The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1000 Shocked by the girl's aura

Chapter 1000 Shocked by the girl's aura

Li Xiangyun raised her eyebrows, her eyes flashed darkly, and the corners of her lips curled into a sneer.

On the side, Lou Shuyu was also proud.

That's right, equity is indeed the most authoritative thing!

Lou Tianyou was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became proud.

Looking at the entire conference room, Lou Guangzong has the most equity, and Ke Shunshi really can't compare.

Ke Sensei's eyes were full of unwillingness.I saw him clenching his palm tightly, "Although I can't compare with Mr. Lou in terms of shareholding, the company belongs to everyone. I just want to know the opinions of every sensible person here."

As soon as he finished speaking, several sensible people stood up.

"I think it is most appropriate for Ke to accept the post of president. Ke's ability is not bad, and the company needs to get through the difficulties now."

"That's right, I think so too. Ke Dongshi has a unique vision. I support the management of the company by Ke Dongshi."

"For the good of the company, I also think that the company should be handed over to competent officials."

As several sensible people stood up to speak, the remaining sensible people also stood up and expressed their views.

Of course, all the people, without exception, supported Ke Shunshi.

Now, even if the equity is useful, it still loses its weight.

Li Xiangyun's blood surged up, and she almost passed out!
The same is true for Lou Guangzong and Lou Shuyu, including Lou Tianyou who has already spoken foul language.

Among the few people, only Lin Cheng was calm in his heart.

In today's meeting, the Lou family will undoubtedly lose.

Seeing that everyone supported him, Ke Shuai regained his complacency in an instant.He raised his hand to straighten his collar, shrugged, and said——

"I didn't expect everyone here to trust me so much. The company has reached this stage. I know that everyone hopes that the company can survive this disaster. For the company, I accept everyone's support for me. As for Mr. Lou and Mr. Lou, Please don’t be obsessed anymore, for everyone’s benefit, why don’t you be more straightforward and hand over the position of president.”

Li Xiangyun's eyes were filled with anger, Lou Guangzong's face turned green with anger, and of course, the same was true for Lou Shuyu and Lou Tianyou.

"Why do you want to take away my son's position as president? Ke Shihuan, why do you?" Li Xiangyun's voice was sharp, obviously out of control.

Ke Shuai spread his hands, "Of course I rely on the trust of all the sensible people here. Didn't the sensible people see it? All the sensible people here support me as the president, and no one disagrees. If the sensible people here have bad ears , then I can ask Lou Sensibly, dare to ask everyone here, is there anyone who disagrees with me taking over the position of president?"

"I disagree!"

At this moment, a cold and domineering voice sounded from the door.

All eyes immediately turned to the source of the sound.

At this time, at the door, I saw the girl's slender and straight figure, her whole body was noble and cold, the corners of her painted lips were slightly drawn, and the sunglasses covered most of her face, only revealing her fine jaw.

The girl stood there, her long jet black hair hanging down, her little red suit was as red as blood, and she dangled with big earrings. The golden light was dazzling, which made people amazed at a glance.

Of course, the girl was followed by someone who looked like an assistant, but because the girl had a strong aura, no one paid attention to the assistant.

Li Xiangyun frowned slenderly, and felt that the girl's figure looked familiar for a while!
In fact, she was not the only one who felt that Lou Guangzong and Lou Shuyu, including Lin Cheng, saw the familiar figure of the girl.

Everyone present was overwhelmed by the girl's aura, and only Ke Shunshi, who was eager to get the position of president, reacted.

He raised his hand and said angrily, "Who are you?"

As Ke Senshi's voice fell, the girl sneered, and then raised her white hands one by one, took off her sunglasses, and poured out her red lips, "I'm Lou Jianian, one of the shareholders of Lou's Group."

(End of this chapter)

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