Chapter 1005 He Was Confused

Lou Jianian didn't expect Xu Chi to be so powerful.

Seeing that Li Xiangyun's face was almost turning pale with anger, she raised her brows slightly, and the corners of her lips curled into a smile.

Next, she propped her hands on the table, leaned forward slightly, glanced at everyone, and then said: "If anyone has an opinion on this plan, they can raise it, but there is no need to use such a cheap method to deny it." my plan."

These words were clearly insinuating about Li Xiangyun.

At this moment, Li Xiangyun clenched his hands, obviously unwilling, "I have an opinion!"

"Oh?" Lou Jianian's eyes swept away, "What does Lou Naishi want to say?"

Li Xiangyun snorted coldly: "This plan is completely unrealistic."

"Is that so? Then, could Lou please explain in detail?"

Li Xiangyun's lips were tightly pursed, and he stared at Lou Jianian as if he wanted to cut him into pieces, "Anyway, it just doesn't fit the reality."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian suddenly smiled, "Lou is sensible, if you think it is not realistic, then please explain."

She dared to conclude that Li Xiangyun couldn't tell at all.

Li Xiangyun's eyes were gloomy, and she couldn't speak out.

In fact, anyone who has read this plan knows that the development of ideas inside is simply a miracle, and there is no fault at all.

Even though Ke Senshi was unwilling, he had to be convinced by this plan.

I saw him pinching the plan with a cold expression on his face!

The other sensible people present couldn't stand it anymore, and someone stood up and said, "I think this plan is very good."

"That's right, I think so too." Another sensible person also expressed his support.

"The company has reached this point. I think having such a plan is simply the company's salvation."

As a result, several sensible people stood in line with Lou Jianian.

Li Xiangyun was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

The face of Lou Shuyu who was present was naturally not much better.

Lou Tianyou is even worse.He wouldn't say anything but curse.

Of course, everyone didn't pay attention to Lou Tianyou.

In today's sensible meeting, everyone only focused on their interests. As for Lou Tianyou, who was spoiled by Lou's family and only knew how to play, no one took him seriously at all, so he naturally selectively ignored him.

Across the screen, Lou Guangzong's chubby face had an unconcealable seriousness and coldness.

When things got to this point, it was obvious that Lou Jianian was here to snatch the position of president, and he couldn't count Lou Jianian as Cheng Yaojin after all his calculations!

Originally, it was not difficult for him to reverse the situation when he suppressed Ke Shunshi with equity just now, but he didn't expect that Lou Jianian would suddenly appear out of thin air as an equity owner.


When exactly did she acquire Lou's equity?
He couldn't figure this out.

Of course, it's not worth his time to think about it now, he is more concerned about his position as president.

Seeing that there were already several sensible people who had appreciated Lou Jianian after reading the plan, he rolled his eyes, and soon a thought came to his mind.

In the next second, he coughed lightly, and then said: "Everyone, I haven't read the planning proposal, but seeing everyone's excitement, I think this planning proposal must be excellent, but I still don't quite understand, Jia Nian, It's not that fourth uncle has a bad opinion of you, fourth uncle just wants to know, when did you start studying business? Isn't your major a medical study?"

As soon as these words came out, the sensible people present were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at Lou Jianian suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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