The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1355 [1354] Reform is coming

Chapter 1355 [1354] The reform is coming (5000)

When her brothers were doing their homework, she climbed to the table and sat in the middle, flipping through their textbooks casually. First of all, she felt that the words on this book had a sense of age, and even the yellowing of the books passed down from grade to grade. This point is enough to show the lack and difficulty of educational resources. Fortunately, everyone cherishes books, and no one dares to scribble on them. If they find out, they will be fined.

The textbooks are ancient, and compared to the textbooks of later generations, they are really simple and cannot be simpler.

But looking at the struggling state of the brothers, she suspects that the teachers in the school are also half-baked, they don't know how to teach at all, and they can't memorize the multiplication formula. No, even the mistakes that can be seen at a glance are hard to say.

But she has to show her intelligence as soon as possible. Fortunately, the Yuhong class is with the elementary school. She can often hear their multiplication formulas, so after discovering an obvious mistake made by her brother, she subconsciously recites it.

"One one makes one, one two makes two, one three makes three...,"

Sure enough, with her back, the elder brother and the second elder brother who were already learning the formulas of multiplication opened their mouths and looked at her with stupid faces.

Even the second brother patted the elder brother's hand excitedly, "She, she, she, she can't speak well, but she can recite multiplication formulas, how is this possible?"

Ding Jianguo's experience is much more than Ding Jianshe's, so after a short shock, he asked subconsciously.

"Vivi, where did you learn this?"

Ding Wei tilted her head and looked at her brother: "School, it's so loud, I heard it."

Ding Jianguo understood. He heard them read a lot and accidentally memorized it?But this is too ridiculous, so big?
"How much is thirty-seven?"

Ding Wei only recited one and two, but not three. She thought and thought, then shook her head at Ding Jianguo: "Phuket Island."

"Can you only recite until two makes four?"

Ding Jianguo answered again: "One one gets one, one two gets two, one three gets three..." This time, he got stuck when two two got four.

Later, she shook her head to express that she couldn't remember. Ding Jianguo also understood, and instantly felt psychologically balanced. If his sister really memorized the multiplication table, he would feel like a waste.

The key is that the third brother hasn't learned it yet, but Weiwei has already recited it to the second. Who will believe it?
In order to test her calculation ability, the brothers did everything they could, and whenever they had the opportunity, they would answer arithmetic questions. Although everyone was waiting for Ding Wei's calculation results, she never disappointed them every time. , Within ten, if she can count with her fingers, she can basically answer correctly, if she is a little slow, the result is correct, which is remarkable.

For example, Jianghui asked her: "I picked up two eggs yesterday, and today I picked up a duck egg. How many are there?"

Ding Wei would repeat his question with her fingers: "Yesterday I picked up two eggs and put them in the basket, and today I picked up another duck egg and put them in the tank. The sum is... one, two, three, three." ?”

"Today, my mother baked ten cakes, my father ate three, my mother ate one, and each of the four brothers had one, and there are still... um, two, two?"

In order to show how capable their younger sister is, they hugged Ding Wei in front of her parents and asked, anyway, the addition and subtraction within ten, she slipped away by counting with her fingers. Achievements! ! !

"Mom and Dad, look, I said that my younger sister is a good material for reading, do you believe it now? She can add and subtract before she is even two years old, which is simply unbelievable."

Zhao Qingqing and Ding Zhenlong slammed the table after repeated experiments.

"No, let them transfer us to the small class tomorrow. My daughter's level is no problem at all in the small class. When she is four or five years old, I will send her to the first grade. I will give it a try. Isn't he really a genius!"

This is what Ding Wei wants. Of course, she never shows anything in front of outsiders. No matter how happy the couple are, they never reveal to others how powerful their daughter is. Be a low-key person, especially when comparing children. Parents, they all show off their hearts, and they must be calm.

Ding Wei never thought of going soaring to the sky, she planned to take it step by step, at least let everyone have a process of accepting her "extraordinary".

As the saying goes, if you are young, it may not be good!

My mother did what she said, and she actually sent her to the Yuhong class the next day to negotiate with the teachers of the small class and the teacher of the baby class. They must not agree, because all children under the age of three are in the baby class. Only those over the age of [-] are in the small class.

Ding Lan was in the small class, and Ding Jianshu was in the middle class. In order for the two sisters to be in the same class, Zhao Qingqing finally asked for a day's experimental class.

Ding Wei did not disappoint everyone. In order to leave the crying baby class early, she showed amazing adaptability. She eats, plays games and sleeps with her brothers and sisters every day. She does not need help when going to the bathroom. , You can also eat independently when you eat, the key is to eat more, don't cry or make trouble, smile, no matter how you look at it, how cute you are.

Moreover, in order to be in the same class as Ding Wei, Ding Lan took the initiative to bring her younger sister by her side. When she was sleeping, Ding Lan patted her back to lull her to sleep. Anyone who saw such a well-behaved and obedient Ding Wei would like it, right?
So, Ding Wei, who has been in the class for less than two weeks, finally successfully transferred from the baby class to the small class. With her sister Ding Lan every day, she suddenly felt that her life had reached the peak. No one could bully her.

And her immersive eating and sleeping has become a model for many crying children asking for food in the small class.

After entering September, my mother started a new round of drying and hoarding vegetables.

At night, the brothers would sneak into the ground and pick fresh corn for her to steam.

This was something the production team couldn't stand no matter how they looked at it. Every family couldn't wait to find a way to try something new at this time, and the older brothers also cared about Dad's character and position, so they only did it once and never did it again.

It's like picking green wheat for turning in summer. It's just one person and one ear to taste the freshness, without getting worse at all, and being lost by desire.

And the production team here often catches children who steal food, but what can you do with him? At most, when the team holds a team meeting under the big locust tree, you will pull out individual models for criticism and education. They know that there is no way stop.

After all, when we were hoeing peanuts, we couldn't control the mouths of the people below. As long as we didn't catch the current situation, no one would admit it.

Dad also doesn't think that brothers should be honest and responsible children. In his opinion, if boys don't have such a side in their childhood, they will be unhappy!
It's the only way to go, including my father, who often did it when he was a child, but it didn't stop him from growing up and becoming a pacesetter in his work.

Childhood, it should look like childhood.

From this, Ding Wei could see that both parents are not "honest people" who are easy to bully, they are very independent, and they can also train and educate their children.

Because Mom and Dad said, no matter what other people do, they only get corn once.

And the brothers did too.

Probably because it was coming into autumn, so my mother increased the workload for my brothers.

"When you come back from school, each of you carries a basket of pigweed. After autumn, the pigs have a period of rapid growth. Take advantage of this time, let them eat more, and sell them at the end of the year."

Ding Wei sat on a small stool under the eaves, crossed her legs and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the crisp autumn, and suddenly felt that time passed so quickly.

Looking back on this year, it seems that my parents’ expenses are not big except for visiting relatives, celebrating festivals, and paying tuition fees. They don’t spend money on food, and they wear old clothes. My parents also wear aunts and uncles. Yes, their brothers and sisters picked up their cousins, and no one dislikes anyone. Anyway, everyone's life is so simple, and there is no idea of ​​​​comparing with hypocrisy. What a pure age!
Children in this era are very simple, as long as they can eat enough, they can do whatever they want, and they are very easy to control.

Ding Wei has been lazy since she became sensible. She is not good at commanding the other brothers, but the little brother is a saddle by her side. She pours water when she is thirsty, picks cucumbers and tomatoes for snacks, and sleeps with her when she wants to sleep. , Fan the wind when it is hot, and add clothes when it is cold.

The other three elder brothers, when they were on vacation, would either dig out bird eggs for her, or go to the river to catch fish to improve the family's food.

Anyway, as long as there are brothers around, it seems that there is no chance to experience the difficulty of this era.

Because she has been eating fine grains since she was born, the only one for the whole family, she has no intention of giving it up, but she silently remembers the sacrifices her brother made for her, as long as she reaches the age of self-reliance, she will definitely subsidize it in turn them.

One autumn rain and one cold, the weather is getting colder and colder. At this time last year, she was still wearing crotch pants. This year, her mother has sewn up all her clothes, for fear of freezing her baby bump again.

When the autumn harvest gets busy, my parents don’t stay at home anymore. The eldest brother and the second brother will go to the fields to help harvest the autumn after school. They will be credited according to the amount of work they do. They were sent to the third aunt's house to feed the chickens and ducks with sister Xiaolan.

The second aunt is also a good laborer. After the child was hard for three or four months, she went to work in the field with a basket. When she cried, she picked her up and nursed her. After she fell asleep, she put her in a cool place and asked the elderly to take a rest. Very hard.

But it is also a true portrayal of this era. Most of the children under one year old grew up in the fields like this.

In fact, she was like this when she was a child, but her brothers were loyal to help, and she herself had the memory of her previous life, so she seemed to have less worry and effort than other children.

The son of the second aunt's family is in good health, and his crying is particularly loud. Although the sisters will go to the field to pick him up and take him home after school, compared to her sensibleness, everyone says that it is not easy to carry and disobedient. , as long as she is half sensible, they don't have to be so tired.

This is the difference between having memory and not having memory. Aren't most children ordinary people?
If she hadn't sacrificed righteously, how could she have such a life?
After all, it’s still merit, people, you have to do good deeds and act righteously, in this way, maybe one day, there will be adventures!
Her grandfather had four brothers in his generation, and they had fourteen sons and seven or eight daughters in total, but none of them could go to the city to work as workers, all of them were digging food in the ground, while her father, It can be regarded as the leader among them, at least the important position of tractor driver in the production team is not envied by others.

It is not uncommon to be able to drive a tractor, but an all-around talent who can drive and repair, my father counts as one, and she can be used anywhere.

Mother also serves as a key investigation object among the women in the production team, and has the opportunity to take over as the women's captain.

Now when I come home at night, I still light the kerosene lamp and learn to write from my brothers. In her own words, a woman who doesn’t want to be a women’s director is not a good woman. She can’t be an uneducated women’s team leader. No, what happened?
So she has to work hard and study hard while she is young.

Not only to learn to read, but also to learn arithmetic, to be able to settle accounts, even the little girl knows how to study, how can she embarrass the children?
My father bought a dictionary before, and he just flipped through it when he had nothing to do. Today, he has more literacy than his elder brother, but he can write and recognize many of them, but he can’t read them. However, it took many years. Six editions of the optical dictionary were issued, and they still learned traditional Chinese characters, which were even more difficult to memorize and write.

Usually, people who write it down ask the church, hey, so that they can write down the words thoroughly.

To be honest, Dad's ability to have this kind of heart is enough to prove that he can get to where he is today, and it's not just luck.

In an era when almost all the people were illiterate, whoever paid attention to education would take the lead.

Obviously, it is because of Ding Zhenlong's strong learning ability that he has the opportunity he has today.

So he said to his daughter-in-law more than once: "Small the pot and sell the iron, but also for a few of them to study and become talents!"

This year's winter came earlier than in previous years. After the winter, there was less work in the field. Most of the children in Yuhong Class were taken home.

The tuition paid has not been refunded, and it will be fine to wait until the next semester starts, and then slowly offset it.

Because the Yuhong class is not an elementary school, there is no learning task, it is purely playing with the children, so when the mother is free, she takes the little brother and her home.

Dad once again obtained a place to do odd jobs in the city through his own network. Of course, he would take care of his brothers first, and the second and third uncles followed suit.

Otherwise, there is no conflict between the three sisters-in-law. The eldest brother and sister-in-law always think about them. If they don't know what to do, they will have a hard time living.

The sweet potatoes in the private plot came out, the sweet potato vines were fed to the pigs, and the sweet potatoes were stored in the cellar in baskets.

The cabbage and radishes are also harvested. Half of them are used as pickles, and half are dug into a hole and buried in the soil, covered with a layer of straw, and then spread with soil. If you eat this way, you can eat fresh vegetables that are not bitter or bran.

There are also spinach, coriander, and green onions in the ground. These kinds are not afraid of freezing, but my mother still uses straw to block them.

My mother harvested about fifty or sixty cabbages and twenty or thirty radishes. Because of the careful watering with her own fertilizer, they all grew well, big and thick.

The radish is cut into shreds and dried in the sun to make spicy dried radish, which is super delicious with rice.

Cabbage is the traditional Northeast pickling method, one layer of cabbage and one layer of salt, and you can eat sauerkraut when the time comes.

Before the sweet potato freezes in the sky, take a part of it and rub it into sweet potato mash, leave it empty for one night, and pour out the floating water on it the next day, and it will be a proper sweet potato flour.

After the vermicelli is dried, it is taken to the production team to filter out the vermicelli. In winter, you can eat cabbage stewed vermicelli. This is a dish that most northerners like to eat.

At the beginning of September, my mother planted rapeseed by chance. Usually, the sun-dried rapeseed and rapeseed oil will be harvested in May of the Gregorian calendar next year.

After the sweet potatoes are harvested, rapeseed is left in the private plot, and the vegetables are grown in front of the house, behind the house and in the yard.

Every spring, my mother will plant plum beans, tofu vegetables, loofahs, pumpkins, and wax gourds in the corner of her house. Therefore, in late autumn, there are still a lot of loofahs, big pumpkins, and winter melons that can be washed in the cellar, so that the vegetable-deficient winter , at least some more tricks.

Before the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the work points and rations of the production team were all counted, and it was time to distribute money and food. Because the production team only ate during the busy farming season every year, the remaining food had to be distributed to the common people.

Everyone has rations, and the work points are converted into money based on the work points you earn every year. Of course, there is a prerequisite here, which must be exchanged according to the actual situation of the production team every year. Parents and elder brother earned a total of about 560 work points , this year, each work point is only seven cents, which is equivalent to [-] yuan.

In addition, they sold their New Year pigs to the production team for 120 yuan, and their father resold the live pigs for 100 yuan. This year, their family deducted the loan from the production team and the rations of everyone in the family, and they got almost 300 yuan.

Dad's monthly salary is 15 yuan, and it is about 120 a year, because not every month is paid, and in some cases it is calculated according to the number of days of work.

This year, the eggs and duck eggs at home were saved up to exchange for fine grains for her, so there was no such surplus money.

At the end of the year, my parents have about five hundred yuan in their hands plus the money they saved in the past few years. To be honest, it is really not a small amount.

However, bad news came one after another. Next year, the private land will be taken back, and the family will not be allowed to raise pigs and poultry.

Dad's position was also cancelled, which means that the production team leader can't do it anymore, so he can only concentrate on being his tractor driver in the future.

My mother couldn't accept it all at once, and my father never smoked, but this day he found cigarettes and sat under the eaves for half the night. Maybe he couldn't accept it, but only Ding Wei knew that this was a new turning point.

In fact, this is a year too late compared to the reality. In the future, as long as you work hard and study hard, as a rural person, the poorer you will be, the better.

Compared with the city, the country people at this time actually have an advantage. Ding Wei doesn't think there is anything wrong with this kind of life. It doesn't matter if the next life is difficult. As long as she is with her family, she is already satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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