The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 457 [456] Fat Lady Queen 18

Chapter 457 [456] Fat Empress 18 (2 more)
"Can there be help?"

The doctor stroked his beard: "Caomin prescribes a prescription first, recuperates first, and slowly detoxifies. It is impossible to completely eliminate such a long-standing toxin, and we can only try our best to recuperate. Of course , It would be even better if an antidote can be found, because I don’t know what the poison is now, so it’s not easy to target it.”

The doctor's words made the empress dowager hopeful again, and after getting the prescription, she sent someone to escort the doctor out of the palace, but the empress dowager herself sat in the side hall and didn't say a word for a long time.

Grandma Liu sent people away, and when she saw the Queen Mother, she was already in tears, with self-blame and guilt all over her face, but this was not the Palace of Compassion and Ning, she couldn't tell if she was suffering, Grandma Liu understood everything, only Holding the Queen Mother's hand, let her calm down and think about what to say to Yuan Yuan.

Even though the queen mother tried her best to cover it up, Yuan Yuan still saw something on the queen mother's face, but she pretended not to know and asked about her condition.

The Queen Mother smiled and said it was all right, she just said that because she was too fat, her body burden was too heavy, and she asked her to take good care of her body according to the doctor's prescription.

Yuan Yuan agreed with a smile, and personally sent the queen mother out of the door.

After the Empress Dowager returned to the Compassionate Ning Palace, she became very angry. Of course, this anger was not directed at Yuan Yuan, but at Yuan's family.

"How can she be so vicious? How can she be? She's only so old, so they can do that?"

"Empress Dowager, you are so angry that you are hurting yourself. If you have any grievances, you must vent them out. You must not hold them in your heart. Even if the Yuan family is no longer a thing, we have nothing to do with them right now. With such a big handle, once it is made public, It’s the result of both sides’ losses!”

The queen mother slumped on the back of the chair, her face was blurred by tears, her carefully painted makeup was applied, and she kept chanting Yuanyuan's name.

All kinds of sorry, all kinds of guilt are palpable, because of the pain in her heart, she clutched her chest in pain. This scene fell in the eyes of Grandma Liu, and her heart ached too much. But since ancient times, there have been bones on the road of fighting for power. It has been peaceful for more than ten years, and now it has stabilized. It is absolutely impossible for something to go wrong at this time.

Whether the queen mother hates or resents, hatred cannot be avenged, and she can only vent her pain to relieve herself.

The glutinous rice balls on the other side took the prescriptions and carefully checked the names of these medicines. After confirming that they were detoxifying prescriptions, they were relieved to let the Queen Mother dispense the medicine for her from outside the palace, although she drank the space every day, which has detoxification effects. The tea, as well as the essence-washing marrow at the bottom, and the detoxification elixir later, but eating more traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning is also good, isn't it?

Judging from the queen mother's reaction, she already knew the fact that she was poisoned. As for whether she would think of her figure, it would depend on their abilities.

Anyway, she already knows what she should know now. She doesn't want to stay in this place where there are only calculations and no human feelings. If the poison is not cured and the body has not recovered, she would not want to stay for a moment and want to leave. But now, she can only Cultivate your body and mind, and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Besides, the Yuan family, since Yuan Wen's return from the palace, not only failed to investigate, but also had the Queen Mother beat him up, the couple are very upset, but they can no longer enter the palace in a short time, as for Yuan Yuan's invitation The matter of the Ping'an pulse was also rejected by the Queen Mother. They already understood that the Queen Mother had already noticed something.

(End of this chapter)

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