The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1048 Isn't this forcing her to agree?

Chapter 1048 Isn't this forcing her to agree?

Rao Shixin's heart seemed to be filled with something.

In the past, whenever she came back, she would always see grandpa alone in the living room, but now, grandpa finally has a companion by his side.

Boo!For some reason, she was inexplicably moved!

However, just when her eyes and heart were full of emotion, a pair of eyes of the old man who was sitting on the rosewood sofa suddenly swept over.

In the next second, she heard the old man say angrily: "You are finally back!"

"?" Rao Shixin was puzzled for a moment, always feeling that there was something wrong with Yazi's tone.

After thinking about it, she thought it might be because the old man hadn't seen her for a long time?
However, it seems that I have only seen it a few days ago?
Forget it, forget it.

"Grandpa, that's right, your little padded jacket is back." Rao Shixin responded while walking happily towards the rosewood sofa.

Rao Yanzhong's face darkened, "Aren't you in the hospital? Why are you back? You are really promising! Make a scene and get yourself into the hospital! Get out of the circle!"

Back off?
Rao Shixin's bouncing body suddenly stopped.

She stared wide-eyed, "Why do you want to withdraw from the circle?"

"What do you think?" Rao Yanzhong gritted his teeth, "You can faint in a scene, if one day you die, how can I explain to your dead parents? You will send a notice from tomorrow, saying that you want Help take care of the family business, I can't make any more movies."

Rao Shixin's breath stagnated, "How can this be done?"

"Why can't it work? You girl, you've had enough fun with filming, and you should leave when it's time to leave. Rao's needs manpower, so you go and help."

"Grandpa, I'm not just kidding, I'm serious."

"Bullshit!" Rao Yanzhong was obviously very angry, even swearing.

Rao Shixin: "."

Why insult her with dogs and farts?

That's too much! Hey!
Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Rao Yanzhong asked again: "Are you agreeing, agreeing, or agreeing to the resignation?"

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

Does she have other options?

Isn't this forcing her to agree?

wipe!If she had known that coming back would be like this, she might as well not have come back!
"Speak!" Rao Yanzhong patted the table.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, straightened his back immediately, and said with a stubborn look, "I refuse!"

"What did you say? How dare you refuse? Do you believe that I will kill you?" Rao Yanzhong blew his beard and stared, and raised his hand as if to hit someone.

Rao Shixin's eyes rolled around, and his eyes swept to the other old man sitting on the rosewood sofa, and then his eyes flashed brightly.

In the next second, she walked to the sofa and sat down, then took the old man's arm and said, "Oh, grandma, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you look beautiful again."

Feeling Rao Shixin's enthusiasm, Chen Yuhui smiled, "Shixin, you can always say pleasant things with your mouth, and grandma likes you like that."

"Hey, I like grandma too, but grandma, my grandpa's image was a bit bad just now, please ignore it."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui glanced at Rao Yanzhong.

At this time, Rao Yanzhong paused, and then quickly put down his raised hand, and then tidied up his clothes a little, then his eyes swept to Rao Shixin who was sitting next to Chen Yuhui and was very intimate, Then his face turned black.

In the next second, he snorted softly: "You girl, don't divert the conversation, you must give me an explanation about retiring from the circle today!"

(End of this chapter)

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