The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 737 [736] Farming in the Beast World 46

Chapter 737 [736] Beast World Farming 46 (2 more)
Of course she doesn't make rice paper for writing, but for wiping... PP, because she has been using leaves since she came to the world of beasts.

This is due to the fact that the aunt did not come. If the aunt came here, would she have to suffer to death?
However, I heard that those females who came to the aunt would lie on the animal skins and not move until the flow was over, and the animal skins were cleaned during this period, and the orcs took them out to clean them. Although it was such a condition, it sounded like, Really... very unhygienic.

Fortunately, when she saw the orcs wash, they took water from the stream alone to wash. If they were washed with running water, she would probably spit it out.

Of course, now that she has cotton and cotton cloth, she will definitely not treat herself badly in the future, she wants to make her own menstrual belt.

As long as the stinky fruit tree doesn't die, she will have plenty of cotton to use in the future, and she is afraid that they will cut it down like firewood.

For the sake of safety, she planted all kinds of useful trees such as pear fruit, stinky fruit, pepper, prickly ash, pepper, etc. at a distance of ten meters around the land she found. As she grows bigger, she plans to build a farm in the future and confine everything that belongs to her in a circle so that it will not be cut down.

After having the paper, going to the toilet and so on will be much better. Although it is a bit rough and not as soft as the previous life, I am very grateful to have this kind of paper, and she decided to teach me when she has time. The orcs and cubs of the family learn to count and write.

During this period, people from the Fujishan tribe came here from time to time, on the one hand, to inquire about building houses, and on the other hand, to bring them hunting meat.

Although they did work for her, they were the ones who gave her charcoal in the cold season, so conscientious orcs would come over from time to time to bring some mushrooms, wild vegetables and fresh meat to her family.

She symbolically gave them some eggs back.

When there are too many eggs and you can’t finish them, you can either marinate them into salted eggs, or find some materials such as quicklime, yellow dan powder, tea powder, soda ash, and plant ash. Reconcile the dilute tea powder, wrap and process it into preserved eggs, and both eggs and duck eggs can be used as raw materials.

In the second month of the rainy season, sows, cows, and ewes are pregnant one after another. It is believed that before winter, their families will bloom.

And these pigs, cattle, sheep, etc., have not been willing to kill them, and their weight is gradually increasing, because they are still useful, so they are kept for raising.

But on the chicken side, the hens that don’t lay eggs are killed and eaten as broilers. The aggressiveness of pheasants has been significantly reduced after crop after crop.

As the weather got hotter and hotter, she wove cloth and made several sets of underwear for herself and Lily. Besides, she also made four sets of dresses. She thought she was a handicapped party, but she didn’t Thinking of the needle in her hand, it is extremely smooth, and the small claws that occasionally show up can cut clothes quite easily.

She weaves, dyes, and dyes the cloth every day. She puts on the clothes she made, and Lily likes them very much. When the two sisters go out, they are immediately surrounded by the females of the tribe. Hidden secrets, said everything that should be said, when they knew that it was made of stinky fruit, all of them were dumbfounded.

"It smells, and it doesn't stink!"

"I have washed it many times, from hands to upper body, more than ten times,"

But they didn't know what ten means. She drew ten lines on the ground, and then they realized how much effort it takes to make such clothes. The male of the family goes to find the stinky fruit.

But at this time, the stinky fruit has just sprouted, and Tangtang and the others have already picked it back home, so it's no wonder they can find it.

After they came back disappointed, they started to go to Tangtang's house from time to time to see how she did it. It didn't matter if they learned how to do it, at least they would prepare the work before collecting the stinky fruit.

But after this incident, the females admire Tangtang even more, because she always seems to be able to turn what they think is useless into a miracle.

How smart is this level?

Sure enough, the name of Goddess is not just talk.

During the door-to-door learning process, the females who love to learn also indirectly learned how to make grass paper (rice paper), how to marinate meat, dried plums, how to raise chickens, cattle, sheep and pigs, and even birds ( Pigeons, quails) can be raised, and the meals they eat every day are not heavy.

Awesome, I admire it!
Even shaved wool can be turned into wool? ? ?

Those beautiful flowers before, they would only pick them back to decorate the house, or put them on their heads, but what about others?
But use these flowers to dye stinky fruit flowers and wool?
The same female, how can there be such a big difference?

The more I feel guilty, the more I feel more stimulated. I even feel that Bai Chang is so old, and they all swear that they will come to study from time to time in the future, so that they can live their own lives.

And Tangtang also knows everything. If they go out to collect together, she will teach them how to collect seeds and how to plant them.

If a piece of land is full of seeds and food that I carefully collected, then in the future, won't it be necessary to search for it all over the mountains and plains?

That's why she didn't teach them from the beginning, but let them take the initiative to learn.

Only when she realizes that what she does is beneficial and can bring benefits, will she plan to take action.

No matter it is the real society or the world of animals, one can never be separated from interests. This is what it means to be mercenary.

If there is no profit to be made, then what am I doing?

There will be no pies in the sky, just sit and wait to eat, you will just starve to death in the cold season like a frigid bird.

In the process of teaching them to learn, she found that it is really troublesome to not know numbers, so she started to teach them with the simplest knot counting method, first learning one to ten, and then stacking up, and then telling them how to count years, months, and days , How to calculate the time, of course, this process is long, after all, there is no such environment, unlike the baby in the previous life, there is a learning environment, here, everyone is a novice, you need to slowly deepen your memory.

After having eggs, double-skin milk is one of the delicacies she often cooks for children. Of course, it is also very popular. The only bad thing is that since the rainy season has begun, no new ingredients have been discovered.

However, Lang Sen and Jin Kan completely settled in the Nandi tribe after the cold season, and they also carved their brand marks. It is a pity that the Himba tribe lost two masters at once.

But Tangtang and his family have already treated them with the utmost benevolence, so there is no need to run around.

After this cold season, except for Panlin, the other three have been promoted to the fourth level, and Jinkan is the peak of the fourth level, and there is only one chance to be promoted.

After Lily's two years of study, she basically knows how to do it, but it's one thing to know whether it's good or not, and another thing to make it taste good.

With a successor, Tangtang has the desire to go out to look for ingredients, although the current inventory in hand is enough for their family to be at ease, eating and drinking without worrying about it.

But Tangtang couldn't find wheat or pasta for a day, and it was as if he had hair growing on his body, which was very irritating.

So she asked Jin Kan to take her to the mountains and woodlands outside their tribe, because Jin Kan can fly, and it would be too slow to go on foot.

Although Panlin wanted to take her out, she still felt that Jin Kan was more convenient, and he had almost no natural enemies at high altitudes. If there was danger, he could immediately take her away from the dangerous place, but not necessarily on the ground. Crisis Everywhere.

Especially under the propaganda of the Nandi, Simba and Tengshan tribes, she, the goddess, has become the target of snatching by other tribes.

Although there are no portraits in this era, the female sable is a minor, guarded by tiger, wolf and python sculptures, attracting attention wherever she goes.

Among them, stray beasts and fallen beasts are the most dangerous, because news of the beast world spreads, and they count the fastest.

Well, it’s not surprising that homeless people are well-informed, and these people also play the role of sellers, often exchanging things from other places between tribes, since they have salt here , There are often stray beasts outside the tribe.

The orcs of Tangtang's family are very aware of what's going on outside, so even if they have their own selfish intentions, they can still be very clear about right and wrong.

Almost no opinion, unanimously passed.

Before Tangtang left, she packed some pots and pans, water, food and vegetables, and bacon in her own space, and then gave the orcs and Lili a thousand and one instructions, and then rode on the back of the golden eagle and flew away from the tribe.

Because there is a lot of rain in the rainy season, the sun was still shining brightly when we left in the morning, but it suddenly rained in the afternoon. If there were caves, they would seek shelter from the rain. When there were no caves, the golden eagle would take her into their own She felt sorry for his actions, but Jin Kan didn't care, because protecting her was not only his responsibility alone, but the instinct of the whole family.

When it rains, you can't hide under the tree, you will be struck by lightning. People in the beast world didn't know it at the beginning, but she reminded them specially after she found out.

And the people in their family naturally bear the brunt of this common sense.

Tangtang felt sorry for Jin Kan, so when the weather was fine, he and Jin Kan went to cut down a tree, made a temporary bathing house, and put it in the space.

Put it out when you need it, and put it away when you don’t need it, because the roof has been waterproofed for several layers, so it doesn’t leak.

Moreover, they also made a bed, and there was a fur quilt in the space. With this thing, it was indeed a lot more convenient, and it was worth the two days of making it.

The wooden house is not big, and you have to bend over to get in and out. It can only accommodate two or three people, but it can give them a shelter from the wind and rain when the wind and rain are blowing.

And how convenient is it to be able to cook and sleep in the wooden house?This has almost the same effect as the tent in the previous life.

 The legend about preserved eggs (preserved eggs)——

  According to legend, during the Taichang period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a small teahouse in Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province. The owner knew how to do business, so the business was booming.

  Due to the lack of manpower, the owner poured the soaked tea into the ashes when entertaining guests. Coincidentally, the owner also raised a few ducks, which like to lay eggs in the ashes. omission.

  Once, when the owner of the store was removing the ashes and tea residues, he found a lot of duck eggs, which he thought could not be eaten.

  Unexpectedly, when you peel it off, you will find that the inside is dark and bright, and there are white patterns on it. When you smell it, you will find a special fragrance; if you taste it, it is smooth and refreshing.

  This is the original preserved egg
(End of this chapter)

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