The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1507 [1506] Left eye jump disaster

Chapter 1507 [1506] Left eye jump disaster

There is no radiator in the kitchen. Although it is a bit cold, coal balls are used after all, and the windows are always open, so it is a bit cold. A table was set up inside, and Ding Wei rolled the skin, wrapped by mother and clove, They wore thicker clothes than those in the back room, and everyone casually put on an old cotton-padded jacket. While making dumplings, they talked about their parents' family affairs and interesting things about school.

This is a rare warm scene in this family. Even Ding Wei would look up at her mother from time to time, turn her head to look at her sister, and poke her head around when she heard the movement in the back room.

"Weiwei, I heard from Xiangxiang that when you went to your grandma's house a few years ago, you also went to Chen Xiumin's house?"

"Yes, Mom, we are in the same class now, and we are classmates. I didn't dare to give a New Year's gift, because I was afraid that people would bother me to give gifts, so I just gave Xiu Min a scarf picked up from Grandpa and Grandma Zheng's house, oh yes There is also a red thread cap, I think red is suitable for her, so I gave it to her."

How much she wants to give New Year gifts to her mother, grandparents and grandparents in her previous life, but they are all people who know etiquette. If you give them a gift, they must think about returning the gift. Appropriate old clothes will also be given to Chen Xiumin, anyway, the two sisters will not be able to wear out all the clothes they brought back, so it is better to pick and choose and send them to Xiumin.

However, the family members don't know the relationship between her and Chen Xiumin, they only think that she treats Xiumin better than Ding Lan.

Ding Wei talked a lot about how Chen Xiumin helped her at school, but her mother always felt that these were not enough to make her love her so much.

But Ding Wei didn't say anything else. Zhao Qingqing only thought that there was some undisclosed secret between the two sisters, and she would not object to their getting along. She even said that she would weave a set for Chen Xiumin. sweater.

"Didn't you just buy ten catties of wool from the supply and marketing cooperative a few years ago? With so many colors, I just wanted to knit a sweater for each of you. It's just right for you to wear in spring and autumn."

Ding Wei quickly said: "Mom, no need, you are so busy, I can knit by myself, I will do it later, and I will measure your size in a few days."

Compared with her mother's craftsmanship, Ding Wei believes in her own craftsmanship. What she wants to knit is a cardigan sweater, but the sweaters her mother knits are all the current styles that are heavy and heavy, and have no patterns and shapes. They are not good-looking at all, so Quickly refuse.

But this surprised Zhao Qingqing: "Do you know how to knit sweaters?"

After hearing this, Ding Wei laughed, "What's the problem? I even bought the needles. If I wasn't too busy, I would have finished knitting a long time ago. Wait, I'll show you your girl's handicraft later, but let's talk about it first." , the time is really uncertain, maybe you have to wait until this autumn, "

My mother looked at her expectantly: "Don't say half a year, I can wait for a year. As long as you weave it, you can be patient. Otherwise, people will praise you and ask me how I raised my children. One is more promising than the other, and I said I didn’t care about it, but no one believed it!”

Ding Wei laughed after hearing this: "It's not that our family's Feng Shui is good, it's the gene passed down from the ancestors, they can't learn it!"

"Hey, I also heard that the kid named Xiangfeng is going to Changsha to attend the military academy this time!"

Ding Wei nodded, "His school is not bad. Now, my brother has opened a few more points. The eldest brother goes to Nan City, Jiang Province, and the second brother goes to Da City, Liao Province. Although the third brother is close to us, it is also possible to take a car." It will take several hours, and I won't be able to see it until after the holiday, my sister, Cailian, is admitted to a junior college in the provincial capital, mom, do you know?"

Zhao Qingqing's face was light, "I know, she came over and said it, and went to see Grandma Wang, bought a few catties of eggs, and some pastries, but I think your Grandma Wang is not indifferent to her, she begs for it." It's boring, I didn't do it for a long time, and then I left. Speaking of it, she seems to be doing nothing wrong for her own future. It's okay to repay your Grandma Wang in the future. I helped her for two or three years. How should I put it, in fact, thinking about it carefully, it was not easy for her."

"Mom, her biggest mistake was giving Grandma Wang hope and disappointing her. When the promise couldn't be fulfilled, and when she owed more and more, she broke the pot. Now Grandma Wang is not easy. You have given your affection to the outside world. You, including my third aunt, took care of her, and she has become quiet, so I don’t talk so much. As long as the third aunt does her job well, she doesn’t say anything, and she doesn’t pick anything else. Li, when we passed, she was able to talk more, alas, it was not easy, I heard that her children have completely cut off contact with her, and even on the anniversary of their father's death, they went directly to the grave, No one came to see her."

Zhao Qingqing nodded: "There is such a thing, your grandpa and grandma Zheng also persuaded her before, since this house can't be taken away, if you don't leave it to your children and grandchildren, who will you leave it to?"

"But your Grandma Wang is stubborn. Even if you hand it over to the country, you won't leave it to those heartless things, so their family has been in such a stalemate. No one is willing to bow their heads. It will be troublesome to guess what happens in the future!"

Ding Wei shook her head: "Grandma Wang said, she doesn't know anything after she dies anyway, it doesn't matter if she is not buried with the old man, it doesn't matter if no one worships, and let me find a place for her when the time comes If you don’t bring it with you when you die, it’s just a handful of loess in the end, isn’t it?”

"This old man, you really can see it, Weiwei, since your grandma Wang said so, if, I mean, if she really has no one to bury her in the future, then let's take care of her until the end of her life. Anyway, this old man My wife has been good to you all these years, and we have also borrowed from other people's houses."

Ding Xiang and Ding Wei nodded at the same time: "Mom, we know."

Maybe it's because this topic has been brought up a lot lately. First, there was the situation with Grandpa Zheng and Grandma Zheng. Now that Grandma Wang is so stubborn, her atmosphere is a little more dignified.

"It's so strange, my left eye twitches badly today, you guys said nothing bad will happen, I've heard people say that the left eye twitches badly,"

"Mom, it's New Year's Eve today, don't think about it, okay, Mom, there are only a few more, we two make a bag, you hurry up and start cooking dumplings!"

This year, we have prepared celery meat filling, radish meat filling, and sauerkraut oil shuttle filling. When wrapping, the three fillings are also wrapped at the same time, so that you can enjoy three kinds of delicious food at the same time.

Ding Wei makes all the fillings by herself, and usually makes them every now and then. Everyone loves them, and she herself is very satisfied with the skillful craftsmanship, which is no worse than those sold by dumpling shops, so she got up early this morning to make dumplings. There are more than 300 dumplings. There are eight people in their family. Although it is breakfast, it is normal for the brothers to eat fifty or sixty dumplings alone.

After eating dumplings in the morning on New Year's Eve, I couldn't eat a solid meal at noon, so I boiled a pot of hawthorn and apple soup, distilled steamed buns and rolls, cold dishes and skin jelly, and ate a makeshift meal. Because you have to save your stomach for dinner at night.

But who would have thought that when their family was busy preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner, the neighbors from the family courtyard of the Education Bureau ran to the gate of Harvest Airport and asked the guard Ding Zhenlong and Zhao Qingqing. Only then did I know that Grandpa Zheng had left.

This is definitely a bolt from the blue for my mother: "What's the matter, I was fine when I left yesterday, how can it be gone if I don't have it?"

The neighbor sighed, and whispered a few words in her mother's ear: "The old lady is also dizzy, and she keeps chanting your name. No, they asked us to make a trip. Why don't you two go there? See what the charter is?"

She only returned home on the night of the 29th, and Zhao Qingqing did not come back until their children had returned.

It was very happy to see everyone that day, but there was a fierce quarrel in their house in the morning. The old man was pissed off, and the old lady was also pissed off.

Now that the old man is gone, the old lady finally woke up, and after knowing that the old man was gone, she passed out again.

People are in the hospital now.

Zhao Qingqing didn't say anything. After packing up, she got on her bicycle and went to the hospital with Ding Zhenlong.

Ding Wei also went downstairs together, so when she knew that Grandpa Zheng was gone, she was also stunned.

"Mom said today that her eyelids were twitching. It turned out that it was Grandpa could this happen!"

After her mother left, she didn't come home until early in the morning. Seeing that they were exhausted, Ding Wei didn't ask too many questions, so she quickly warmed up their meals.

My mother started to cry while eating. She really had feelings for her. After all, she was an elder whom she had served for several years. She just left without seeing her for the last time.

I thought my mother wouldn't say it, but she did.

"Your grandma Zheng thought that the old man was running out of time, and wanted the children to find a way to ask for leave to come back and take care of them, and take turns serving them. At least it was the last period of time. Even if the old man left, at least the children were by her side, and she would die with peace. As a result, just now When they brought it up, they refused with various reasons, either because they were busy with work, or because they affected the evaluation. Anyway, they were just evading, and this was not acceptable. Suffering from bumps? Just a verbal promise to come back often."

"In the end, the old man heard these words, and then he was so angry that he couldn't catch his breath. He couldn't yell at his sons and daughters, his face turned red, and finally he died like this! The old man left, They panicked, because the old lady was heartbroken and passed out. They hurriedly sent the two old people to the hospital. Unfortunately, the old man could not be saved. The old lady even had a sign of a stroke. When I passed, she Weeping silently, she pulled my hand vigorously, but didn't want to say a word, I know that once she speaks, she will tremble all over with anger."

The more my mother talked, the more excited she became, but in the end she went into the house without eating. My father sighed and also lost his appetite. Just like that, on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, their family felt like a cloud was hanging over their heads. layer of haze.

(End of this chapter)

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