The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1506 [1505] 1978 Spring Chapter

Chapter 1506 [1505] 1978 Spring Festival

This Spring Festival was the first time they spent in their new house during the family reunion. Because there is heating in the city, the cabbage and radishes grown at home were put in the cellar, and enough food was brought to the city to stay at home. not out.

Although the north on their side does not reach the point of cat winter, the coldest time can reach minus ten degrees. In addition, there is food and drink at home, and there is no work in the field, so the six brothers and sisters clean at home , Cooking in order, the four brothers also rode back to the village by bike, gave New Year gifts to the elders in the village, and then stayed at home to clean the house, and visited grandparents, uncles, aunts and other relatives. Return to the city.

Snowflakes are falling outside, the whole family sits in the heated room, the brothers’ bunk beds are clean, the windows are bright and clean, even the curtains, sheets and quilts are all torn off, washed and replaced, the balcony inside the parents’ house The house is filled with the houses purchased by my brothers, fruits such as apples, pears, persimmons, and winter dates, vegetables such as cabbage, radishes, celery, green onions, spinach, and coriander grown in the ground, and fresh pork, fish, chicken, and duck bought from the vegetable station. A whole basket of fresh eggs, as well as all kinds of dry goods they brought back from Lu Province, looked like the specifications of a wealthy family.

Ding Wei still has to go to work every now and then, and the housework is outsourced to her two brothers. She used to help cook at home. You can get started.

I have to say that the talents cultivated by the country are different. Cleaning is like obsessive-compulsive disorder, and there is not even a single hair in the house.

The greasy dirt in the kitchen was cleaned up as clean as new ones, and the bathroom was smooth and bright. Even a clean-loving person like Ding Wei was amazed!
"Brother, if you are all at home every day, it will save me a lot of trouble. The work is too delicate, and it is too healing!"

"Weiwei usually works hard, brother will help you work as long as you get home!"

Ding Wei curled her lips, "Do it now, what about later, will you go home and work after you get your wife? Don't marry a wife and forget your mother and sister!"

The second brother looked at her disapprovingly: "Look at what you said, why, you have to give up your wife and sister after you marry? Who said that? We will always be a family, okay?"

Ding Wei snorted, with a nonchalant expression on her face: "Everything you say is good now, but who knows in the future! Isn't this what happened to the old couple of the Zheng family?"

When my mother came back that day, she told about the current situation of the old couple in Zheng's family. Everyone couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. Their family does not lack money, but what they lack is conscience and filial piety.

No matter how good the nanny is, she is still an outsider after all. No matter how bad the son and daughter are, they were born by themselves. How can this be the same?

She remembered that when her parents finished speaking, her brothers fell silent, because they had already felt the pain of not being able to go home after serving in the army.

If I work outside in the future, it would be nice to be able to go home once a year, so how can I take care of my parents.

Regardless of how many children there are, when they are really needed, one or two will find various excuses.

How about the elderly who have passed away from acute illnesses? They will not be punished, and they will not burden their children. If they are afraid of chronic diseases, they will not die, and they will suffer. This stage is a test for everyone. Whether you are filial or not is irrelevant. It depends on how much you usually look at, and how much you can do when the elderly really need you.


Ding Wei likes shopping, especially in this day and age where tickets are required for everything, if she can grab some items that don't require tickets, it will be more fulfilling.

So she would go to the supply and marketing cooperative every day after get off work, and as long as Ding Caisang was not busy and saw her, she would come over.

"Here we come? Today there is a batch of broken tin cans. No tickets are required. A can costs fifty cents. Do you want it? There are yellow peaches and oranges."

Ding Wei nodded without thinking: "Yes, give me a box, twenty bottles in a box?"

"A carton is sixteen bottles, do you have all you want?"

Ding Wei nodded, "It's over, my brother and the others are back, you can pack them in this net bag for me, all of them are yellow peaches. Do you have anything else?"

"There are still a few pairs of Jiefang cotton shoes. They were stained black during transportation. I don't know what they are. They usually cost more than ten yuan a pair. Now they cost eight yuan a pair. Do you want them?"

"Sister, show me first."

So Ding Caisang led Ding Wei to the small courtyard at the back, and entered a room on the left that said defective products. Liberated cotton shoes with various dyes, she doesn't think the problem is too big, so she can try to wash them off at home, anyway, cotton shoes are expensive to keep warm.

"These shoes are okay. I bought a pair for the third, fourth, and fifth children. The third child sent him to the factory. They said they were quite warm. Would you like to get a pair for my uncle?"

"Sure, sister, then you can pack five pairs for me. I'll see what size you have."


After taking the cotton shoes home, Ding Wei scrubbed some of them off with soap first, then rubbed them off with alcohol, and dried them on the radiator overnight. When I looked at them the next day, they were not so conspicuous.

"Brother, I bought a pair of cotton shoes for our dad, and the remaining four pairs, one pair for our third uncle, and the other three pairs, you sneakily sent to the apple orchard."

The canned food cost 40 yuan, and the cotton shoes cost 48 yuan, a total of [-] yuan.

The eldest brother and the second brother wore military boots from the army, and the third and fourth brothers wore cotton shoes she bought for winter, so I didn't buy them this time.

Three of the six people in the apple orchard left, and there were three left. Although cotton coats had been given to them before winter, they hadn't bought cotton shoes yet, so I took the opportunity of my elder brother and the others to return home.

My brother had already delivered the New Year's gift last time when I went home, and this time I can't go back empty-handed. Ding Wei steamed two pots of brown sugar cakes for them at home.

"You can eat it hot when you get home. These cans are for my third uncle. I bought them at a special price, and they are not bad inside."

Apart from her father, Ding Wei was the one who cared more about family relationships. Her mother was busy, so she had to think about it for her mother.

Helping the people in the apple orchard was not just because she knew that they would return to the city sooner or later, but because their conditions were too difficult, and she could help a little. As for how many gifts she would receive in return, she really hadn't thought about it.

After all, Ding Wei is not short of money nowadays, not to mention the [-] saved in the savings bank, the interest alone can increase to [-] in a few years, and their family's salary allowance and so on, brother They went to the military academy, and their military status is calculated from the time they enlist in the army, not when they enter the army, so from this point of view, their starting point is higher than others.

When my brother came back from home, he didn't bring big persimmons with him.

"This is from my third uncle. He said it was given by someone else. There are still a lot at home. Let's take it home and eat."

This kind of persimmon is a crisp persimmon. Ding Wei looked at it, washed it, cut it and tasted it: "Well, it's quite sweet. It's delicious. Ding Xiang must like it. Brother, you can hide the persimmon by the way. This girl, go every day." Stealing it, thinking that I don’t know, these are the ingredients needed to make bean buns next year, don’t let her finish it for me.”

Ding Wei was almost busy until the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, and she finished recording and broadcasting during the Chinese New Year, and then she didn't have to go to work as scheduled.

Staying at home with peace of mind and arranging for her brothers to continue to purchase, she classified the ingredients one by one, because the boxing gifts had been sent to relatives a year ago, so after the New Year, she only needed to go to her grandparents.

There is also good news from my mother. This year, she will be able to rest on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The children of Lao Zheng’s family will come back.

"It's been a few years, and it seems that they have been scolded by the old lady very much. They dare not not come back."

This year's mother had a late holiday, so Ding Wei had to be busy organizing things at home, and Ding Zhenlong had to go to work, so he couldn't help, and Ding Jianguo and his siblings were there to help.

Fried chicken, fried fish, croquettes, fried sesame candy, fried lotus root, fried tofu, fried sweets, fried salty food, fried crispy meat, steamed buns, steamed bean buns, steamed steamed buns, pork skin jelly, and the meat needed to make a bowl, from December 26 all at once It was busy until the evening of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. When Zhao Qingqing returned home, all the ingredients had been prepared.

The two sisters happily asked for credit: "Mom, I have also prepared the dumpling stuffing. Let's make dumplings together tomorrow morning, and we will have a New Year's Eve banquet in the evening. This is our first real reunion year. We must do it well." Yes."

Zhao Qingqing patted her head: "My daughter has really grown up, she is so capable, she can make so many delicious food, you have all worked hard, I will be busy in the next few days, you all have a good rest .”

"Mom, it's you who should take a good rest. By the way, where is my third aunt? What should she do?"

"Your third uncle picked up the old lady and the third aunt on a tricycle. This year, let the old lady spend the New Year at their house and taste a different New Year's Eve dinner. I think it's very good. It's not easy for old ladies these years. , but your Grandpa Zheng and Grandma Zheng should be very happy this year, the girls and daughters are back, the family is lively, and they can finally have a reunion year."

On the morning of New Year's Eve, my brother got up to post Spring Festival couplets. Ding Wei wrote the couplets herself. Last time I went home, I gave some pictures from the apple orchard. Grandpa and grandma, my third uncle's house, and the family of good elders in the village, they I gave them all away, the main family Ding Wei's calligraphy is good, and people are curious about it wherever I go, including Grandma Zheng, Grandma Wang, Grandma Lei, Grandma Lei's house, there are calligraphy given by Ding Wei.

Colleagues wanted something, and she generously gave it away, but it wasn't worth much anyway.

If she hadn't been busy, she might have set up a stall in the factory, writing on the spot and delivering it on the spot!
Ding Wei and Ding Xiang followed Zhao Qingqing to make dumplings in the kitchen. Her father searched through the boxes and chests to find out the firecrackers at home, lit a piece of incense, took a few small firecrackers, and led her brother downstairs to set off the firecrackers. The custom is that from the [-]th to the fifth day of the new year, you can set off a firecracker before eating, or set off a small hanging whip, implying that there will be a new atmosphere in the New Year.
(End of this chapter)

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