The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 703 [702] Farming in the Beast World 12

Chapter 703 [702] Beast World Farming 12 (2 more)
It's a pity that her concentration is not as good as that of a wolf, and the sound of the pattering rain outside, like a lullaby, made her eyelids get heavier and heavier, and finally, Yin Ye fell asleep first.

Hearing the breathing sound from the little female beside her, Yin Ye couldn't help but sit up and stroke her soft hair.

Although her body was severely bald due to injuries, it did not affect her cuteness, especially when she was rescued from the pool of blood and returned to the tribe that night, she was limp and lifeless, but it had only been raised for half a month , and the spirit of the sable was restored. This kind of feeling that others may not understand.

But he just fell in love with such a little sable at a glance. Although he didn't know her past, origin, or appearance, just because she was a female and she was rescued by herself, Yin Ye didn't intend to let her go, even if the grandmother said she He didn't care if it might affect his offspring.

If he cared about offspring, he would have already had a female, and he would not have dragged on to the age of 45 without finding a mate.

With his high-level powerhouse with four stripes in the silver night, even if females are rare, it is not difficult to find a female who treats her wholeheartedly.

But all along, he never saw the right eye.

Until the appearance of this little female cub.

In fact, he is not a nosy beast, but seeing her stand up stubbornly that night, after being beaten to the ground, then stand up again, her indomitable and unrelenting appearance, finally touched his desire to protect.

But today, this cutie who refuses to eat, gnaws fruit, and is blind and clean has touched the softest part of his heart again.

Now, as long as I think of her cute mouth opening and closing when she was eating, I can't help but smile like an aunt.

Perhaps, this is the so-called love at first sight?
Tangtang was woken up by the chirping birds. When she sat up rubbing her sleepy eyes, she found that it was dawn, but it was still raining outside, and the cave was full of humidity. It fell on the animal bones hanging in the room and smoothed the hair, no wonder it was so noisy.

There was no trace of the silver wolf around him, and it felt cool to the touch, as if he had gone out long ago.

She jumped out of the nest and stood at the door to look at the situation outside. It was raining heavily and there were puddles and puddles everywhere. How difficult would it be to go hunting in this kind of ghostly weather?

It's a pity that although she has a warehouse with a similar space, she suffered various injuries as soon as she wore it, and she has never had a chance to use it until now.

Tangtang looked down at her still animal body, feeling a little irritable and anxious. If she could take human form, she could go around and look for some food to satisfy her hunger. Even if she didn't eat meat, she could support herself, but now this The situation and the feeling of being taken care of by others really made her uncomfortable as an independent modern person.

While thinking, a silver light and shadow came back from the rain, carrying a big green bull on his shoulders, and said happily when he saw her wake up after entering the cave.

"Are you awake? Let's eat moomoo meat today."

Beef is called moomoo meat?Chicken is called Cuckoo Meat, Emma, ​​this description, let alone, is quite vivid.

Although it is better to eat tender beef, but to be honest, it is quite challenging to eat raw beef.

Yin Ye carefully separated the cowhide from the meat with his sharp claws at the entrance of the cave. On the big leaves that come back, separate them with a bone knife and cut them into thin slices.

Probably because she knew that beef was not easy to bite, so she sliced ​​it rather thinly, especially this guy made it clean today, not to mention the cure for Tangtang's obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the picky appetite was also satisfied.

Moreover, Beast World's beef is plump and plump, fat and thin, which is not comparable to authentic Korean beef, and the color is quite attractive.

It's a pity that there is no condiment. If there is condiment, it will be fried with butter. Emma will salivate just thinking about it.

However, right now, if she can clean it up and cut it into thin slices for herself, that's already a good service, so what else can she fault?
So grateful to Dade, holding the thin slices and eating about a dozen slices, I feel full, and I can't eat too much in the morning.

Yin Ye has been serving her to eat, but after only cutting a dozen slices, she has already rolled on all fours in the nest next to her with her stomach in her arms.

He stared at her dumbfounded: "Isn't it you? So much meat, how much do you eat to be full?"

The little sable waved his hand at him to show that he was full, Yin Ye saw that she didn't seem to be joking, so he could only sigh, and started to eat the rest of the meat.

He ate faster, and he didn't care about his image, so he finished it in threes and fives.

This time I changed to sables and stared at the side. She knew they ate a lot, but she didn't expect to eat so much, and looking at him, it didn't seem like he would suffer from indigestion. There is always a difference!
Do you have to digest after eating?But it was raining and she couldn't go anywhere, so Yinye wove a ball out of rattan to tease her.

At first she felt childish and ignored him, but as soon as he got playful, he hit her with a ball, annoyed her, and bared her teeth and growled at him.

It's a pity that she is neither a leopard nor a tiger, and the sound she makes is a bit like a whimpering sound, which does not pose the slightest threat to others, but makes herself very angry.

The cave is big enough, and there are birds chirping beside it to add to the fun, and the sound of pattering rain becomes the accompaniment of chasing each other, until the little sable is panting after being chased by the big silver wolf, his limbs are limp on the ground, and his tail is flicking Unable to exhale, I finally ended this after-dinner digestion.

Because of the rain, they stayed in the cave and did not go out, so they only ate two meals a day.

This big silver wolf had already eaten a big cow in the morning, and caught another stupid roe deer in the evening. The amount she ate probably didn't even have a leg, and the rest went to Yin Ye's five internal organs temple. She actually picked her teeth and said that it was not half as much as usual, which really shocked her.

But this guy squatted in the grass several times a day, so the so-called eat more and pull more, probably like this.

When going to the toilet in the beast world, he digs a hole himself, and then bury it after using it. This is already considered a high-quality performance.

The more this happened, the more Tangtang felt that he had more things to do in the future.

After three days of being bored like this, the rain finally stopped. As soon as the sun came out, mushrooms all over the forest sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain.

Tangtang excitedly hung the big silver wolf's animal skin bag around her neck, but put her in it by herself. The bag was too big, and her animal body was not big enough, but the silver wolf also saw her intentions. : "Want to go together?"

(End of this chapter)

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