The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1004 Her Planning Case Is Excellent

Chapter 1004 Her Planning Case Is Excellent
"Ke Zhishi's question has reached a critical point. I have already made a detailed plan for the next development of Lou's. Xu Chi, send the document in your hand to every sensible person to have a look."

Xu Chi nodded respectfully, "Yes, boss."

As he spoke, he walked up to the conference table, and distributed the documents in his hand to every sensible person one by one.

When Li Xiangyun took the document, his expression was annoyed.

As for Ke Sensei, he was clearly dissatisfied!He took the file and opened it to read it.

Of course, not only him, but others as well.

Everyone is curious what this plan will look like?
On the screen, Lou Guangzong couldn't be present at the scene in person, and couldn't see the documents through the screen.

He leaned back against the seat, narrowed his small eyes, and became more and more cold.

I saw him staring at Lou Jianian.

Lou Jianian stood in front of the table, as if he received a cold gaze from the screen.

In the next second, she raised her eyes and looked directly at the other party coldly.

Across the big screen, the eyes of both sides are full of coldness that only each other can understand!
Lou Guangzong pursed his lips tightly.

He was sure that Lou Jianian already knew about it.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

He knew that Lou Guangzong had found out.

Across the screen, the eyes of the two gradually changed from coldness to hatred.

At this time, some of the people present had already read the document.

I saw one of them slapping his thigh sensiblely and excitedly, "The planning is too good."

Another sensible person was also excited, "It's the first time I've seen such a detailed planning case, it's so orderly."

"It's too short. If the company follows this plan, the company will definitely be able to come back to life!"

"It really is Lou Yaozu's daughter, she is extraordinary!"

Lou Jianian looked away from the screen, glanced at those sensible people, then raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Thank you for your comments on me, by the way, I forgot to announce one thing, if the company presses this With the plan to go, I can guarantee that the dividends of the sensible people will only increase and not decrease every year."

As soon as these words came out, surprises flashed in the eyes of the sensible people.

Ke Sensei has already read the planning proposal.

Even though he has been in the mall for many years, he has to admit that this plan is really good, so good that he can't help but look at it a few more times!

Li Xiangyun held the document with a gloomy expression on her face.She closed the document with a snap, and then threw it into the trash can, "Trash!"

Her behavior ushered in the dissatisfaction of other sensible people.

The corners of Lou Jianian's lips curled slightly, and he didn't pay attention to Li Xiangyun's actions at all.

She knew that the more excited Li Xiangyun was, the more she said that her plan was excellent.

In fact, besides Li Xiangyun, Lou Shuyu and Lou Tianyou were also excited.

Of course, their so-called excitement was only because the planning proposal was too delicate and ingenious, and they couldn't find any faults at all.

Lin Cheng also read the plan.When he looked at Lou Jianian, he added more light and appreciation.

Before that, he never knew that she was so powerful!

She is simply a fanciful girl!

Just after Li Xiangyun threw the document into the trash can, Xu Chi who was standing behind Lou Jianian suddenly stepped forward.

He bent down and picked up the document from the trash can, followed by taking out a tissue, wiped it carefully, and then turned his attention to Li Xiangyun.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it. Our boss's stuff cannot be defiled by anyone in any way!"

Li Xiangyun: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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