The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1383 [1382] Youth story meeting

Chapter 1383 [1382] Youth Story Club (4000)

At noon, the old lady made a special meal for the old man to deliver to their unit.

"You, Mom, I'm afraid you won't be able to bring this little girl back, so I specially prepared a meal for me to bring over. Don't worry, we went to see you in the morning. The doctor gave us a detailed examination and prescribed medicine. Let you. Mom go shopping by yourself, we take care of each other, you work hard, treat the little girl better, this is our lifesaver."

Before leaving, the old man went to see Ding Wei and expressed his thanks again and again. Only then did the colleagues know that there was such an accident, and they were immediately moved by the kind-hearted little girl, saying that Lei Feng and Ding Wei were destined by fate. The relationship may be destined by God.

The lunch was delivered at noon, so how could Ding Wei refuse? She brought a total of three aluminum lunch boxes, one box of miscellaneous grains and rice, one box of braised pork with potatoes, and one box of stewed tofu with cabbage vermicelli. It was obvious that the old man wanted Send the best food to her mouth to express my gratitude to her, but don't forget not to waste it.

Although there is only one box of rice, the ingredients such as potatoes, vermicelli, and tofu are the most hungry vegetables. Three lunch boxes and two vegetables are enough for the two of them to finish eating.

The meat of the braised pork is the best pork belly, and the potatoes are roasted. There is really a lot of meat. She estimates that it will weigh a catty. This old lady is really too polite.

"Uncle Lei, don't bring me food. I've had enough. I really have enough. This is too much. I can't finish it. Look, I still have an egg here. I really can't eat it."

Ding Wei began to give eggs to Lei Feng, but they didn't want them. She warmed herself up for a long time. She had never eaten such a rich lunch since she traveled through time. She was so grateful that she didn't know how to express it. However, Lei Feng was also polite, afraid that she would not have enough to eat. Same, I put a lot of meat and tofu for her, and kept talking.

"Eat, I usually can't eat such a good food. My mother really wants to thank you. I also rely on your blessing. Eat more. At worst, I won't eat at night. Save your eggs for the family to eat." , the good things of this year can't be wasted."

Under Uncle Lei's persuasion, Ding Wei could only keep eating and had the best and most filling meal ever.

When her father came to pick her up after get off work in the afternoon, Lei Feng even took out three catties of meat tickets to express his gratitude to Ding Zhenlong, but the father and daughter refused to accept anything, and hurried away by bicycle, fearing that if they left late, they would be more polite to her Of course, Lei Feng forcibly hung that bag of apples on Ding Zhenlong's handlebar.

On the way home, Ding Zhenlong realized what his daughter had done, "Then how do you know how to rescue her?"

"When I was in the apple orchard, I heard Grandma Cai and the others talk about such a disease, and I subconsciously remembered it."

Ding Zhenlong said with a lot of emotion: "Then let's quietly send this bag of apples to them at night. If it weren't for them, how could our father and daughter achieve what we are today?"

Ding Wei also nodded: "Okay Dad, I agree with both hands, and I heard in the county that many people have returned to the city. I guess grandparents and grandma will soon be rehabilitated and go home."

Calculating the time, it really hasn't been a few years. At that time, not only will people return to their original jobs, but they can also get back the wages they owe, and the house. If you don't take advantage of this time to cling to your relationship, you may have no chance in the future.

Of course, Ding Wei also believes that because of her existence, their family will not be idle for the rest of their lives, but with more protection, there will be another way out. She will never dislike having many friends, even if they don't regard them as friends, but one day they will be friends. When they meet each other, no matter what, it will give them some face, and this little face is enough for them to avoid many detours.

Therefore, she has always been very generous in maintaining the relationship with Apple Orchard.

When the father and daughter returned to the village, they deliberately walked on the river embankment, and directly sent the apples to the apple orchard from the embankment.

Although after the flood that year, the original house in the apple orchard was collapsed and unusable, and many fruit trees died, but fortunately, the poultry raised under the fruit trees has always been very strong. After the house was gone, it was rebuilt and died. The fruit trees were replanted later. A few years later, they seem to be older, but also because of the kind treatment of their red flag production team, their life is bitter, but not sad, unlike some places where they have to endure physical pain. and mental torture.

When I got home, it was already dark, and I kept talking and reciting memories, which made Ding Wei feel very tired, so I took out the morning eggs and stuffed them for my mother.

"Mom, these are the eggs my father bought for me in the morning. Uncle Lei invited me to dinner at noon. I haven't eaten. You can eat them warmly. I'm sleepy, so I won't eat at night."

Xiangxiang didn't see her sister for two days, and pestered her to tell a story. Zhao Qingqing went to pick up the little girl and looked at the eldest girl with distress.

"How can you do it without eating? You can drink some soup if you want to. See if you are tired. If you can't hold on, let's not go?"

"Mom, I'm fine. Isn't that what studying is like? There's no easy way to say it. I don't eat. I'm too full at noon. Uncle Lei saved him to thank me. Mom, please let me eat a lot. I can't eat anymore, I just drank dandelion water at Grandma Cai's place, I'm not hungry at all now, you eat, don't worry about me, Xiangxiang is good, sister will tell you a story tomorrow!"

After talking about fetching water and washing himself, he went back to the house and went to sleep. The dazed Zhao Qingqing took the time to ask her husband. Only then did she understand what the girl said about saving people. Ding Zhenlong also said to send Regarding the matter of Apple, Zhao Qingqing nodded after listening.

"It should be, it should be, if it weren't for them, our family might not have such a good life!"

"The second child took a car back to the county after lunch, and you didn't run into each other. The third child and the fourth child collected firewood and wild vegetables in the afternoon. Everyone eat more tonight. It's fragrant. These are the eggs that my sister brought back. , Mom warmed it up for you, you eat it!"

After Xiangxiang got the eggs, she gave her mother a bite of the egg white, her father a bite, and the two elder brothers each a bite. She ate the rest of the egg yolk by herself. After hearing everyone's praise, she said happily: "Sister said, good stuff!" To share, not to eat alone,"

While feeling relieved in their hearts, the couple sighed again, this eldest daughter is really a genius, and she feels that everything is better than what they taught.

Going to school on Monday, Ding Wei used her spare time to take out her novel "Ding Ling's Going to School" and started writing. She started writing from Yuhong Class, and every bit of it is full of memories and happiness of this generation. Although this era is poor, at least Children read happily and follow the law of natural elimination. Unlike later generations, they are so introverted to the point of outrage.

In order not to waste time, Ding Wei used the time at school properly, that is, writing novels in class, and after school, she would follow her brother to collect firewood, dig wild vegetables, bring back wild vegetables and firewood, and go to the production team if they could not run out at home. In exchange for work points, even the younger sister Ding Xiang has become a little helper now, doing well behind them.

I have to say that parents in this era are really worry-free. As long as they do their jobs well, the older ones will take care of the younger ones. Along the way, there are countless people carrying their younger siblings to pick up firewood and wild vegetables. Xiao Huan is very sensible, unless he is too hungry, he will make troubles, look for a sense of presence, and let everyone pay attention to him.

Of course, this is a good time, and there are also bad times. In order to earn money and work points, they went to the fields to lock up their children at home, and there were many accidents. Last year, a newborn child in their village was killed in winter. It was a pity that the quilt was so heavy that it was gone.

There are even those who were bitten by mice and died of diseases. In short, in this age, it is really not easy to grow up safely.

According to my mother, there are still sorceresses who use talisman water to cure diseases. Some are cured, but some are not. Ding Wei knows that those who are cured should be cured, and those who cannot be cured are fate. The fixed number of feudalism has been superstitious for thousands of years, how can it be changed just by changing it?It's also fortunate that their family didn't believe in this stuff, otherwise their children would not go to the doctor to get medicine when they got sick, but to drink talisman water.

On Friday, after half a day of class in the morning, she asked for leave in the afternoon. Because her grades were excellent, the teacher approved it without asking.

After having dinner at home at noon, I walked to the national highway in the town to wait for the bus. This time I was not so lucky. I stood there and waited for the bus for more than half an hour. It was so crowded that the conductor took her away. It was pulled up.

Because she doesn't come back at night, her father took her change of clothes to their unit in the morning, and she doesn't need to go to the door again, and her father will come to pick her up. Of course, her father will not go home these days , and even helped someone on duty. Of course, the other party's duty fee was to be given to Dad.

My mother said helplessly: "Okay, if you don't come back, don't come back. Both of you father and daughter are going to earn money, and you should suffer a little bit."

No matter how good the outside is, it is not as good as her old nest, so Zhao Qingqing feels sorry for them. On Friday morning, she steamed fresh wild vegetable steamed buns and asked her father to bring them to work, thanking his female apprentice for her help.

Because their new program will start broadcasting on Friday night, they need to rehearse and walk through it on Friday afternoon, and Ding Wei has already memorized her lines by heart this week, so when going through the process in the afternoon, it is better than Lei Feng. It was even smoother than imagined, especially Ding Wei was not stage fright, everyone was amazed by her on-the-spot reaction, she was very good at finding topics, and could always answer Lei Feng's words, whether it was language talent or on-the-spot talents, it seemed extraordinary.

"Okay, very good. I thought about doing it a few more times. I didn't expect you to succeed once. That's fine. When we actually go to the battlefield tonight, we won't be afraid. You are well prepared. Tomorrow night The lines are all memorized, the little girl worked hard, yes, work hard, if you do a good job, I will praise you to the stage and ask them to give you a raise."

Billing is done once a month, two days a week, three or four hours a day, but the actual performance is only one hour, Zhou Baopi only pays the fee for this hour, and only [-] cents for the crucial hour. After the mother's incident, Lei Feng had long regarded Ding Wei as a promising junior, so he also wanted to help them as much as he could.

The broadcast starts at [-]:[-] p.m. and ends at [-]:[-] p.m. You have to eat two hours before the broadcast, and you have to go through the process one hour before entering the studio after everything is ready.

The moment she put on the earphones, Ding Wei felt that she was the most shining female anchor on the stage. Following the voice of anchor Lei, she integrated herself into the show.

"Hello, listeners. I am Ding Wei, our little assistant of "Youth Story Club". Please allow me to introduce myself. I am eight years old and a second-grade student in elementary school. Telling the best story of youth, next, I invite anchor Lei to explain the first story of today..."

When thinking of Lei Feng's well-spoken voice, Ding Wei felt that her ears were about to be "pregnant". Such a hoarse, magnetic and emotional voice is really suitable for reading tragic love stories, and her Appearing, it is precisely to cooperate with anchor Lei to bring everyone to the youthful campus.

The first story that Lei Feng chose is exactly the stage that adolescent children must go through when they face the kind of ignorant and ambiguous classmates.

When it was Ding Wei's turn, she used her lively, soft and lovely angelic voice, coupled with ancient Chinese folk stories, sometimes passionate, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, and sometimes pleasantly surprised. With the most authentic voice, she changed different scenes, Let the listeners be able to blend into it and be personally on the scene, but not allow people to hear the sound of her swallowing, drinking, or breathing. This requires repeated practice to control, so it is not easy to be an anchor of.

Although Ding Wei's short story is short, she really put all her feelings into it, and the staff outside the recording studio couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

Facing the compliment, Ding Wei remained unmoved, and cooperated with Lei Feng to smoothly handle this hour's work neatly and to a perfect end!
After the show ended, everyone stood up and applauded the cooperation between the two of them, and even the female staff who didn't like her at the beginning sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

"This child, as Lei Ge said, is a natural seedling, so outstanding! He didn't lose the chain, which shows that his psychological quality is also very good."

After the show ended, everyone got together and had a meeting. It was almost eight o'clock when they got off work, so they didn't eat at work, but when they left, each of them got four meat buns, which can be regarded as one for tonight. Extra meal.

Ding Wei couldn't eat anymore, she wanted to give it to Uncle Lei, but he gave her two instead.

"I can't finish it either. In this way, you can take it home and give it to your father. It will be hot tomorrow morning, so you don't need to buy food."

Afraid that she would refuse, Lei Feng hurriedly got on his bike and left. Ding Wei walked out the gate with six buns in her arms. Sure enough, she saw her father standing under a tree and leaning on the bike waiting for her. She ran over happily, shouting excitedly. .

"Dad, our show tonight was a success. It's a pity you didn't hear it, otherwise you would definitely praise me for doing a good job!"

(End of this chapter)

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