Chapter 1341 [1340] Little Man (5000)

The dumpling stuffing is leek and egg vermicelli stuffing. There are so many people, so I only cracked two eggs. The dumpling noodles are sweet potato noodles and sorghum noodles with a little white bread. For me, this is already a good and unworkable lunch.

She has been more than five months old, and her grandmother made her a stewed egg. She was afraid that her brothers and sisters would be envious, so she explained it specially.

"My sister is still young, this noodle is too hard to eat, she has no teeth, so I boiled an egg for her to eat, you guys,"

"Grandma, we can eat dumplings, it's okay, it should be, isn't it Xiaofeng Xiaotang?"

It was the youngest third sister of my aunt's family who was talking, and she was already in junior high school, and she was the oldest among them. Xiaofeng and Xiaotang were the third and fourth children of the second aunt's family. Brother and sister, they are really a big family. They are fully sure that people in this age can have children, and they regard having children as an investment, and see who doesn't have a lot of girls and sons.

In order to add some flavor, she added a little bit of sesame oil to her egg custard, which shows that her grandparents are very kind to her. Whether it's eggs or sesame oil, aren't they all rare things in this era?But it was not stingy to prepare for her, which is enough to confirm that the people in this family are kind and easy to get along with, let alone patriarchal.

It is said that half-sized children eat poor old people. When the children can eat, this little dumpling is not enough for them to eat, so they also steamed vegetable nests and dipped them in garlic juice, cold cucumbers, sugar mixed with tomatoes, and minced garlic. Eggplants and chili kang rings were prepared by many people, but they were all eaten, so it can be said that they cannot be eaten.

And she ate egg custard after drinking milk, but she was not willing to eat more. After eating half a bowl, she pushed the bowl to grandma. After passing the bowl to grandpa, she pulled her hand back and handed it to grandma. Grandma's eyes were red from being touched by this scene, and she immediately hugged her from her mother's arms.

"Hey, my darling, why are you so filial, you know you love grandma, don't you?"

She smacked her mouth, rubbed her fingers, snarled, stared at grandma and giggled, which made the old man almost cry, hugging and kissing and boasting constantly, even the aunts and aunts said it was a little girl It's not easy for a daughter to come, and let her mother train her well, she might be a capable person in the future.

When I was full, I fell sleepy, and fell asleep in my grandmother's arms. When I woke up, I found myself on my grandmother's bed, and cried out.

My mother has a lot of experience, she just urinates while holding her. After urinating, my brothers and sisters also came back from running around outside. I checked the time and said that it was three or four in the afternoon. They should go, otherwise parents (grandparents ) couldn’t sleep well either. If it weren’t for the fact that there were so many children, they would have taken a lunch break. Although it was September in the Gregorian calendar, it wasn’t a cool day, and they were all wearing decent clothes!
In this day and age, there are very few half-sleeves. They are all long-sleeved and undershirts. The old people are still wearing double-breasted cotton summer shirts. The fly swatters and cattail fans in their hands are always working. They move less and don’t feel hot. Unlike these The children running around were sweating profusely.

Even though she was only five months old, she didn't sweat, instead she felt a little hot in her mother's arms.

None of the aunts married far away, and they were all in nearby villages, so when they said they would leave, they took the children and walked on the 11th road. Grandpa and grandma wanted to pretend to return gifts to their mothers, but they were all rejected. Let the aunts and mothers take the ghost ginger planted earlier to pickle some pickles and eat it in winter.

The ghost ginger was obviously just dug out by my grandfather, because the ghost ginger at the door hadn't been completely dug out, it was only a part, and it was very fresh with the soil. This time they didn't refuse again, and waved goodbye to grandpa and grandma with the ginger.

When she went back, she was still sitting in the back basket, looking around with watery eyes, her tender little hands were lying on the edge of the rattan basket, babbling her hands, she knew it was unhygienic, but she couldn't help thinking about it. To bite her finger, she knew that this should be a sign of itchy teeth.

After the hardworking mother walked home, she let the fourth brother watch her sit and play in the chair, while she took the third brother to cut pigweed on the river beach with bamboo baskets on his back.

I have no work today, but the livestock at home have to eat, so how can I have free time?
The little brother dragged a tomato from the yard and made her the smallest one, which was probably as big as a cherry tomato. He scooped some water from the gourd ladle in the water tank, washed it and handed it to her: "Wei Wei, give me a tomato. You play with it, don't eat it, haha."

He took a big one and cleaned it himself, bit it down and sprayed the juice on her face, then sucked it hard twice, let out a happy 'ah', and turned around happily, seeing that her face was covered with juice from persimmons, Staring at him with displeasure, he quickly wiped it off with his hands.

She was only five months old, sitting was very uncomfortable, she wanted to lie down, holding a tomato and yelling 'ahhhh' at her little brother.

Unexpectedly, he thought he was playing with him, and teased her cooperatively until she couldn't bear to stand on the second floor of the seat with one foot, but he was frightened.

"Ah, you figured it out, didn't you?" The little brother put down the tomato and carried her out of the chair, then looked around and pinched her to get her into the small bed in the house. That was the brother The little bed we had when we were young was specially made by my father when he hired a carpenter. It has already slept four children, and she is the fifth.

The little bed is a bit high, so my little brother kicked a stool over, stood on it and put her in it. If this scene is seen by the parents of future generations, they will definitely break out in a cold sweat, but the children of this era are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Yes, they are all big and small, bumping and falling are common things.

When she was lying on her little bed, she felt extremely comfortable, and the tomato cub in her hand looked much cuter. She put it in her mouth and sucked and sucked it. After a while, she felt that her eyelids were about to fight. When he looked at her, holding a tomato in his hand, he was already soundly asleep.

As soon as his mother and brother came back, he began to claim credit: "I said why she kept yelling at me and thought she was going to shit, but what the hell, she was struggling, so I put her on the bed, no I fell asleep after thinking about it. Mom, this sister is really smart. Although she can't speak, she just yelled at me, as if she could talk. She is so old. I even covered her with a small quilt Woolen cloth,"

"Hey, my fourth son looks more and more like a big brother. It's awesome. Well, I saw Eggy playing with them just now. You should go out quickly, and my sister and mother will take it. The third son, you follow too. Don't fight!"

When Dad came back in the evening, the smell of sweat was great, and he wanted to kiss her, but he pushed her away with a slap, and the small appearance made Dad laugh out loud.

"Hey, look at your girl, you still despise me, so you won't let me kiss you."

"What's this? I'm at my mother's place today. I haven't finished the stewed egg custard for her. I insist on giving it to my mother instead of my father. This little man probably dislikes your smell. You are the same, hug her when the smell of sweat is so strong, and hurry up to clean up and wait for dinner."

My mother rolled mixed noodles at night, and there was no oil or water, so I pickled chopped green onions and coriander, which tasted salty and sour, and sprinkled a handful of leeks and green vegetables before serving.

Mom specially picked some thinner noodles for her to feed her. When she saw her passing in her mouth, she felt a little disgusted, shook her head and refused to eat, and resisted.

The elder brother snickered: "Mom, do you think my sister dislikes you? When she ate the first one, it was obviously delicious."

Ding Wei turned her head to look at Ding Jianguo, and said 'ah', which made everyone laugh. As if to test her, her mother picked up a new pair of chopsticks and fed her a noodle. This time, she had a long mouth. It was so big that I gnawed it when I went up, and I even pulled it off with my hand and sent it to my mouth.

Seeing this scene, the whole family was dumbfounded, and my father felt amazing.

"This girl really dislikes you for eating her noodles. Look, it's pretty clean."

"What's the cleanliness? You see, she is clean when she grabs it in her hand and eats it. If you want me to say that my sister is blind and clean."

The little brother curled his lips, but Ding Wei didn't bother to talk to him. After finishing eating, she asked her mother for it again, and her mother looked sad.

"You eat my food and drink my food, and still dislike me, little heartless, I won't feed you anymore."

Ding Wei knew that she was teasing her, but she stared straight at her mother with big eyes, and after a while she began to purse her mouth, and tears gathered in her eye sockets. This scene scared the big guy, and he stared at her When she was about to cry, her mother quickly fed her with her chopsticks.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Mom will remember it later. Can I prepare a separate spoon and chopsticks for you? My daughter is clean. Mom listens to you. Are you happy now? Don't cry Well, our Weiwei is the best, I don’t cry usually, but now it’s time to eat, don’t cry!”

Ding Wei did not cry very much. After being comforted, she stopped being pretentious after she had noodles to eat again. In the afternoon, the little tomato continued to play, and mother had time to start eating. While eating, she looked back at her and told her father.

"You girl is not an idiot. I seem to be smarter than your sons when they were young. My sister also said that she should be cultivated well. Maybe it's a piece of material for studying."

"I heard that high schools and universities are closed,"

"What are you afraid of, you can do it in junior high school, it's better than being blind."

Dad is the small captain of the production team and a relatively rare tractor driver, and my mother was the March [-]th red flag bearer of the production team. They are young, passionate, hard-working, and the children they educate are also very sensible. The first thing is to help with the work, and the homework is basically completed at school, because if you can’t finish it, you have to light the lamp at night, which is a bit wasteful, so you don’t need your parents to take care of it, they will consciously know which way to save money .

The children of the poor have already been in charge of the family. In this era, everyone’s family situation is not too different. If the father is not a tractor driver, he will have an extra salary of 15 yuan. Maybe it is no different from other families. The team leader has a certain rights, but they also have to work to earn work points, especially Ding Zhenlong cherishes his feathers, never engages in corruption, and has a certain reputation in the production team.

As for the two uncles, they are also pragmatic farmers. Although the elder brother is the production team leader, he is not favoritism. After all, so many people are watching. Those who didn't look down were separated, but when things happened, the brothers were still united.

During the famine years, my grandparents died of illness because they couldn’t survive the famine. After all, I was too old to eat hard food. My father and uncle also survived hard. It is said that many frail and sick people died in the village in those years.

My mother said that sending the third brother to study next year or the year after next depends on his enthusiasm for reading. Now on Sundays, the two brothers will also teach the third brother to read and do arithmetic problems, but the playful third brother does not care about it. Thinking of going out to play, he was beaten up by his elder brother and he survived.

When the elder brother and the second brother are around, the parents will go out to work with peace of mind, and come back to feed her when the time comes. If it is too late, the brothers will cook eggs for her. Parents generally don’t eat the eggs at home and save them. Sell ​​it to my brothers to pay tuition fees, buy homework and so on, but they are very generous to her. They will get her an egg a day. The brothers are very self-conscious and never greedy. They are really hungry. They will steam some potatoes and Sweet potato mat bar mat bar.

As far as the current living conditions of their family are concerned, it is not the best, and they can’t eat enough, but they are not so hungry that they can’t eat meat. Occasionally, they can scramble eggs and make dumplings to satisfy their cravings. You don’t eat tofu often.

Or to say that although she is young, she is taking advantage of her age. Her parents are hurting her, and her brothers are holding her. As for her mother in the previous life, she can only get a connection when she grows up. Now If you can't take care of yourself, you still have to cherish the life and talents in front of you.

After August [-]th, it’s time to harvest autumn. Autumn is the season for harvesting corn here, and the school will also have autumn harvest vacation. The eldest brother and the second brother also go to the field to earn work points. Children can do the work of breaking corn. It’s such a hard work At that time, everyone went to the collective cafeteria to eat, because all the children over five years old in the family went to work, and those who stayed at home were old, young, sick and disabled, so every family stopped cooking, and all gathered in the cafeteria to eat.

But the meals for her and the fourth brother are cooked for them alone by their mother when they come back, because the two of them are too young to eat in the cafeteria.

That’s all, it seems to be different from what she remembered. It’s not that she didn’t learn history well, but that after rebirth, some sensitive things have undergone qualitative changes. These changes have been restrained after the famine. She just As a child, there is no need to delve into these things, just know that their family can eat enough, and that is enough.

She has no space in this life, which means that if she wants to eat well and be full, she has to rely on her own ability to fight for it.

Fortunately, she let go of everything when she was in college. It was just that the intervening years were a little bit hard and a little restrictive, but it didn't matter, it was not the first time she had experienced it, so just take it slowly.

After the corn is harvested, we have to harvest sweet potatoes, plant winter wheat, harvest radishes and cabbage, etc., and we must be busy until before the frost.

But winter does not mean that you will be completely idle. Dad will go to various production teams to learn about tractor repair homework, and mother will watch her at home while weaving some handicrafts with wheat straw and doing some sewing. Knitting work, these will be paid for, and if nothing else, at least it can afford the money for seeing a doctor for headaches and fever at home all year round.

After an autumn rain and a cold, when the weather is getting colder, my mother will take the time to change the cotton jacket and cotton trousers worn by her brothers. This kind of cotton trousers with feet is the most popular in this era. The only bad thing is the middle It was still chilly when the gear was still open. In fact, she was already able to control her bowel movements, but she couldn't tell, so she could only let her mother torment her.

Her hair is of very good quality. She had black hair when she was born and was very healthy. Unfortunately, after confinement, her mother shaved her head cruelly. Now that it has grown back, her mother wants to cut it short. She cried desperately, cried desperately, her voice became hoarse, and she looked pitiful, so she couldn't bear to do anything to her.

So now she has a braid on her forehead, she looks even cuter, and she is chubby, everyone says that this girl is beautiful, and her mother took good care of her.

Every time my mother would say: "I'm the only girl, I must love her well."

Probably because she didn't bother so much when raising her son, so mother sometimes neglects to take care of her, but fortunately, there are two reliable guardians by her side, so she has had a good time in the past seven or eight months. It is moisturizing.

The clothes at home are all worn out by my father. My mother mends them and makes them smaller for my elder brother. After my elder brother wears them, I pass them on to my second brother. They are passed down one by one. If it weren't for the two old flowered clothes that the aunt and second aunt's family would send over from time to time, her world would probably be either black or blue, and there would be no other bright colors.

"Just this girl, I'm still reluctant to buy some new fabrics for her to wear. Your Zhenlong family earns so much, you should give your daughter a subsidy."

Every time someone encounters such a good thing, my mother always says helplessly while holding the sole of the shoe.

"Sister-in-law, it's fine to have clothes to wear. She doesn't know anything now, so why do she wear clothes? Zhenlong has an extra salary, but these boys are also the time when they can eat and spend the most, and they have to pay a lot of tuition. There are seven people in this big family, and money is needed everywhere. I can’t use that salary to waste money. My daughter is still young, and my sister’s nieces wear the leftover clothes. Come here, it’s not that you can’t wear it, why do you buy it, don’t buy it, don’t buy it, save as much as you can, life should be so carefully planned.”

This is an elder of the Ding family. Ding Wei thinks that Zhao Qingqing is a good hand in life, and there is nothing wrong with what she says. On the contrary, this sister-in-law speaks a little out of tune, obviously jealous of their family's extra salary.

But the extra salary can’t just be hidden. It can be said that everyone knows it, and you can’t hide it. The only reason is that the child eats more. In fact, she heard her mother said, It was frightened by the famine, so I had to save more, for fear of the day when I would go hungry.

——Note, the years involved are automatically regarded as overhead
(End of this chapter)

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