Chapter 1384 [1383] Radio ticket (5100)

Unexpectedly, Ding Zhenlong smiled and said: "Why didn't you listen to it? I just listened to it at the doorman's place. Today is the first show, and your doorman grandpa specially called me to listen. I never thought that my daughter is so good, Weiwei, You really brought me one surprise after another, such surprises prompted Dad to save money to buy a radio, in fact, our family has money to buy it, but we don’t have a ticket!”

These days, tickets are used for everything, and radios also need radio tickets. Without a ticket, you can’t buy it even if you have money, because you will have to listen to it frequently in the future, so he doesn’t want to buy second-hand ones.

Ding Wei rolled her eyes, "Dad, don't worry about this, turn around, I'll talk to Uncle Lei, see if I can exchange something for a ticket, this is a radio station, there should be a connection."

Ding Zhenlong also felt that this statement was reliable, but...

"Will it be too much trouble for others?"

Ding Wei pursed her lips, "Then..., I'll ask someone else, wait until tomorrow, tomorrow I'll ask other uncles and aunts."

He helped to take the lunch box from Ding Wei's hand, and it was still warm when he touched it, "What kind of noodles are here, why are they still hot?"

Ding Wei slapped her forehead fiercely: "Ah, I almost forgot, Dad, hurry up, go to my brother's school, we gave out four steamed buns, and Uncle Lei gave us two more, you can eat some later, and send them to my brother Well, I’m not too hungry, I don’t care if I eat or not. It’s meat buns!”

It was only two or three kilometers away from Ding Jianshe's school. Although it was past eight o'clock in the evening, Ding Jianshe hadn't finished his self-study in the evening, and he had self-study in the evening at nine o'clock. It was not too late for them to go there.

Ding Zhenlong was surprised when he heard this: "Your Uncle Lei is a good person!"

"Yeah, I was afraid that I wouldn't want it, so he gave it to me and rode away. This kind of favor is too heavy for us. I just did a small favor, but he really remembered it in his heart. Dad, let's go quickly. Give it to my brother while it's hot."

They couldn't finish the six big steamed stuffed buns, and they would definitely not taste good tomorrow. Ding Zhenlong rode on the bike, Ding Wei sat in the back, and the father and daughter arrived at the school gate in about ten minutes. The adults wouldn't let them Come in, Ding Wei called uncle sweetly, and said that they passed by here all the way, and wanted to go in to see brother.

"My brother's name is Ding Jianshe. He is a graduate student. He has been studying hard recently. My mother specially asked me to bring some food to my brother. Just let me in!"

Master Mengang heard this: "Oh, you are Ding Jianshe's younger sister, your brother is a good student with excellent character and learning, I often hear him on the radio, and he is among the school's recommended places for the army today! "

Ding Wei and Ding Zhenlong's eyes lit up, especially Ding Zhenlong, holding the handlebar, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

"Master, is what you said true? Is there Ding Jianshe in the recommended quota for the army?"

"That's right, although there are quite a lot of people called Jianshe, but Ding Jianshe and the others are the only one in this class. He even greeted me when he came out and went in. I know him, and I can't go wrong. Congratulations, this It’s more secure than going to the village to select one! As long as the medical examination and political examination are all right, you can definitely go.”

Being a soldier in this day and age also requires connections, because everyone wants to be a soldier, and there are so many boys, so you have to choose a good one, so everyone is struggling to get a place, but the number of places is limited Therefore, the selection of channels is particularly important, and the last batch should belong to the selection between villages.

Those promoted by government agencies and schools are often more cultured and self-cultivated than those in the village, so the social class also establishes the way and starting point for joining the army.

Ding Wei was allowed to go in, the only one in the graduating class. It is not ordinary people who can persist until the third year of junior high school in this day and age, especially rural children, it is even more difficult.

Why do the production teams in the village below only have elementary schools and no middle schools? It is because the number of people who can reach the third grade of elementary school will decrease with age, not to mention those who are admitted to junior high schools. Today's schools require exams. If you pass the exam, you will pass, if you fail the exam, you will not pass if you want to.

Ding Wei thinks that the previous teaching method is better, unlike later generations, where a large number of college graduates cannot find a job, and the high school entrance examination is diverted. It is said that it is compulsory education, but the tuition is more than N times higher than the tuition fee era. The teacher is in the classroom If you don’t teach well, you will be charged extra class fees to teach carefully, the question types and syllabus of compulsory education are simple, and you will exceed the syllabus in the exam...

When it comes to the criticism of the education of later generations, it means that three days and three nights can’t finish it. In the era of parents, schools and children’s social introversion, elementary school students have to choose a high school when they are young. It's nothing more than being crucified on the study table, and I don't even have the qualifications to play loudly at school, poor thing!

It is still easy for children to learn in this era. Those who are talented will continue to take the entrance exam, and those who are not talented will start farming early, or choose other employment directions.

Although there are no high schools and universities anymore, there are still technical schools, which is why children of this age can still sit in the classroom and study.

Even if you graduate from middle school and enter a technical school to learn technology, you are still N times better than an illiterate person after graduation, because they manage the distribution, and as long as you work hard, it will be a matter of time before you become a regular worker. It is equivalent to having a regular job, so even if it is after eight o'clock in the classroom of the third grade of junior high school, the candles are still lit and the students stay up late to study.

The school has electricity, but not to mention the unstable voltage, and the brightness of the bulbs cannot satisfy the entire classroom, so it is common to turn on lights at night and fight at night.

The middle school in the county town has two floors. The graduation class is on the first floor. It is easy to find. This is the first time Ding Wei has come to this school. Students live in green brick and tile houses, but the campus environment is good and looks clean. Of course, it may also be related to the fact that they can't see clearly at night.

The graduating class is naturally guarded by a teacher. It is already the second half of the evening self-study class. The situation in the classroom is complicated. There are people who read and write. My brother is tall and sits in the last row. She went around to the back door and dragged Pull the clothes of the boy closest to the door.

"Big brother, call Ding Jianshe for me. I'm his younger sister. Let me come and see him."

The boy immediately yelled over there: "Jianjian, Jianshe, tsk tsk, Ding Jianshe!"

The last sound was a bit loud, and my brother heard it. When he looked up, he saw her at a glance. She stood at the back door and waved to him with a smile.

My brother immediately got up and went to the podium to talk to the teacher, then walked out through the front door calmly, and then dragged her to the bottom of the stairs at the corner.

"Xiaowei, why are you here? Oh, yes, you went to the radio station to report today, right? How is it? I didn't hear you for the first time. It's a pity."

"Brother, it's okay. It's important for you to study. Dad is still waiting for me at the door. Here, eat quickly. There are six buns here. You can eat four. I will give the remaining two to Dad. Eat quickly. After eating go in."

According to his brother's speed, the four buns could be eaten easily, and Ding Jianshe still wanted to talk, so Ding Wei picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hurry up," Ding Jianshe took down the buns, "I'm not very hungry. Where did you come from? I'll save them for tomorrow morning."

"It's going to be cold tomorrow morning."

"It's okay, these four are enough for me to eat two meals tomorrow,"

When Ding Wei heard this, she simply gave the six buns in the lunch box, including the aluminum lunch box, to her brother.

"Alright, if you're not hungry, then save it for tomorrow, and I'll give it to you. Are you coming home from school at six o'clock in the afternoon?"

"No, no, you and Dad haven't eaten yet, just give me four, so I don't have to buy food tomorrow, and I can go home for dinner."

No matter what Ding Jianshe said, Ding Wei still insisted on stuffing the whole lunch box into his hands.

"Then I'm leaving brother, you have eaten, and my dad and I have eaten too. Tomorrow, dad and I won't go home. Are you coming to ride dad's car after school?"

Ding Zhenlong didn't go home, so of course he didn't need a bicycle, so Ding Jianshe rode his bicycle home on Saturday night and returned on Sunday afternoon.

"Yeah, riding a bike can save [-] cents and save time. Dad usually rides here to give me the bike after get off work."

Ding Zhenlong has nothing to do after get off work, so he naturally focuses on his son's time and tries his best to save him time.

Ding Wei chatted with her brother for a while, then hurried away, fearing that the long stay would affect Ding Jianshe, so Ding Jianshe dragged Ding Wei to the back door of the classroom, and brought her his empty lunch box to her: "I washed this. , you take it back and use it." It is equivalent to exchanging lunch boxes between brother and sister.

The lunch boxes in this era are all aluminum lunch boxes. This kind of lunch box is not only good for hot food, but also durable. Although it is not warm enough, it is very convenient to use.

After Ding Wei left the campus, she explained to Ding Zhenlong: "Dad, I gave all the buns to my brother. If he insists on eating tomorrow, I'll just give them all to save him from having to buy another meal. Two meals a meal for three." A steamed bun should be enough."

Ding Zhenlong was a little distressed that she didn't eat: "Dad will find you something to eat when I get to the dormitory."

"Dad, I'm not hungry. I'm really not hungry. I ate steamed sweet potatoes and steamed buns at work in the afternoon. I'm not hungry at all. It's getting late, let's go back quickly?"

Ding Wei, who felt that she couldn't waste any more time, immediately got on her father's bicycle, went back to the dormitory her father had found, washed up, and quickly lay down.

Because the lights in the dormitory were turned off at nine o'clock, she was very fast, and she was tired after half a day, so she fell asleep after a while.

It was already seven o'clock when she woke up the next day. The sheets and quilts were delivered to her father's dormitory, and she went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

Breakfast is vegetable corn bread, pickled vegetables, and miscellaneous grain porridge that can reflect the shadow. Dad bought her two eggs as usual, eat one, and take the other to the radio station. If she is hungry in the middle, she will take it out and eat it.

Dad himself was reluctant to eat, but Ding Wei couldn't persuade her, so she had to give up, but she began to worry about making money in her heart, and it was not enough to work part-time in the radio station.

The reason why we stay for two days today and tomorrow is because Uncle Lei helped her get a chance to help her as an intern at the radio station. Pay her three dollars a week.

Friday afternoon from [-]pm to [-]pm, Saturday from [-]am to [-]pm, Sunday from [-]am to [-]pm.

Three yuan a week, which is much higher than the previous one yuan, Ding Wei was immediately moved, anyway, she can do everything in the stage now.

Cleaning, organizing documents, serving tea and water are even easier than the aunts they invited!

So the station decided to arrange for the aunt to come over from Monday to Friday, and to arrange her on Saturday and Sunday, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

She cleans on Friday night, and Auntie comes to clean on Sunday night, and no one owes anyone.

I have to say that Lei Feng really put himself in her shoes, and Ding Wei would not disappoint others. Fortunately, there is no such thing as illegal employment of child labor in this era, and there are no serious people in their station to report. Wei here not only gets the care of many people, but everyone also takes care of and affirms her.

Because Ding Wei's handwriting is good, she often asks her to help copy documents. In short, the treatment of one dollar a day is definitely worth the money.

Sometimes when she was free and had nothing to do, she would take out the novel from her bag and start writing. At first she thought about publishing it first, but she was so absorbed in writing today that she didn’t notice that Lei Feng had downloaded it and broadcasted it. After reading the novel he wrote, he couldn't move his eyes away. It wasn't until Ding Wei called him that he turned to look at her in shock.

"Son, did you write this?"

Ding Wei nodded honestly: "Yes, Uncle Lei, you have always said that there is no set of books on the market that are really suitable for children to read, and even children have no experience from elementary school to junior high school, high school, high school, and university, and then I came up with this idea , Now I have only written about Yuhong Class, and I still need to consult a lot of materials later, and maybe I can’t finish writing this story in ten or eight years!"

Lei Feng looked at the printed model essay in front of him, and was speechless for a long time, because of his one sentence, this kid wrote as soon as he said it, when did it become so easy to write an essay?

The most frightening thing is that the writing is so vivid and interesting that people who are watching it can't take their eyes off just by glancing at it?
What kind of fatal attraction is this?

Lei Feng's excited mood had long been overwhelmed by the deterrent force brought by Ding Wei. He looked at the draft paper in his hand and was speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that he was brought back to reality. After finishing the business at hand, he immediately looked at Ding Wei.

"If you wrote this, it would be great. Have you ever thought about publishing it? Uncle can help you, but if your novel is published, can it be serialized on our radio station? I have already thought about it. Well, how about you interpret it with your own affection?"

Ding Wei thought so before, and this coincides with Lei Feng, she said with a smile.

"As long as it can be published, everything else is easy to talk about, but, Uncle Lei, are you raising me too high? With this level, can it really be published? Isn't it too childish?"

"Children's books and children's books are just like those model essays. You can't ask for perfection. I see that your writing is good. At least the words and paragraphs are not a big problem. You also quote classics from time to time. The sentences are fluent and the descriptions are vivid and interesting. , as a simple and easy-to-understand children's book, it is definitely qualified, and I think what you promote is also some positive spiritual levels, and at your current age, if you can negotiate, even if you can't publish it, you still have If you are qualified to be serialized in newspapers or magazines, if you choose the next best thing and serialize in these newspapers and magazines, would you be willing?"

Ding Wei thinks that there is no qualification to choose by herself, and it is Amitabha who can be serialized, okay?

Immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "I agree, Uncle Lei, as long as I have money, I agree. I also want to earn money as soon as possible, and buy a radio!"

"Radio? Ah, yes, you are amazing now, you are a small broadcaster, you can't have a radio at home, but you should tell me about it earlier, I have a way to get it for you, if you don't need a ticket Kind, do you want it?"

Ding Wei's eyes lit up instantly, "I really don't want a ticket? If I don't want a ticket, my father said that I can buy it now. Uncle Lei, if you can do it, then our whole family will thank you, because we can't do it at all." Tickets for the radio."

"It's easy to talk about. I'll ask you guys when I get home at noon today. Don't worry, it's definitely cheaper than the ones on the market."

Ding Wei was a little embarrassed, "I'm going to take advantage of you again, I'm really too embarrassed."

"Little girl, why are you being so polite? You are my mother's savior. You are just helping you bridge the gap. It's not that exaggerated, but... Let's get down to business. You are only in the second grade of elementary school, right? You can't even write a composition yet?" , but can write such a good article, why do I sound unreal? And look at your handwriting, even if you write faster, you can see the strokes in the chaos, and the trend of each stroke is just like It is engraved in the bone, and you can see the sharpness everywhere. I don’t think this is the level that an eight-year-old child should have. Are you really only eight years old? Or did I meet a genius?”

Seeing no one around, Ding Wei said quietly: "To tell you the truth, I have been listening to and reciting books since I was three years old, and I started practicing calligraphy when I was five years old. The people who taught me were all great people before, and they are also Seeing that I am smart, I will teach me when I am working. Although I do not have the ability to remember the memory, I do react a little faster than my peers, so although I am only eight years old, I have already learned the knowledge of junior high school Clicked."

Lei Feng took a deep breath, "I really found a genius? I know the people you mentioned, so you are quite lucky?"

Ding Wei gritted her teeth: "Looking at the current trajectory of my life, I'm really lucky. Look, I told you about such a secret, should you keep it secret for me? If you praise me as a genius in the future, I can stand it too, hahaha!"

"You little girl, have you learned how to joke? Are you telling uncle to keep it a secret for you? Don't worry, uncle is not stupid. Can you not know the secret? You trust uncle, and uncle can't trick you , If this matter comes to me, it will be regarded as a dead end, and you can’t get out. From now on, you should write carefully, write [-] to [-] characters, and show it to uncle. If it’s feasible, I’ll contact the publishing house for you!”

Ding Wei burst into tears of gratitude, feeling that she had met a noble person, Lei Feng couldn't hide his excitement, and felt that this girl was his lucky little fairy!

(End of this chapter)

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