The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 752 [751] Farming in the Beast World 61

Chapter 752 [751] Beast World Farming 61 (1 more)
As soon as the ground started to freeze, she asked Yin Ye and Lang Sen to go to the place where the wheat was found before, to see if there were any ears of wheat that could be brought back, and now she prayed that those ears of wheat would not rot, but be frozen, even if they germinated It's better to be dead than rotten.

According to the ripening time in autumn, it should germinate in the rainy season and mature after more than eight months. Therefore, before the cold season comes, it is when it matures, because the granules they brought back that time are close to maturity, almost one It can be harvested in many months.

With an uneasy mood, Tiantian waited anxiously at home. In her opinion, nothing like this made her nervous.

The seeds in the field are all planted, but the field also needs to be leveled, and the bamboo walls around the field must also be fixed to prevent wild animals from running in and chewing on the newly sprouted buds.

As early as in the flat land, they accumulated animal manure for a cold season, and they sprinkled it into the ground, such as chicken manure, pig manure, sheep manure and eggs. Except for a small part of cow manure, it was used to grow mushrooms, and the rest was also used to grow mushrooms. They are all used as fertilizer in the field.

As for the manure in their hut, they put it in the vegetable field in front of and behind their house, which is something that must be done every year when the land is plowed.

After the ground is turned, it is flat. Make a wooden board like a comb. Two people pull it in front and one pushes it in the back to flatten the large particles in the ground and turn them into small particles, which is convenient for planting.

When the orcs are not at home, their three or two meals a day are much simplified. Sometimes they kill a chicken, stew a pot of chicken soup, roll out some noodles, and noodles with meat and soup. It is a meal, and the side dish is pickled those pickles.

For dinner, goat milk, eggs, and stewed double-skin milk for them, the cubs are very satisfied. After the pre-dinner dessert, a stewed dish for dinner, and a pancake, they will be very full.

"Sister, when Songling pulled stinky today, a lot of bugs came out, it scared the baby to death,"

Tiantian was sitting with a meal, and Jimmy was wagging his tail and complaining about his little friend with a look of disgust.

She was startled at the time, but as soon as he finished speaking, Black Falcon, Xiong Yong, and Lingyue on the other side also spit out the names of several friends one after another, and their symptoms were all the same, and some of them were all over the floor. To the point of rolling, but she didn't even know about these things.

Quickly asked the boys: "What about you? Did you pull out the bugs?"

The boys shook their heads, "No, we listen to sister's advice, don't drink unboiled water, wash your hands frequently and maintain hygiene."

Lily pouted at the side: "Fart, when you are thirsty, will you wait for me to boil the water before you drink it? Or are you secretly going to drink raw water?"

Tiantian frowned, but she still took this matter to heart after all. In fact, this roundworm disease is more or less common in both cubs and adults.

Of course, in severe cases, life may be in danger.

If you call this disease an emergency, it’s not urgent, it’s just nausea. In severe cases, it can cause malnutrition, intelligence and developmental disorders, because these bugs drill everywhere. Ning, irritability, teeth grinding, itching and convulsions and other reactions.

Some people may also have allergic reactions, such as angioneurotic edema, intractable urticaria, etc., and sometimes cause serious complications such as biliary ascariasis, ascariasis intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, and peritonitis. sit idly by.

Although she didn't have medicine to treat roundworms, she could solve it with local methods.

The first one is to take ebony pills. The nature and flavor of ebony are sour and flat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that roundworms will fall if they get sour. Therefore, ebony is very effective in treating intestinal ascariasis in children, especially abdominal pain caused by worms. It's been a long time, and I haven't seen this kind of thing, so I'll have to ask the well-informed Jin Kan to look for it later.

The second method is to take Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Zanthoxylum bungeanum is easy to find. Since her family successfully transplanted Zanthoxylum bungeanum, other females in the tribe have also found and planted Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Basically all kinds.

Thinking of this, she immediately went to the witch doctor and grandmother, and asked about the situation of ascariasis in the tribe, but she didn't know if she didn't ask, and she was shocked when she asked.

There was a period of time every year when there were a lot of illnesses, and some people vomited with worms. Her stomach juice was rolling and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She immediately taught her grandmother the method and asked her grandmother to help spread it.

Now the whole clan is convinced by Tiantian's words, so when they heard that peppercorns actually have the effect of treating roundworms, they immediately arranged for it.

It stands to reason that pepper is more or less included in their daily meals, but for safety reasons, she still cooked porridge for the children when she returned home.

The method is very simple, that is, first grind the peppercorns into fine powder for later use.Then take the rice and cook porridge. When the porridge is cooked, add pepper powder and boil it for one or two times. 1-2 doses per day.Children generally stop abdominal pain 15-20 minutes after taking the medicine, and then defecate and discharge roundworms. (reality)

She persisted like this for three days. In order to achieve better results, she didn't do anything else for them. On the one hand, she had an empty stomach and on the other hand, she tried the effect.

Of course, she also ate it herself. As a result, the effect was astonishing. Besides her, the children including Lily were excreting roundworms every day.

The moment they saw the worm, they all firmly remembered that sentence, and they will never eat raw fruits and vegetables and drink raw water in the future.

Tiantian, considering the pollution caused by human feces, also thought of a way to deal with the pollution under Liangtian's suggestion.

The feces storage method with five grids and three pools can be used to make most of the eggs in the feces settle at the bottom of the pool.

Due to the action of free ammonia in dung water and anaerobic fermentation, insect eggs can be killed, and fertilizer efficiency will also be increased.

Now it’s far from being able to use biogas, so the only place where dung can be used is strong land. Human beings have lived like this throughout the ages. Naturally, she won’t be hypocritical here, so she seriously learns what is called five grids and three pools to store dung. After the ceremony, I went to the patriarch and grandmother to explain it in detail.

In this way, when the whole family assembly is held, it can be publicized publicly, so that everyone can avoid the pollution caused by this aspect.

When the Nandi tribe fights bugs collectively, after the beginning of spring in the mainland, people from other ethnic groups come to the Nandi tribe to exchange salt almost every once in a while, but this year is different from previous years when they can negotiate terms. He directly refused, the reason being that the goddess was killed and there was no salt left.

Who killed the goddess?
City of Beasts Benin.

The Nandi people obviously refused. The saline-alkali land on the Himba side is not as big as their side. It is wise to choose to advance and retreat together and refuse to exchange it.

The reason is simple, it's a crime to be pregnant.

If both the Nandi and Simba have salt, they will divide it equally, but now the Nandi say they don’t have any. If they return the salt, it will be against the Nandi. Their success depends entirely on it. The Nandi's point is that people cannot be ungrateful, so follow-up is a must.

In this way, the story of the Nandi goddess being killed by Benin began to spread in this continent.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong, but gradually, they would find the gap between themselves and the Nandi people.

This year, in particular, will be a huge turning point.

Ten or so days later, Yin Ye and Lang Sen came back, bringing back a large cart of germinated turf. Maybe they just got warmer when they left, but every time they came back, the turf would have to germinate, wouldn't it?

"I don't know if it will work or not. The seeds we sprinkled on the ground had already germinated when we came back. We picked a piece of grass and pulled a cart back. Why don't we try planting? It really doesn't work. Let's wait until autumn. Take those back?"

At present, this is the only way they can think of, and Tian Tian also approves of this method.

It took the family three days to carefully replant the seeds in a suitable field. It happened to be planted on one side, but it started to rain on the other side.

Now some seedlings and grasses can't be distinguished clearly, you have to wait until they are a little bigger to see it.

Moreover, the seedlings in this era are not as neatly divided as they were in the previous life, and they are completely arbitrarily grown. If she plants them in the future, she must make a suitable tool to ensure that the seedlings are neat.

Mai Miao brought back to solve the important matter on her mind. That night, Jin Kan, who had been away from home for more than a month, suddenly flew back.

Bring them back a skin bag of sea salt.

"It's not convenient to go to the beach without me by your side. I just happened to go outside to refine salt, and I'll bring you a bag by the way."

Although there is enough sea salt in her space, which is enough for them to eat for a year, but Jin Kan doesn't know the stock of her space, so she feels really good to be remembered.

And when they were surprised, Jin Kan had broken through level four and reached level five in just one month?

Is this speed too fast?
Jin Kan couldn't bear to talk about those bloody fighting scenes in front of Tiantian, he just said it was a coincidence.

Tiantian is not stupid, he can't see his thoughts, and he doesn't ask questions, just bows his head silently to cook for him, Lang Sen also boiled hot water for him, let him take a good bath, lie down and rest, After the delicious meals are ready and they are full, they go to rest. At this time, Yinye and the others start to help Tiantian prepare the food for Jin Kan on the road.

Different from last time, this time she made multigrain pancakes, which are very authentic Shandong pancakes. In addition to pickled vegetables and bacon, she also prepared a bamboo jar of green onion kimchi. The authentic Korean method is to eat onion kimchi in pancakes. , naturally don't have a taste.

As soon as it was dawn the next day, Jin Kan set off to leave the tribe, and headed towards their gathering place non-stop.

Five days after Jin Kan left, the prey team did not come back. This time they shared a jar of meat. Considering that the meat had been marinated with pepper, pepper, chili, and salt for a period of time on the road, it had already been marinated thoroughly. So as soon as I got the meat, I cleaned it in a basin and dried it under the eaves to wait for the drying process.

(End of this chapter)

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