The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1078 She Inexplicably Feels Lucky

Chapter 1078 She Inexplicably Feels Lucky
"I want to know, what happened to her six years ago?" Liang Feimo's voice was less cold, but seemed to add a touch of urgency.

Nislai seemed to remember something, and suddenly raised his hand and patted his forehead, "I remember, Miss Rao had no one to take care of her at that time, could it be because Miss Rao didn't tell you about her illness?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo's pupils shrank slightly, "What's wrong with her?"

Nice frowned, "You really don't know?"

Liang Feimo was silent for a moment before saying, "She didn't tell me."

After hearing this, Nice hesitated, but finally decided to speak out.

Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu returned to Lou's house from the hospital.

Just after returning, Li Xiangyun got the news that Cheng Lin and Lou Tianyou had left.

Li Xiangyun was so angry that he almost fainted.She was too busy going to the hospital to do a blood test with Lou Shuyu, which wasted time, but unexpectedly gave Cheng Lin a chance to escape.

At that moment, she shook her body, her expression extremely gloomy.

"Grandma!" Lou Shuyu quickly raised his hand to support Li Xiangyun, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Li Xiangyun felt more and more love for Lou Shuyu after learning the appraisal report.

Before that, her whole mind was on Lou Tianyou. It was not until she learned that Lou Tianyou was not her grandson that she cherished Lou Shuyu even more.

She held Lou Shuyu's hand, with guilt in her eyes, "Shuyu, grandma always ignored you before and gave Tianyou more care, grandma regretted it."

Lou Shuyu's eyes flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on his face, "Grandma, don't do this, I don't mean to blame grandma."

"I really didn't expect that after I hurt Tianyou for 20 years, he turned out to be not my grandson!" Li Xiangyun gritted her teeth, her expression full of resentment.

She swore in her heart that if she caught Cheng Lin, she would never let Cheng Lin go.

Of course Lou Shuyu knew what Li Xiangyun was thinking.

To be honest, Lou Tianyou was not from the Lou family, she was also shocked by this, even now she still can't accept the fact.

However, from another aspect, she felt very lucky, because the results of the appraisal report showed that she and Li Xiangyun were related, so it also proved that she was from the Lou family.

Since she belongs to the Lou family, everything in the future of the Lou family will belong to her.

Unexpectedly, she felt that her status was not guaranteed because of Lou Tianyou's appearance before, but suddenly such a thing happened. Lou Tianyou was not from the Lou family, so everything about the Lou family would have nothing to do with him.

At this moment, she felt inexplicably lucky.

In the future, she will be able to easily get everything from the Lou family without having to work hard, which is naturally a happy event for her.

Maybe it was because her mood relaxed, she felt happy all over, but after thinking about it, she said, "Grandma, are you tired, let me help you go back to your room to rest first."

Li Xiangyun didn't say anything, just nodded.

Indeed, with so many things happening one after another, she was already old, and she couldn't bear too many blows for a while.

Lou Shuyu helped Li Xiangyun back to the room, settled for Li Xiangyun to rest, and then left.

However, after leaving the room, she received a message on her mobile phone, which was from Cheng Lin.

Perhaps Cheng Lin was worried that Li Xiangyun would find out if she called Lou Shuyu, so she chose to send WeChat.

Cheng Lin: Shuyu, have you gone home with that old hag?
(End of this chapter)

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