The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1354 [1353] Going to Yuhong Class

Chapter 1354 [1353] Attending Yuhong Class (6100)

The second aunt and her natal family looked very ugly. Really, if this matter was called Ding Wei, she might go up and scold her.

This is the full moon wine for the youngest son of the family, but this old woman is so popular when she sees it, who will feel better!
Mom and Dad went to the hospital together, and the third aunt came to hug her, and took the little sister with her, looking at the old woman sarcastically.

"Why are you still sitting here, why don't you leave quickly? This matter has come to this point, all because of your unrestrained speech, and because you are old and no one dares to scold you, right? Look at what you have done What's the matter, you should pray that my sister-in-law is safe!"

Because of this farce, Full Moon Wine naturally broke up unhappy. The second aunt was still a little confused. After the third aunt brought her two daughters into the house with her and the third sister of the third uncle's family to explain the cause and effect, the second aunt Aunt is also very angry.

"No wonder my sister-in-law wanted to scold her hard. She wasn't in front of me. I splashed water on her when I was in front of me. She's a dead old woman."

"Ahem, what are you talking nonsense, the children are here, pay attention to your image as an elder."

The second aunt's natal mother hurried over to stop the second aunt from being confused, the second aunt shut her mouth reluctantly, but suddenly thought of her two daughters.

Hurry up and look at them: "You two, don't listen to that old woman's nonsense. My mother just gave birth to her younger brother and can't take care of you. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you. They are all meat that fell from me. It's my first two children, I don't care who you care about? In the future, if your mother does something wrong, just tell me, and mother will not be angry. Do you think your aunt and third aunt have daughters, yes Aren’t they all good? Our family doesn’t like the idea of ​​losing money, you know?”

Although the third aunt was a few years younger than the second aunt, what she said was very comfortable.

"It's not a big deal, we can't underestimate ourselves, that old woman thinks she is a loser, so she looks down on all women, especially their family, you see, in her eyes, they are all losers, or what about my daughter-in-law? She can be said to be overthrown, she is broken from the root, and you don’t have to pay attention to her when you see it in the future, just ignore her words and don’t take it to heart. If we look down on ourselves, then no one will treat us as losers, yes Isn't it Xiao Weiwei?"

Ding Wei waved her small arms, and said loudly and clearly: "Bad mother-in-law, big sister hugs, Weiwei hoo hoo!"

Ding Wei's words made Cailian look up in surprise, "Did Weiwei call me?"

Ding Wei stretched out her arm to let Cailian hug her, and the third aunt hurriedly handed it over: "Isn't it just calling you? Look, Wei Wei already knows how to comfort my sister."

After being hugged by Ding Cailian, Ding Wei kissed her hard on the cheek: "Sister, dear sister, it's not uncomfortable, I have a younger sister."

Cailian's eyes suddenly turned red for some reason, and she didn't think it was a big deal even in the chaotic scene just now. They probably heard the words 'losing money' a lot, and they were used to it, but there was an uncle in front of her for her. The two sisters are in their early years, and now they have such a young sister to comfort themselves, she is so happy!
Cailian, who is ten years old, is only one year younger than Ding Jianguo, and Cailian is as old as Jianshe. They are both nine years old this year. The four of them are the oldest children in the family, and they are also the first to understand and work the most.

In the early years, I heard from a gossip woman in the village that my aunt gave birth to two consecutive sons, and her mother gave birth to two daughters in a row, but was ridiculed for a long time. Fortunately, after two years, she gave birth to two consecutive daughters. Son, now I feel that my back is straight, and now that I have a son again, I feel that my life is complete.

The children of the poor start their families early, especially in rural areas. A ten-year-old child is already able to do a lot of work, and she is sensible and knows everything early. She can no longer be treated like a child.

But the adults said so much, and somehow felt that it was not as good as the little cousin's words, hugs, kisses, hoo hoo, how heartwarming it is?
Cailian gratefully kissed Weiwei on the cheek: "Thank you fourth sister."

The third room of Ding's family has four daughters, Ding Wei from Ding Zhenlong's family, lotus and mulberry from Ding Zhenhu's family, and Ding Lan from Ding Zhenbao's family. Ding Wei is the fourth eldest, so it's right to be the fourth sister.

And the Ding family Ding Jianguo has a total of nine brothers in his generation.

Jianguo is the eldest (11-year-old Ding Zhenlong’s eldest son), Jianshe is the second (9-year-old Ding Zhenlong’s second son), Jianjian’s third (8-year-old Ding Zhenhu’s eldest son), Jianxin’s fourth (7-year-old Ding Zhenhu’s second son), Jiandang’s fifth ( 6-year-old Ding Zhenbao’s eldest son), Jianping’s sixth son (6-year-old Ding Zhenlong’s third son), Jianjun’s seventh son (5-year-old Ding Zhenbao’s second son), Jianshu’s eighth son (4-year-old Ding Zhenlong’s youngest son), this little one just born, They have already decided on a name. They are also from the Jian family generation. They are named Ding Jiancheng, implying that the nine sons of the Ding family can achieve something.

The three brothers gave birth to nine sons and four daughters. Although the old couple are no longer there, they are native residents. The Ding family is large and flourishing. The grandparents and several grandfathers are still here. There are four grandparents and three sisters. , now that the grandfather is gone, there is still an aunt, and the rest are still there, all living in the same village, and only during the holidays can Ding Wei feel the strength of the family.

However, the downside of a strong family is that there are many brothers, and conflicts can be seen everywhere, that is, their grandparents are not there, and the family is separated, so there is not so much trouble, but other families are different. In the case of the family, a large family lives in the same yard, so can there be fewer conflicts?
Ding Wei has heard the sisters-in-law dragging her to talk about the mess at home more than once. The meaning in the words is that they want to separate the family, and they also express their envy for their family.

The brothers couldn't wait for their parents to come back, so they brought her home, who was already drowsy. When they left, they brought home some leftovers from the banquet, fearing that it would be spoiled, so my brothers put it in a basket in the cellar at home. Wait for mom and dad to come back and eat hot again.

Ding Wei ate a stewed egg with Ding Lan at her second aunt's house, and slept with Ding Jianshu when she got home.

It was four or five o'clock when she woke up. She heard the voice of her parents talking in the yard, so she turned over and got out of bed, ignoring the little brother who was sleeping next to her, and ran out to find her mother.

Zhao Qingqing was pleasantly surprised to see her precious girl running out barefoot by herself.

"Oh, my daughter is able to wake up without crying and come directly to mom? Let's go, mom will take you to the backyard to pee."

After finishing the toilet, the mother directly hugged her and shook her up and down twice, counting it as clean, she pulled up her pants.

Ding Wei doesn't care, anyway, she will say to wash PP at night. If her mother doesn't wash her, she won't sleep. Girls have to develop hygiene habits from an early age. Even if they can't take a bath every day, they have to do it every day. Wash PP.

At least after she was able to talk, she went from a pain in her ass to washing PP. Now this habit has persisted for nearly half a year. In the era when no one was willing to buy toilet paper, she used dirt and leaves to wipe it. She is better. , Mom also used some purple toilet paper for her, and my brothers used homework books and corn leaves as wiping paper.

Summer is fine, boys like to bathe in the river with their fathers, but in spring, autumn and winter, fathers and brothers are just bad boys in her eyes.

It was not time for dinner, and she didn't want to eat. Instead, she went to the vegetable field in the yard to pick a small cucumber and handed it to her mother to help her wash it. My mother smiled and washed it for her, and then said to my father: " You see how fun your girl is, and she eats her mouth when she gets up, which is weird to me."

Dad can't help but laugh: "You are quite self-aware, but your daughter is better than your son because she never asks for food when it's not meal time. Of course, she doesn't talk about it when she's breastfeeding, at least weaning her." After that, I was able to stick to this principle, I don’t know if you noticed it!”

Of course, my mother discovered it a long time ago, "So this girl is not ordinary, we have to cultivate it well, maybe she is a genius at reading!"

Afterwards, Ding Wei learned that the aunt's child was saved, but her man quarreled fiercely with the old woman. The old woman cried and made trouble at home, and the two married daughters also returned to their mother's house to be with their brothers and sister-in-law. Noisy, so angry that the sister-in-law was almost sent to the hospital again, and her natal mother directly picked up the daughter. In the end, the two sisters were kicked out of the house by their brother's slap twice, and asked them to pick up the worry-free mother.

"Aren't you arguing for her? Then you take her away and let her live in your house for a few more days. You can experience it yourself before talking about us."

The sister-in-law didn't want to do one or two, but was threatened with a slap by the domineering elder brother, and reluctantly took her away.

It is estimated that there will be a good show to watch next!
As the weather gets hotter, the leaves of sweet potatoes grow faster. In addition to feeding pigs and chickens and ducks, my brothers will also brush some sweet potato poles. The poles are boiled in water and served cold. The leaves are mixed with sweet potato noodles and corn noodles and steamed in a pot. , whether it is cold salad or eaten directly, the taste is also very good.

Ding Wei felt that she was really getting better and better at supporting herself, and she felt delicious in everything she ate. Compared with the previous N life, the food at this time was the worst. She was born in a good age, but now you see, not to mention the backward age, the food is not good, but she didn't expect her adaptability to be so strong.

In her own words, there is no need to worry about getting fat at all. If you eat whole grains every day, you will not gain weight at all.

It would be great to not have to worry about obesity anymore.

Moreover, his family's conditions are among the best in the village. At least Ding Wei, who is favored, has not suffered any serious crimes. The coarser grains are eaten by her parents and brothers, and her own meals are re-made fine grains. Afraid that the steamed mashed potatoes might not suit her taste, she put them on the griddle until golden brown. Such potato pancakes taste delicious even without adding a drop of oil.

Occasionally improve the food, catch fish and shrimp in the river, she only drinks fish soup, the shrimp is hers, because the shrimp is relatively small, there are fish bones in the fish, if there are crabs, the crab shell is too hard, the brothers will follow her Say hello: "The shell is too hard for you to bite, brothers eat it!"

The river crabs are not big, you need to bite the shell to eat the meat, and this age maintains the living habit of not wasting. Naturally, the crabs are so rare that they are eaten with the shell, including the shrimp head that she pulled off. Parents and brothers Also reluctant to waste food, it can be seen that although Ding Wei has come to this era, her living standard is not bad at all.

The school started this fall, and my parents sent my third brother to school because they had more money in their hands.

The founding party and army of the uncle's family also went with them, and naturally only Jianshu Ding Lan Dingwei and the newborn Jiancheng did not go to school.

The second aunt couldn't take care of the other children after confinement, so they were all sent to school to save her from worrying about it.

The third aunt always took Ding Lan with her wherever she went, and the other two sons also went to school. Looking at it this way, Ding Jianshu and Ding Wei were the only ones left at home, and she was somewhat worried.

Fortunately, there is still a Yuhong class in the school. She and her father discussed it again and again at night, and felt that now Ding Wei's ability to take care of herself is relatively strong. She can eat by herself and express her convenience to the adults. But there are dangers everywhere, and it is quite troublesome for her to run around every day, and Yuhong Class pays 12 yuan a semester, including two meals at noon and afternoon, and [-] yuan for two children. Theirs is a little more expensive.

After the parents discussed it, they told the brothers and sisters about it.
Ding Wei acted like a child, because her mother said that there are many children in the school, and she also knows that it is not easy for parents, so naturally she has to accept it happily.
So every morning when she went to school, the elder brother carried her on his back, and the fourth brother followed behind her older brothers and sisters. At the same time, there was also sister Ding Lan from the third aunt's family who joined the army. Send it over.

In this way, the couple can completely calm down and go to work.

In fact, in this era, not only the production team has a red class, but even any unit in the town has a similar nursery class. This is also considering that it is not easy to have a double job. You can find time to breastfeed during work breaks. In fact, future generations can also Follow suit, but the difference is that in this era, they are all state-owned enterprises, but in later generations there are obviously more private enterprises.

In fact, Ding Wei really wants to stay at home by herself, but that is not realistic. The Yuhong class is also divided into three classes: large, medium and small. Once the little brother is sent there, it will be the middle class, and she will stay in the baby class under three years old. , However, in this class, she felt that she was tortured by crying every day. Those children were so terrible when they cried, and their eardrums were about to be perforated.

Probably because of this problem, the four childcare workers who were matched were all old, experienced and patient. However, no matter how good-tempered people are, there will be times when they collapse. Did not see.

Probably because she should be well-behaved, don't cry or make noise, eat when it's time to eat, tell the teacher when it's time to go to the toilet, and wipe the PP by herself. It's nothing more than a little scared when going to the toilet and needs the teacher to take care of her , other things do not need their help, so the teacher is not bad to her.

The little brother is not doing well. I heard from my mother that I cried on the first day. After she made a comparison, my brother had strong tears rolling in his eyes the next day, but he didn’t fall. He was really stubborn, haha !But the effect my mother wanted was achieved, so I happily followed my father.

Compared with the chaotic and busy twentieth world, it should not be the 21st world. What she is experiencing now is the 22nd world. It is not a bad thing to be a happy rice bug now. When it is time to play, follow these little ones When playing games, it's time to eat and eat. If you don't have enough, you can ask the teacher for it. You will never treat your stomach badly.

Although the food at school is not as good as at home, it’s either cornmeal or sweet potato noodles every day, and the dishes are the cheapest in season, such as cabbage, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, etc., and she also saw that these dishes are produced by the production team. I pick out the defective products that are left over from here, but it is already very good that they are willing to give these children to eat.

The elder brothers who are day students have to go home for lunch at noon, and only the children in the Yuhong class eat at school, and the primary school students have to go to school.

Because children in this age group like to cry, especially when they see their parents crying more fiercely, so to avoid trouble, they eat at school at noon and afternoon.

In addition to paying six yuan for childcare when entering school, you also need to pay five catties of food every month. You don't need to bring vegetables and so on, you have to pay for food.

In order to be worthy of the five catties of food, Ding Wei ate very clean every time, and she would tell the teacher sweetly that she still wanted to eat.

If there was a lot left, the teacher would generously fill it up for her. If there was less, she wouldn't open that mouth at all to be annoying.

Otherwise, all teachers like her, there is absolutely no reason to hate her!

Ding Wei's sleep is shallow, but the children's crying is one after another. She really wants to go to the small class to follow Xiaolan's sister, but the school does not allow her. The teacher of the small class also thinks that she is too young to take her. I asked, originally they also wanted to put the two sisters together, but the school still has rules, it's really pitiful that she suffers every day to stay with those babies.

In this day and age, there are six days of class every week and one day off, that is to say, she has to spend six days with these crybabys every week, and she is almost going to have a nervous breakdown.

Fortunately, the baby class does not stipulate how long you must sleep before getting up. You can sleep as long as you want. She also deliberately chose the corner position. On the most powerful day, she slept directly from half an hour after dinner to lunch time. The direct result was that she couldn't sleep at night, and heard the sound of her parents playing cards. Uh, since then, she forced herself to wake up early so as not to hear any discordant sounds. It was really embarrassing.

Ding Wei wears the clothes of a one-and-a-half-year-old child, but she has a human age of more than a thousand years, so she has no friends to play with in the baby class. Being alone, the teacher thought she was withdrawn!
It was her mother who knew her well, and explained to her teacher: "Weiwei is not withdrawn, she usually likes to be quiet, probably because the class is too noisy, which disturbs her, the teacher doesn't care what she is focusing on, as long as she doesn't cry or make a fuss , Just eat and sleep."

When the teacher heard it, she immediately understood: "Mother Weiwei is right, this girl is really what you said, she never disturbs others for her own entertainment, and does not allow other children to disturb her. She sleeps very independently and has a strong ability to take care of herself. Occasionally I take her out to play, and only when I see her brother and sister will I burst out laughing. Your daughter is really different."

On August [-]th of the same year, which coincides with the National Day, every household in the production team gets mooncakes according to their head.

Before the school holidays, my mother had already been to my grandmother’s house, so after the holidays of my brothers and sisters, my mother and the others continued to work. There was no need for holidays, and they were not city workers. They had public holidays, and they planed food in the fields. Yes, it would be great if everyone could share a mooncake.

The moon cakes are not big, but the wife cakes are so big, so each person divides one. After the parents divide one piece for each child, they put the remaining two pieces away.

Don't look at it, it's either for my little brother or for her, so Ding Wei sensiblely stopped her mother from putting it up.

Take it out and send it to your parents' mouths: "Eat, eat mooncakes, let's eat together."

Mom and Dad couldn't help being moved, "It's okay, Weiwei, Mom and Dad don't like sweets, and the brothers also let you, so I will save these two pieces for you to eat when you are hungry, okay?"

Ding Wei felt sorry for them, and took a bite of her own mooncake: "Weiwei has mooncakes, you can eat them, I'll be angry if you don't eat them."

"Hey, why are you so funny, you still know how to get angry, who taught you? Did you learn it from us by accident?"

"Mom and Dad eat," Ding Wei saw that they were unmoved, so she simply stuffed the mooncake into their mouths and forced them to eat it.

The couple were a little confused by the daughter's operation, and the brothers were also watching the fun, especially Ding Jianguo, who felt more and more that his sister was not simple.

"Mom and Dad, this is my sister's wish. Eat it quickly. Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival a day for family reunion? Since the meaning is so good, how can the sweetness in your mouth be missing? If you want sweetness, you should sweeten it together." Yes."

The couple were moved to tears by the sensible children, and even kissed Ding Wei on the left and the right, and Ding Wei shyly hid aside.

"Daddy, don't let daddy kiss, brother kiss."

"Hahaha, Dad, you have been rejected by my sister again. Did you see that my sister still likes us a little more?"

Then every brother came to kiss her and hug her. Surrounded by so many brothers, Ding Wei felt extremely happy.

Of course, she interrupted at this time because she was afraid that her brothers would be jealous, but it seemed that she was thinking too much. It seemed that it was only natural for her parents to treat her well and spoil her. The same goes for Brother Jianshu, what a rare and harmonious family atmosphere!
Unlike the second uncle's family, even if the uncle and aunt made promises, the two older sisters still had endless housework after school, and the two older brothers were far less sensible than the two older sisters.
Unlike their family, no matter what labor is involved, the whole family works together. Even Ding Wei will give things to her brothers when she can.
But at the second uncle's house, the two elder sisters thought it was natural for them to do housework, while the two younger brothers did not do housework because they were men, so there was nothing wrong with it. This kind of feudal thinking seemed to be deeply rooted in their minds , completely unaware that this is unfair!
(End of this chapter)

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