The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 999 He won't compromise easily!

Chapter 999 He won't compromise easily!
Lin Cheng was a bystander from the beginning, and didn't have much thought of helping Lou's family, but at this moment, maybe after many years in the mall, Lin Cheng still couldn't bear the loss of Lou Guangzong's position as president. So try to help as much as possible.

However, judging from the current situation, Lou Guangzong's position as president is already in jeopardy.

The atmosphere in the entire meeting room was tense!

Ke Sensei clearly has the upper hand.The triumphant look revealed between his eyebrows fell into the eyes of the Lou family, which was already a kind of irony.

"Since everyone here values ​​me so much, I have limited abilities after all, but I swear, as long as the company is handed over to me, I will definitely work hard to bring the company back to life."

After his words fell, the other sensible people present clapped their hands and applauded.

Li Xiangyun was trembling with anger, clenched his hands, and yelled in a low voice, "What are you trying to do? The company can reach its current glory because of my Lou family. You are good, now you can change the president if you say so. Where are my Lou family?"

Because of Li Xiangyun's words, embarrassment appeared on the expressions of sensible people.

Soon, Ke Dongshou waved his hand and said: "Lou Dongshou, that's not what he said. When we said that we changed the president, we were only doing it for the good of the company. Mr. Lou is injured now, and Lou Shushou is getting old. As for Miss Lou There is a young master, after all, he is still young, so..."

"So, you want to be the president yourself?" Li Xiangyun's voice was gloomy, and he directly said what Ke Dongshou hadn't finished.

Ke Sensui raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Lou Sensui, even if I become the president, I'm doing this to share the burden for Mr. Lou. In this way, Mr. Lou can heal his injuries at ease, isn't it good?"

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong's eyes flashed with coldness.

Ke Shushi said it nicely, I'm afraid that once he handed over the position of president, he would never get it back.

Not only Lou Guangzong thought so, but also Lou Shuyu.She knew that once the position of president was given, how could Ke Shunshi give up the position so easily in the future?
Moreover, once the company is handed over to Ke Dongshi and brought back to life, then Ke Dongshi will be able to secure the position of president even more legitimately.

Li Xiangyun gritted her teeth, "It's good to heal your wounds with peace of mind, Ke is sensible, you really think about my Lou family."

"Lou is sensible, have you forgotten? Mr. Lou said just now that the company and us are a community of destiny. In fact, I am not all for your Lou family. I am for the company and for every sensible person here."

Director Ke pointed at everyone on the conference table, and then continued: "Of course, all the directors here have recommended me. For the sake of the company, I am naturally willing to bear this burden, so Mr. Lou, please give me the position of president. Come out, from today onwards, the company will be handed over to me."

On the screen, Lou Guangzong pursed his lips, with veins popping out of his forehead.

Back then, he managed to cause a car accident that killed Lou Yaozu before he got the position of president, but today he is about to hand it over to someone else!

He won't give in easily!
"I respect the opinions of every sensible person present, but there is one thing that Ke Zhishi may have forgotten. Ke Zhishi's shareholding is only 12%. Dare I ask why Ke Zhishi asked me to quit the position of president?"

As soon as these words came out, Ke Shuai paused, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "President Lou is planning to use equity to suppress me now?"

Lou Guangzong leaned back on the seat, "Isn't equity the most authoritative thing?"

Hearing this, Ke Sensei was annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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