The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1134 My Heart Is Filled With Warmth

Chapter 1134 My Heart Is Filled With Warmth

In the suite, Lou Tianyou was lying on the sofa sleeping soundly.

The curtains blocked the sunlight outside, and the whole room was dark.

On the coffee table of the sofa were empty beer cans and a half-eaten box of instant noodles.

There was a foul smell in the air.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Lin couldn't help feeling extremely distressed.

Ever since it was revealed that Lou Tianyou was not from the blood of the Lou family, Lou Tianyou has been intoxicated all day long, either drinking or smoking, extremely decadent.

Cheng Lin had guilt on her face.

It hurt her heart to see her son like this.

Fortunately, he will be leaving the country tomorrow, and I hope his son can cheer up after leaving the country.

Cheng Lin was full of hope for going abroad, but unfortunately, Cheng Lin didn't know what would happen on this trip.

the other side.


A black car stopped at the gate.

The door opened, and a silver-haired old woman got out of the car.

Under the light, the old lady was wearing gold and silver, and her clothes were also very delicate, but her face was gloomy and her thin hands were clenched into fists.

She took steps, stepped up the steps, and stepped into the lobby.

At this time, when people passing by saw her, they all politely shouted, "Chairman Lou."

There was obvious resentment on Li Xiangyun's cold and serious face.She walked towards the elevator without giving a glance to the staff.

Employees sensed a gloomy air.

When Li Xiangyun walked by, the employees whispered.

"I heard Mr. Lou is in jail."

"I also learned about this. It seems that Mr. Lou committed a crime and harmed his brothers and sisters."

"So many things happened overnight, do you think Chairman Lou can take the blow?"

"I heard that Chairman Lou threw the daughter of Mr. Lou Yaozu, Mr. Lou Yaozu, into the orphanage. Some people said that Mr. Lou Yaozu's daughter came back this time to take revenge on Chairman Lou."

"Isn't it? What is the chairman of Lou going to do today?"

"The way I see it, something big is going to happen."

Office of Lou's President.

In front of the black desk, there is a cup of coffee.

Rao Shichen twirled his coffee, took a sip, his long and narrow eyes raised slightly, "how is it?"

Behind the desk, after Lou Jianian finished reading the documents, he smiled and said, "I think Mr. Rao's cooperation plan is perfect."

"So, cooperate?"

"Of course." Lou Jianian picked up the golden pen, swiped the big characters, signed his name at the bottom of the document, then reached out and said, "I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Rao Shichen had a faint smile on his brows.He put down the coffee in his hand and held Lou Jianian's hand, "My honor."

After speaking, he bowed his head and kissed the back of the other's hand.

Lou Jianian felt a cool touch on the back of his hand, and his heart was filled with warmth.

She knew that the reason why the man gave her the development land in the Beicheng area was to help her stabilize her position in Lou's.

Lou's said it was big or small, and she had just assumed the position of president, so naturally she had to make some achievements in order to gain the strong support of the employees.

She was very touched by the man's intentions.

"Thank you, baby."

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Thank you for what?"

"This cooperation case."

"If you want to thank me, how about doing it tonight?"

Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, already aware of what the man's actions meant.

However, she didn't respond, she just raised her hand and picked up the coffee the man drank just now, then took a sip, followed by a slight frown, only to realize that the coffee was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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