The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1079 It seems to be still in my ear

Chapter 1079 It seems to be still echoing in my ears
Seeing the news, Lou Shuyu frowned, and then typed.

Lou Shuyu: Grandma and I are back. Mom, where are you?
Cheng Lin: Tianyou and I found a hotel to stay temporarily, Shuyu, this time you must help mom.

Lou Shuyu: What's going on?Is Tianyou really not Dad's son?
To be honest, she still finds it unbelievable, even though she knows it is a fact, she still wants to ask.

Cheng Lin: Tianyou is not your father's son, Shuyu, no matter what, Tianyou was also born to your mother. After all, Tianyou is your younger brother, and this has not changed.

younger brother?

When Lou Shuyu saw this word, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

Ever since she was a child, she had always hoped that Lou Tianyou wasn't her younger brother, but unexpectedly, it really wasn't.

Lou Tianyou is not from the Lou family, so he is not her brother.

Of course, she thought so in her heart, but she didn't reply to Cheng Lin.

Because she didn't reply to the message, Cheng Lin seemed anxious, so she sent another message.

Cheng Lin: Shuyu, why don't you go back to your mother?

Soon, Lou Shuyu gathered his mind and typed a reply.

Lou Shuyu: I was busy just now, mom, don't worry, you are my mom, I will definitely help you.

Cheng Lin: With your words, mom will feel at ease. Mom is really desperate now, Shuyu, fortunately with you.

Lou Shuyu: Don't worry.

Cheng Lin: The old hag definitely wants to kill me now, Shuyu, you have to find a way to help mom get out of here.

Lou Shuyu: I know, you stay in the hotel for a while, and when I calm down grandma, I'll go find you.

Cheng Lin: Okay, you must come to Mom, and Mom will send you the address of the hotel.

Holding the phone, Lou Shuyu looked at the address sent by Cheng Lin, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Although this kind of thing happened, she still wanted to help Cheng Lin in her heart, but Lou Tianyou, she would not care about it.

Lou Tianyou is only Cheng Lin's son and has nothing to do with her.

She will never admit that Lou Tianyou is her younger brother!

M country.

late at night.

Liang Feimo was wearing a white shirt with the collar buttons unbuttoned, revealing a sexy Adam's apple, and the cuffs were loosely rolled up, revealing his wheat-colored arms.

He was standing on the terrace, holding a glass of orange wine in his slender hands, looking at the starry sky with his dark eyes, his face was extremely deep.

The entire hotel room fell into silence.

The clock on the wall ticked away every minute.

However, on the terrace, as a gust of wind blew by, the man's body under the fluorescent lights remained motionless.

There were too many emotions in Liang Feimo's eyes, deep and difficult to discern.

Earlier, what Nice said seemed to be still echoing in my ears——

【Since you want to know, let me tell you, yes, I know Ms. Rao Shixin, but it's not because she's a big star, but because she used to be my patient.

As we all know, our country M's ability to treat tumors is definitely the top in the world. Looking at the entire country of M, our Xili Hospital is the most authoritative. It is precisely because of this that my patients are all from all over the world. Yes, it's just that among so many patients, the one who impressed me the most was Rao Shixin.

I still remember the first time I saw her, she was a very beautiful girl with a sunny personality, but when she came to me, she told me directly that she had a vicious girl in her head. Tumor, she hopes that I can treat her]

(End of this chapter)

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