The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 702 [701] Farming in the Beast World 11

Chapter 702 [701] Beast World Farming 11 (1 more)
Her resistance made Yin Ye feel amused: "What are you afraid of? Hurry up while it's fresh and hot."

drink blood?Even if she is a beast now, but her soul is a human being, she can't do it if she gnaws on the neck of a chicken and sucks the blood dry.

Shake your head, shake your head.

Seeing that the little female was not cooperating, and the resistance should not be too obvious, Yin Ye had no choice but to take it and drink it by herself.

After drinking, he put the chicken in front of her and raised his eyebrows as a signal.

"Eat, what are you doing in a daze? The meat of Gugu chicken is still quite tender, but the hair on the outside is not easy to digest."

Tangtang was almost choked to death by this sentence in his own three views, what the hell?Eat hair?These people just swallowed the chicken?

She swallowed hard, and really wanted to ask him, if the lamb knew how to eat it without its skin, why didn't the chicken know how to eat it without its feathers?
It's a pity that she couldn't say it, but Liang Tian answered this question for her.

"Nonsense, sheepskin can make many things, what can chicken feathers do?"

When Liangtian said this, she thought of the prey she ate these days, including rabbits and lambs, but no chickens and fish. Now that she thinks about it, it is not difficult to understand.

Rabbit and sheep wool are useful, but chicken feathers and fish scales are useless, and they would rather not eat them than bother.

So, when she pushed the Gugu Chicken that Yin Ye brought back and refused to eat it, the latter replied like this.

"If you don't like to eat it, then eat the fruit. If you can't do it, you can eat the dried meat in my cave. I'm afraid you can't bite it. This Gugu is actually quite fat, or you can just make do with it." Tomorrow, I'll find some more delicious food for you. It's getting late today and it's going to rain soon, so I didn't go far. The meat brought back by the tribe will be distributed to the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. I didn't stay, sorry, let you suffer with me!"

Yin Ye scratched her head in embarrassment, with an apologetic expression on her face, she probably had never raised a female before, and she was not ready, so she went to see her today and took her away on a whim, so seeing her refusing to eat, she was quite hurt, thinking in her heart , this little female is not easy to feed!
But I don't know that Tangtang's requirements are not high. You have to take off the feathers and clean the internal organs for a chicken, right?
How could she get rid of the hair and viscera just like that?

Although the previous lamb and rabbit meat tasted full of blood, they were cleaned after all, but the meat in front of them...

Forget it, she'd better eat the fruit.

Buttocks turned up, without even looking at the Gugu chicken on the ground, he turned his head and walked towards the animal skin bag, but when he pulled it away, he was dumbfounded.

Darling, are all the fruits in this world this big?A fruit is as big as an adult's palm, how did it grow like this?

Most of the wild fruits of the later generations are very small, and these fruits are not of the species she knows, and the colors are quite beautiful, one is emerald green, one is sky blue, and the other is white.

Although I don't know what it tastes like, but since Yin Ye picked it back, it must be edible, so she picked up the sky blue fruit and observed it for a while, then gently scratched it with her sharp claws, and the skin and flesh were separated Opened, she felt a bit like a mango, peeled off the skin and took a bite, it quenched thirst, sweet and refreshing, it tasted very soft, much better than mango.

Her operation fell into Yin Ye's eyes, apart from being surprised, he was just astonished, because he had never seen a female eat so beautifully.

In fact, he didn't see the female eating much, but it also showed that the little sable was a bit picky about food.

Eat a fruit and peel it?Is that necessary?They were all swallowed straight away.

The flesh of the blue fruit is also blue. After eating, her paws are also stained with blue. There is no water here for her to wash at any time. She usually licks it clean by herself. She is not used to that, but I was really hungry, so after throwing away the core in the middle, I gnawed on the white fruit again.

The skin of the ginkgo fruit is like an apple, so it's not easy to peel, so she just rubbed it on her body, and gnawed it, but the sour taste was so sweet, she flicked her tail and shook her head again, like that Not to mention how cute it is.

The taste was a bit like the lemons I had eaten in the previous life, but it was not as sour as lemons, so she frowned at the sourness at the beginning. Based on the principle of not wasting food, she ate this sour but sweet gingko!
After eating two fruits, she was half full. Looking at the last emerald green fruit, she was reluctant to eat it, so she grabbed it and put it in the cave. She would eat it when she was hungry, and then went down the hillside .

There is a meandering creek in the village. Usually, everyone drinks water and cleans it here. After all, it is a flowing stream, and it doesn’t matter whether it is clean or not.

She cherishes her hair very much. She washes her hands in the cold stream water first, then wipes them on her body, and licks them clean with her tongue after wiping.

It wasn't until I tidied up myself that I proudly swung my big tail up the hillside.

Because Yin Ye was too curious about her, so he followed her all the time, and after she was done with it, the sky also darkened, one mink and one wolf, just staring at each other.

"Your taste is very strange, the ginkgo fruit is so sour, you didn't spit it out, and you finished eating it?"

She opened her eyelids and glanced at him, then lay there with half-closed eyes again, lazily not wanting to move, naturally unable to answer.

However, this silver wolf is far less interested in her. See, he has stood up and squatted in front of him, wanting to hug her.

Foreseeing his actions, she bristled her hair defensively, and slipped into his nest, not letting him touch him.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly turned into a beautiful big silver wolf, lay sprawled in his den, rolled over and pressed her under his limbs.

"Okay, since it's already dark, let's go to sleep, and I'll go find you a lamb tomorrow morning."

As for that cuckoo, he didn't like to eat it either, so he just casually left it outside the cave.

Although it has entered the rainy season, it is not particularly hot, only twenty or thirty degrees. Standing in the sun at the hottest time is equivalent to roasting sweet potatoes, and you may suffer from heat stroke at any time.

No one likes to be pressed when sleeping, not to mention the weather is not cold now, so she resists his approach very much, how could he be able to talk in the shape of a beast.

"Don't move, it's raining outside. Although it's hot during the day, the jungle is very cold when it rains. I won't do anything to you. Why are you so nervous?"

What Yin Ye said was a matter of course, his deep green eyes became brighter and brighter in the dark night, although he said nicely, but he was a wolf, and wolves were the most treacherous and cunning, she had to be on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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