The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1047 There is a warm feeling

Chapter 1047 There is a warm feeling

"Ah! Second Miss is back." Mrs. Fen hurriedly stepped down the steps and came to Rao Shixin, "Second Miss, I heard that you were hospitalized earlier, are you alright?"

Rao Shixin waved his hand, "Hey, Sister-in-law Fen, I just have a little problem, nothing to worry about, look, am I fine now?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Fen felt much relieved, "It's good that it's okay." After saying that, she glanced to the side, and then said respectfully: "Young madam is back too."

While talking, she belatedly realized that the Young Madam is a bit different today!
Lou Jianian's exquisite eyebrows were tinged with a smile, and he responded, "I have nothing to do today, so I'll be back early."

Hearing this, Mrs. Fen nodded, glanced at the open space below the steps, and then said in surprise: "Yo, so the young master is back."

Mrs. Fen is very happy that everyone is so well organized today.

Lou Jianian thought for a while, then ordered: "Sister-in-law Fen, cook something light for dinner, Shi Xin should not be suitable for eating too heavy food now."

"Hey, okay, Young Madam, don't worry, I will make arrangements." Mrs. Fen said, then remembered something, and said: "By the way, Young Madam, Second Miss, Master and Old Madam Chen are here, and they will be in the living room. "

Lou Jianian was taken aback, "Grandpa and grandma are here?"

"That's not true." Mrs. Fen smiled.

Rao Shixin let out a gasp, "Grandpa and grandma, newlyweds, actually came to Xiyuan."

"This..." Sister-in-law Fen knew about the old man and Mrs. Chen being together.

Of course, Mrs. Fen is naturally happy that the old man can find a like-minded person to spend the rest of his life with in his old age.

It's just that the old man came back at this time because he heard about the second lady's hospitalization.

Mrs. Fen thought about it, wondering if she should secretly remind Miss Second.

At this moment, the girl's joyful voice sounded, "I can't do it, I want to go in and see what the grandpa who has been nourished by love has become!"

The person who spoke was naturally Rao Shixin.

At this moment, she couldn't help being curious, and after she finished speaking, she quickly walked up the steps and ran into the living room.

It was too late for Mrs. Fen to remind her.

Lou Jianian saw Rao Shixin's impatient figure, so he laughed and shook his head.

At this moment, Rao Shichen's slender body stepped up the steps and came to Lou Jianian's side, "With Shi Xin, you can't even let me go?"

In this tone, full of resentment.

Lou Jianian: "."

Aside, Mrs. Fen suddenly felt that her existence was a bit redundant.After thinking about it, she said respectfully: "Young Master, Young Madam, you two talk, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare tonight's dinner."

After speaking, she hurried away.

After Mrs. Fen left, Rao Shichen became more and more unscrupulous.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and hummed softly with thin lips, "You don't have anything to say? Or are you going to make it up to me tonight?"

"!" Lou Jianian's forehead twitched.Fortunately, Sister-in-law Fen left, otherwise, if Sister-in-law Fen heard what she said, she would have no face to see Sister-in-law Fen in the future.

At this time, in the living room, on the rosewood sofa, sat an old man in Tang suit.

The old man had white hair all over his head, but his usually cute face looked very serious at the moment, without a smile at all.

Beside him, sat an old woman in a silk dress.

The old woman's white hair was curled up, and she was sitting elegantly, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, sipping slowly.

At the door, Rao Shixin saw such a picture as soon as he stepped into the living room.

On the sofa, the two elderly people sat side by side, feeling inexplicably warm.

(End of this chapter)

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