The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 738 [737] Farming in the Beast World 47

Chapter 738 [737] Beast World Farming 47 (1 more)
Every time Tangtang and Jin Kan passed by a lush place, they would stop to look at it, especially the ones they hadn't seen or touched.

In the second month of the rainy season, basically all the plants are in bloom. It may not be more suitable than the fruitful autumn before the cold season, but she still did not give up, and the result naturally did not disappoint her. She found peanuts Although the seedlings of sesame and sesame seeds have only grown to her calf, they are still recognizable at a glance, but it is a pity that these things grow in the grass. If she wants to collect seeds, she must come after the rainy season is over.

She bent down, and carefully received the twenty seedlings around them, including soil and roots, into the space. She planned to go home and find a place to plant them. Even if she didn't have time to come over in the future, she at least saved the seeds.

Afterwards, they passed by a large meadow full of yellow flowers. At first, Jin Kan thought she was going to collect flowers, but saw the little female eating the flowers into her mouth.

He smacked his mouth, "You are?"

She tasted the taste carefully, and looked at him with bright eyes.

"This is rapeseed, it's really rapeseed, do you know what it means?"

Excited, she wore a cotton skirt and danced in the yellow ocean. The beauty of this moment made a certain eagle stare straight in the eyes.

Can she not be happy that she can finally stop eating animal fat?
Although animal fats are good, but people who are used to eating glutinous rice balls with vegetable oil still miss the old taste.

So at noon that day, she set up her stove in this large sea of ​​flowers.

Start a fire, heat oil, put onion, ginger, garlic, chili, bacon slices, mushroom slices, stir-fry after a crackling meal, add water, open the pot with sweet potato vermicelli, boil, after they are cooked, pick a large handful of rapeseed flowers and put them in In the soup, pour starch water, sprinkle with chopped coriander, and finally put in the fried radish meatballs, pour some rice vinegar, chili oil, oh hoo, the simple version of sour soup meatball vermicelli soup is ready.

Anyway, she said that she puts whatever she sees, and there is no specific pattern. For cooking, you can cook as you like, because there are meatball vermicelli and chili vinegar in this soup, so the taste is sour, spicy and enjoyable, not to mention full. Feel very strong.

Jin Kan likes it very much, "It has a special fragrance with the addition of flowers. It's delicious. You really don't let go of any edible value!"

"That's right, it's called making the best use of things. Only by giving full play to their value can they be worthwhile in this world. There are so many rapeseeds in this field, but they are still growing in patches. Can you remember the location? Rainy season We'll come back later,"

"I can remember, don't worry, I will remember the position you explained in my heart, and I will draw a picture in a while to deepen my impression."

"Don't wait a while, draw now."

Tangtang directly took out the rice paper she made, took out the fine wood, blew it out, and let it cool down. The simple charcoal pen was ready, and then handed it to Jin Kan.

"Draw it, it's best to mark the places where you found peanuts and sesame seeds."

While painting, Jin Kan looked up at her curiously: "I've always been curious, how do you know their names and how to eat them? It's unbelievable to think about such a great project as building a house. Is it a goddess? It is not an exaggeration to really change our generation. I am afraid that you will be famous in the whole continent in the future."

Now Jin Kan's admiration for Tangtang can be described as admiration. In her mind, it seems that there are secrets that can never be unearthed. Everywhere she goes, she can bring them surprises. Thinking about it now, How lucky to be by her side?
Tangtang smiled mysteriously at Jin Kan, "Would you believe me if I said that I don't know why so many things suddenly appear in my mind?"

Jin Kan couldn't help laughing, "What do I not believe? You can even make clothes out of stinky fruit. What else is an impossible miracle? It's just, what can these few things do?"

"Then there are many uses. Sesame can be used as oil and food ingredients. The mature and dried poles can be used as firewood, and the leaves during the growth period can be washed, soaked, and dried. In winter, they can be eaten as sesame leaf noodles. .”

"Peanuts will bear fruit, and the fruit can be dried to extract oil, the leaves can be fed to cattle and sheep, and the peanut shells can be dried and chopped to be used as fodder."

"As for this rapeseed, it is now in the flowering period. When it is young, it can be eaten as green vegetables, and the flowers that grow can be used to make dumplings. Anyway, it is delicious to eat. When it comes to maturity, it will bear seeds, dry it, and press it for oil. Its poles can also be used as fuel like sesame poles, tell me, is it worth our trip?"

Jin Kan was dumbfounded after hearing this, "It's amazing. Now that I think about it, before I met you, our life seemed to consist of fruits and raw meat, and we ate very little wild vegetables. Now their food is rich and colorful. Eat whatever you want, Tangtang, really, I am very lucky to be able to stay by your side."

"Even if I don't give birth to you in the future, are you willing?"

Tangtang suddenly raised her head and looked at Jin Kan seriously: "You know what? I originally only wanted to find one partner, but now, I have three by my side. It is impossible for me to deal with the three of you at the same time, and I don't want to choose one and let the others The two left, after all, our companionship over the past few years has been called family, so, if I don't give birth to you for the rest of my life, I don't want to have a partner with you, just grow up with you, are you willing?"

Jin Kan understands that Tangtang is an independent female, but if she has the ability to protect herself, she will not choose to live with them.

On this continent, there are many males who are stronger than them. Now that she has just become famous, they have already made them feel a crisis. If she becomes famous in the animal world in the future, can they still stay by her side?

He was very happy that she could speak her mind so openly and honestly. In fact, although the three of them lived together peacefully, they were actually competing secretly.

When those males envy them, how do they know how hard they endured?Now she is not an adult and has no couple lines, which is normal.

But if she becomes an adult in the future, and they are in heat, and their lines are still not engraved on her body, how will outsiders speculate on them?

At that time, the orcs will only think that the females are unwilling to form a mate with them, so don't they want to attract more males to compete?
However, Tangtang's words today caused the little flame that ignited in his heart to gradually extinguish. He did not form a couple, but only accompanied him like a family.

It sounds fair, but only those who have experienced it know how cruel it is to them!

It's fine if you can't see it or touch it. Now you can not only see it, but also touch it, but you just don't want to be a partner. Will it explode in the future?

He can accept not having an heir. After all, in the world of beasts, not all orcs have the opportunity to prolong their offspring. If they can't stay with her as a partner, it is not only cruel to them, but cruel.

Jin Kan's silence made Tangtang very guilty. In fact, among the three, although Pan Lin and Yin Ye had saved her life, the first time she was willing to get along with the orcs was because of Jin Kan's care for her. She is a kind of dependence on him, and she is afraid and jealous of Panlin.

Every time it looks at her with its worry-filled green eyes, her heart will always skip a beat, and then she will get used to the fact that he is a panlin. This is her instinctive reaction when she sees the giant python. It is said that it has nothing to do with Panlin itself, but it will also affect their relationship to some extent.

As for Yin Ye, how should I put it, it is equivalent to companionship, but this kind of companionship is different from Lang Sen who stayed by their side as a long-term worker.

If these three people are all elder brothers, the eldest brother Yin Ye looks the most like the youngest, because he is too approachable and has no majesty at all. The second brother, Panlin, is usually very cold, and only shows a little expression when he is facing her. In terms of change, she respects and fears him, but in contrast, he is more like the boss, and he is the strongest, while Yin Ye, who is the big brother, is slightly inferior.

Jin Kan is the smallest among the three of them, but his strength is also higher than that of Yin Ye. After all, he comes from a noble family, and he is the king of the sky, just like Pan Lin is the king of snakes. Although the Silver Wolf clan also has absolute pride, But in terms of strength, Yin Ye's talent can't be said to be mediocre, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and Pan Lin and Jin Kan can be regarded as excellent.

Even the outsider Lang Sen's talent is better than Yinye, but Yinye is precious because he is very warm, and the Nandi tribe is his territory. He not only accepted Panlin and Jinkan, but also accepted Lang The Mori father and son, as well as those adopted children, may be because of her, but his unconcerned performance still makes her feel very difficult.

"Do they both know?"

After a while, Jin Kan opened his golden eyes and looked at Tangtang with some disappointment. After shaking his head silently, Tangtang nodded again.

"Although I didn't say it so clearly, I have actually expressed this meaning more than once."

Since she can't be the only one to be the only one, then she might as well not have this harem, and save herself from having to deal with these bitterness and jealousy every day. Although this is not the world of female lords, it is almost the same.

Jin Kan sighed, and looked at her with extremely resentful eyes: "Tangtang, you are really... so ruthless!"

Tangtang spread her hands helplessly: "You don't want to see me being intimate with them, do you? In the same way, they don't want to see me being intimate with you. Since you don't want to get hurt, I think it's good to be like this now, right? ?”

it is good?
What a fart.

He didn't want to see it, but wouldn't he also cut off his own way out?

The handsome man was very sad, he pursed his lips and did not speak, Tangtang looked at him with his chin on the side, couldn't help laughing, just imagine how crazy these faces would be if they were left in later generations?
Panlin is feminine and beautiful, Yinye is warm and sweet, Lang Sen is a silent tough guy, Jin Kan should be a deep and stern type, he doesn't talk much on weekdays, but he has the most attractive charm that makes you unable to ignore him. Even Ye can't compare, Yin Ye is universally loved, he can be nice to anyone, and because Panlin is hibernating, she has gotten used to his leaving, so after all, herd immunity is probably already there, right?

(End of this chapter)

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