The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1119 The money is the uncle

Chapter 1119 The money is the uncle
The girl is wearing an ancient costume, with a slender body, and her gestures are full of charm.

Xiao Ke suppressed the violent beating in his chest, and walked towards the girl, "Shi Xin."

Hearing someone calling him, Rao Shixin raised his eyes, only to realize that it was Xiao Ke, so he said with a smile: "Master, how was my princess' acting skills just now?"

"Of course it's good." A smile appeared on the corners of Xiao Ke's eyes and brows.

After answering the phone, Shen Qinghuan walked over with a rather uneasy expression, "Shi Xin, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was puzzled, "What's the matter? Director Shen."

"According to the requirements of the above, your role in this drama has to be reduced."

Rao Shixin: "???"

Xiao Ke was stunned for a moment, "Director Shen, are you sure you want to lose Shi Xin's role?"

"Hey, this is the meaning of the above, and I am also worried." Shen Qinghuan was very puzzled.

You must know that the biggest highlight of the drama "Zhaoyang Tianxia" is the love between Princess Qingluo and the son-in-law. As a result, Mrs. Liang asked to cut the role of Princess Qingluo, which is simply playing him!

After Rao Shixin was stunned, he started to rage, "I'll fuck! Which bastard made the rules? What the hell! Why should I lose my mother's role!"

On the side, Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, and comforted him: "Shi Xin, don't get excited, there must be a way to solve this matter."

Shen Qinghuan raised his hand and rubbed his slightly swollen forehead, "Xiao Ke and I thought the same, we don't know what kind of wind up there would suddenly make such a request, but Shi Xin, don't worry, whether it's for you or For the sake of this drama, I will definitely find a way to reflect it to the higher authorities, it is best if the role of Princess Qingluo remains unabated."

"Is it Liang Feimo?" Rao Shixin put his hands on his hips, gnashing his teeth, "I don't think there will be anyone else but him, this petty and selfish man, he used this way to deal with me when he saw that I was upset, wait, I Go find him now!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and tore off the hair ornaments on her head, and then took off the heavy clothes on her body. She didn't stop until the innermost thin clothes and pants were left, Then he took a step forward and planned to kill the Liang family.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghuan wanted to go up to stop him, "Shi Xin, you can't go, you"

Even though he is a well-known director who has won countless awards, Shen Qinghuan knows that the people who invest are the biggest. How much money Liang has invested in this drama, as the saying goes, the rich are the masters.

Liang Shi can be said to be the father of the film crew of "Zhaoyang Tianxia", and he must not be offended. Rao Shixin is aggressive and wants to kill Liang Shi. According to the situation, it will only make the situation worse.

Shen Qinghuan hurried to catch up with short legs, but because of his fat body, he was out of breath after running a few steps.

Fortunately, Xiao Ke has a slender figure and good physical strength.

The moment Rao Shixin rushed out, Xiao Ke immediately chased after him.

Just as he chased to the door of the crew, Xiao Ke just caught Rao Shixin.

He grabbed Rao Shixin's arm and stopped him, "Shixin, you can't go now."

Rao Shixin was a little angry, "He has treated me like this, why can't I go to him to settle the score!"

That bastard, Liang Feimo, actually used such indecent methods to take revenge on her!
Xiao Ke frowned slightly, a pair of slender eyes added a certain kind of understanding.

In fact, he had already seen that Liang Feimo was interested in Rao Shixin.

This cut of scenes was nothing more than to allow Rao Shixin to rest properly, but Rao Shixin did not see Liang Feimo's intention.

(End of this chapter)

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