The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1121 Makes You Feel Comfortable

Chapter 1121 Makes You Feel Comfortable
Rao Shixin didn't know who the other party was, so he refused the visa.

Now, the store manager is in a dilemma, "Miss Rao, if you don't sign for the receipt, I will be in a difficult situation."

"That's your business, and I don't know who the other party is, what if there is a bomb in here." Rao Shixin folded his hands on his chest, with a firm expression on his face.

The manager of the flower shop became anxious, "Miss Rao, it is not easy for me to open a shop, please do me a favor, I still have to rely on this shop to support my family, and the other party came in a luxury car in the morning, and he can drive well." If you want to buy a luxury car, it is definitely not an ordinary person, if you refuse to sign for it, what will you do if they come to me later?"

"Luxury car?" Rao Shixin thought about it, and thought it might be a gift from his fans.

It's just that most fans like her, don't they all want to appear in front of her?Why is this fan so mysterious when he sent a flower?Something is wrong!
The store manager: "Miss Rao, you can do me any favors, I have seniors and younger ones, please sign for it."

Shen Qinghuan let out a sigh, "Shi Xin, I think it must have been given by a fan, so you can sign for it, and post a Weibo to tell that fan not to send flowers to the crew, by the way, you can also Promote our "Zhaoyang Tianxia" drama."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin twitched the corners of his mouth.

It is false to persuade her to sign, but it is true to want her to announce the drama "Zhaoyang Tianxia" on Weibo.

Rao Shixin didn't want to embarrass the store manager too much, so he just signed for the flowers in the end, but after signing for them, he specifically told the store manager to reject the next time he sent flowers.

The store manager was also very sincere and nodded in agreement.

In this way, Rao Shixin received the flowers.

The roses are bright red and plump, delicate and charming, holding them in the palm of your hand and looking at them makes you feel inexplicably comfortable.

No wonder girls like flowers, and sure enough, seeing beautiful flowers can make people feel better.

Xiao Ke was silent, staring at the bouquet of roses, and then his eyes flashed with deep thought.

"Don't tell me, this flower is really fragrant." Shen Qinghuan put a big face in front of the flower, and sniffed it a few times.

Rao Shixin fiddled with the flowers with her white hands.

On the other side, the store manager drove away in his car.

After leaving the film and television city, I saw a low-key luxury car parked in the distance.

The store manager drove the car over quickly, stopped, opened the door and got off, and walked to the luxury car.

At this time, the windows of the luxury car were lowered, and the golden sunlight was pouring down. From the driver's seat, the man glanced at the store manager.

The store manager said with a respectful smile, "The flowers have already been delivered, and Ms. Rao signed for them herself."

"Well, well done." The man took out the red ticket and handed it to the store manager, "This is an extra reward."

The store manager's eyes lit up, "Thank you boss."

"Cough." Hearing this address, Wen Xi always felt a little embarrassed, after all, the real boss was sitting in the back.

The next second, he raised the window.

The store manager also took the money, turned around happily and drove away.

In the luxury car, in the back seat of the car, Liang Feimo was wearing a high-definition black suit. The dull color made his face even colder and paralyzed.

However, if you look more closely, you can see a soft gleam between his cold brows.

Wen Xi looked at the man in the back seat of the car through the rearview mirror, and then said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, do you want to go in now?"

"Come in." Liang Fei's thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered the word clearly.

Hearing this, Wen Xi immediately nodded, "Yes."

Next, he started the car and drove into the film and television city.

(End of this chapter)

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