom, if there is a teacher in our school, we should call him Ding Xiang, and my younger sister should be called Ding Wei. This name sounds nice. The nickname, Wei Wei, how nice is it?"

"That's right, Mom. My brother's name sounds nicer than Ding Weiwei. Ding Wei is fine."

As soon as the two older children expressed their opinion, the couple who were not highly educated nodded in agreement.

"Success, then let's name your sister Ding Wei. It seems that there is no one in our family with this name. It doesn't conflict, and it can be used."

Ding Wei?

Tangyuan thinks this name is good, it sounds much better than Jianhong Aihong Aimin, but she didn't expect her mother to be quite caring!
After having the name Ding Wei, the family called her Weiwei, and Weiwei kept talking about it all day long.

Sometimes her parents call her Xiao Wu because she is the fifth child in the family.

She was born at the end of April in the Gregorian calendar, the weather was already hot, and she felt very stuffy throughout the confinement period, probably because they dressed her too thickly.

She kicked it off with great difficulty with her short legs, and it was put on again after a while.

Although eating and sleeping every day is a good day, but she can't control her urine and bowels, which always makes her blush. Fortunately, after waiting for her for three months, she can basically control it. Whenever she feels that way, she will cry Calling people to come and pay attention to her, after a long time, they all understood that she was signaling them that she was going to make things easier.

Everyone praised her for being smart.

After three months, she could almost see the movement of figures clearly. At four months, she could clearly see her chubby hands.

At this time, her body was not so soft anymore, and her brothers would come over after school to tease her for a while.

In the past four months, she felt that her mother had endless farm work every day. She either carried her to the field or put her in the field. At the hottest time, she was about to cry to death. In the end, she saw that she was very Resisting going out, I put her at home and let the third and fourth children look at her, hey, this method is good, at least I don't have to go to the sun and suffer.

But my mother has to come back every two hours to feed her. Sometimes she is sweating profusely, and she will be particularly resistant and will not come close.

It wasn't until her mother wiped it with a towel that she barely swallowed it, but she still felt a smell. That's all, the rural environment is such a hot day. It's not easy for them to earn work points in the field. She shouldn't do this picky.

The two children looked at her, she was basically lying there, crying whenever she wanted convenience, they had already changed her diaper, when she was happy, they played with him, when she was sleepy, they slept with her , the two younger ones don't seem to be in school, and occasionally the third brother has to go out to mow the grass, and he didn't forget to ask his three-year-old brother before leaving.

"You have to take good care of your sister, don't let her fall off the bed, I will come back quickly."

Every time she heard such an entrustment, she felt that they were extremely heartwarming. Of course, the children in the past also came here like this, with the older ones leading the younger ones.

It is not uncommon to take her to work in the field. At that time, there were many trees, and ants would crawl under the trees, and mice would chew on them at home. In short, it was scary to think about it.

She is also very worried that she will be bitten by a mouse on her fingers, so she will smell it, and when she feels that the boy around her has run away, she will cry, cry him back, and guard her, so she can sleep peacefully. As a result, this method often Can put her unreliable fourth brother who wants to sneak out to sleep.

So after the third brother came back, he had seen her playing with her feet more than once, while the fourth brother was sleeping there, and slapped her down, in exchange for the poor fourth brother crying loudly.

"Let you see my sister, why are you asleep? Look at you, do you look like an older brother? What if she falls off? Our family has only one younger sister. Mom said, if you don't have a baby, you will This little sister, don't you know how to cherish her?"

Every time I say this, the fourth child doesn't dare to cry anymore, but when his mother comes back, he will secretly sue his brother, how humble!

From their conversation, she could also guess the environment in which Ding Wei grew up.

My grandparents died of illness during the famine year. My father and sister had five brothers and sisters. There were two aunts on the top, the third child on the father, and two uncles on the bottom.

After the grandfather passed away, the family was divided, and each lived in its own way. The fourth uncle's family had two daughters and one son, and the fifth uncle's family had three sons. Their family has a large population, a total of seven people.

They are all honest farmers who support their family by earning work points. The elder brother and the second brother are in elementary school, and they have to earn work points after school. There are many, but also strength.

For example, shoveling manure in cowsheds and pigpens, and herding cattle and sheep are all jobs done by children.

Adults earn [-] points for full work points. After three months, my mother will earn full points. After confinement, she will work half a day. This physical fitness is really good.

Usually they don’t eat well. They eat whole grains with wild vegetables. The vegetables are sweet potato leaves. Sometimes they don’t even want to eat tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants, because these vegetables can be secretly exchanged for other things. What is it worth, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, but you have to do it secretly, or you will be reported.

The family only feeds three hens and two pigs. If there are too many, they are not allowed to feed them. These jobs are done by a few children. After school, they go to earn work points first, and then feed the pigs at home after earning enough.

Just by hearing these, one can see that the conditions of this house should not be bad.

She only found out in the last few days that her father was the small captain of the production team, and he spent a lot of money to learn how to drive a tractor. After he learned it, he returned to the production team and immediately became a favorite, so their family's conditions should be regarded as one of the best in the whole village. That's right, no wonder he was able to give birth to four sons and a daughter in one go.

As far as she knows, there are not a few households in a village that can feed chickens and pigs in the mid-60s, mainly because they have just experienced a famine, and people still can’t get enough to eat. Who cares about feeding these livestock? They all need to be fed with grain, and they cannot be fed with meat and eggs just by feeding them with grass!

My father can drive a tractor and is the team leader. My mother is a capable and strong rural woman. My two elder brothers go to school, and the two younger ones feed these poultry and livestock at home. I take her with me by the way. The whole family is positive. Yes, she is quite satisfied with this reincarnation.

My mother was born in the countryside below L City in Southern Henan Province. If it is as expected, the family she lives in now should not be too far away from her.

Think about my mother's birthday is the fifth day of March, and although she was born at the end of April in the Gregorian calendar, this year likes to be counted according to the lunar calendar, so my mother Chen Xiumin should have been born. She is also the youngest in the family, with three older brothers and two Sister, grandpa is patriarchal, grandma is more powerful, grandpa even lived until she died, and grandma passed away a year before her death, also at the age of 4.

It's a pity that they didn't mention the village they were in when they talked about it, so she didn't know how far it was from Grandpa's house.

Her impression of the countryside has always been in the winter and summer vacations, but at that time it has already become a new countryside, which is completely different from the current countryside.

Unexpectedly, a pillow came when they were dozing off. When they were eating at night, she heard her mother say.

"It's August [-]th soon, I have to go to Zhenzhuang to see my parents,"

As soon as the mother's voice fell, the boys began to call out: "Mom, I'm going too, and I'm going too,"

Zhen Zhuang?

Oh my God, her grandparents are also from Zhenzhuang, from a village?
But the mother in this life is not surnamed Chen!

Although Zhenzhuang is called Zhenzhuang, there are many surnames. The surname Chen is distributed in the three teams, and the mother's surname is Zhao. I don't know which teams they belong to.

It turns out that Zhao Qingqing's natal family belongs to Zhenzhuang, which is much closer.

It was only later that she realized that she was now at Fotantou, a village whose name was hard to understand, but it was really close to Zhenzhuang, and it took about half an hour to get there on foot.

After Ding Wei figured out the environment in this life, she endured the anxiety in her heart, and finally waited until the next day when her mother dressed her neatly, put her in the back basket, held her fourth brother in her right hand, and carried things in her left hand , and the third brother followed, just walking in the direction of Zhenzhuang.

I ran into a lot of villagers on the road, so I didn't need to ask, as soon as I saw the battle, they would ask.

"This is going back to my mother's house to visit relatives!"

Because August [-]th is coming, so married girls will go home to see their parents on these days.

It was a very short road, but he stopped to talk because he bumped into acquaintances every now and then.

During this process, after she heard the voice of her grandmother Li Lanying, she desperately wanted to stand up to see her. Although it was only a vague outline, she still saw the baby in her arms, that was her previous life Mom, Chen Xiumin, right?

Because the two girls are about the same age, and because everyone is on the same team, it is inevitable that they will chat a little more. She heard her grandmother calling Xiu Min, yes, that is her mother Xiu Min, they met, It's a pity that she can't express herself, and she can't even see clearly what her mother looked like when she was a child.

How long can it take to say hello to the villagers, and it was quickly bypassed. Ding Wei felt that it was a pity, and turned around in the basket and turned to the back to look at it. Unfortunately, this vision is just like myopia, blurred. If you get closer , You can still see the outline, but you can't see it clearly at a distance.

When I arrived at the grandfather's house in this life, I found out that he has four daughters and two sons.

The eldest and the second are two aunts, the third and fourth are two uncles, the mother is the fifth, and there is a younger aunt below.

She was actually the fifth child just like her!
Sure enough, people were curious about the little baby wherever she went. Cousins ​​and sisters hugged and played with her one by one, while mothers and aunts gathered together to make dumplings for grandparents.

She also experienced this scene at Chen Xiumin's natal family. Because grandpa and grandma still have the ability to take care of themselves, the old couple cooked and ate by themselves instead of following the two uncles.

The sisters basically agreed to go back to their natal home together, and they all agreed to bring only the younger children. The older children were either in school or had work to do.

In this day and age, when visiting relatives, everyone brings their own fried sesame candies, or eggs saved at home, and those who have money will go to the supply and marketing cooperatives to buy some pastries.

Mom fried sesame candy early this morning and put ten eggs in it. Dad repaired the tractor and gave them mooncakes. Mom brought two pieces of mooncakes for my grandparents to try out. Although they are few, they can eat this kind of mooncakes in this day and age. Pastry, already very good.

After all, this fried sesame candy is also made of white flour, which is very precious.

 Starting today, I officially entered the world of the heroine's rebirth. It can be seen as a new story, born in the 60s, and the main writer was in the [-]s, [-]s.

(End of this chapter)

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