The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1120 She and Liang Feimo once dated!

Chapter 1120 She and Liang Feimo once dated!
After thinking about it, his eyes became firm and he said, "If you really want to go, then I'll be with you. I can't let you face Liang Feimo alone."

Rao Shixin paused, his eyes flickered slightly, "Xiao Ke, you."

"Your role has been deleted, so naturally mine will also be reduced. This is related to the role of the two of us. How can I let you go to Liang's to find Liang Feimo alone? It is the role of the two of us. Then we should fight for it together!"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin felt guilty.

She felt that Xiao Ke was implicated because of her own reasons.

"Xiao Ke, you don't know, Liang Feimo and I." Speaking of this, she hesitated to speak, and didn't know where to start for a while.

After Liang Feimo was dumped by her many years ago, he began to deliberately retaliate against her in various ways, such as the compensation for the jewelry spokesperson last time, and the reduction of the series of the crew this time.

Fortunately, she hasn't filmed the latter one yet. If she is asked to cut it after the entire film is finished, she will be even more aggrieved!
Xiao Ke's gentle face raised a smile, "You and him had some conflicts because of the spokesperson before, I know."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin looked unnatural.That's not what she wanted to say.

In fact, just now she almost said something about the relationship between her and Liang Feimo just now, but fortunately she stopped in time and swallowed the words back.

In fact, she didn't want more people to know that she and Liang Feimo had been in a relationship!
"Xiao Ke, let me handle this matter, I can do it!"

"No, you're just a girl, I'm not at ease, so let's make this decision, I'll go with you!" Xiao Ke looked at his attire, and said without much hesitation, "I'll drive."

Rao Shixin always felt ashamed.

At this moment, Shen Qinghuan finally caught up.He gasped and said, "Hey, go in first, it's up to me. I'll tell Mr. Liang, no matter what, I'm the director. Besides, Mr. Liang invested so much money in this drama , and definitely don't want to waste money, for the sake of profit, Liang will definitely withdraw this request in the end."

Xiao Ke and Rao Shixin looked at each other, suddenly they couldn't make up their minds.

However, at this moment, a car stopped outside the door.

The door opened, and a man in a blue uniform and a peaked cap got out of the car, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

The man swept his gaze and found the person at the door of the crew, so his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward. "Excuse me, are you Miss Rao Shixin?"

Rao Shixin glanced at the person coming, then brushed his hair, and said coldly, "I am."

"Miss Rao, I didn't expect you to be more beautiful in real life than in the photo." The young man's face was full of obsession.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Little brother, you are also beautiful. You came to the set with a bouquet of flowers. You must give it to me, right?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Miss Rao, you are right, this flower is for you."

Now, it was Rao Shixin's turn to be surprised, "You really gave it to me?"

"It's like this. I'm the manager of the flower shop. Someone asked me to bring this bouquet of flowers after ordering it in our shop. He said it was for Miss Rao. By the way, Miss Rao, please sign it. Accept the word."

Rao Shixin: "."

Xiao Ke: "."

Shen Qinghuan: "."

Rao Shixin couldn't react to this sudden reversal, "Who sent me?"

The manager of the flower shop said: "Sorry, we don't know about this either. The other party asked us to deliver it as an anonymous person."

(End of this chapter)

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