Chapter 1135 Looks more glamorous

It was at this moment that she remembered that this cup of coffee had been put away since noon.

Because she has been busy with work since noon, so she just remembered now.

Moreover, the man also drank this cup of coffee just now.

After thinking about it, she put down the coffee, then dialed the inside line, and ordered, "Come in for a cup of coffee."

As the inner line was pressed, she heard the noise outside.

Just when she was feeling confused, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Following the sound, she glanced at the door, and saw Li Xiangyun appearing menacingly at the door.

At the table, Rao Shichen also noticed the abnormality, and immediately turned the chair.

When his narrow eyes glanced at the old woman who appeared at the door, his thin lips curled up coldly.

Li Xiangyun exuded a cold aura all over his body.Her thin hands were clenched into fists, and her eyes were fixed on a man and a woman at the desk.

At this moment, the secretary came after him, looked at the situation, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lou, Chairman Lou said he wanted to find you, me"

Lou Jianian raised his hand and waved at the secretary, "Go out."

"Yes." The secretary walked away and closed the door by the way.

After the door closed, Lou Jianian leaned back against the seat, folded his arms around his chest, and looked a little lazy.There was a cold smile on her face, and she looked at Li Xiangyun coldly.

Li Xiangyun gritted her teeth, "Lou Jianian, you bastard, this seat belongs to my son, you are not qualified to sit!"

"Chairman Lou, have you forgotten that on the board of directors, all the directors support me as the CEO executive? If you forget when you are too old, then we can reconvene the board of directors now."

Li Xiangyun was trembling with anger, "You did it! Those old guys were bought by you, otherwise how could they support you! Lou Jianian, you also caused my Guangzong to be arrested and imprisoned, you This broom star, my Lou family has been ruined by you now, are you happy?"

"Heh, what's wrong with your Lou family? That's your Lou family's own fault. It's time to change this behavior." Lou Jianian's expression was strong.

Li Xiangyun was annoyed, "It's you, you're the one who caused it, you go to hell!" As she said that, she wanted to rush forward.

However, when she just took action, she didn't expect the man at the desk to stand up suddenly and block her body with a long leg.

Rao Shichen's slender body stopped Li Xiangyun, "Chairman Lou, this is Lou's, not a place for you to run wild."

Seeing someone blocking the way, Li Xiangyun was very unwilling, "Mr. Rao, this is a matter between me and Mr. Lou, please don't interfere."

She knew Rao Shichen's status, and even though she had hatred in her heart for Rao Shichen, she never dared to offend him too much.

Behind the desk, Lou Jianian stood up, walked around the desk in low heels, walked to Rao Shichen's side, and fought side by side.

She was wearing a small black suit with a pink shirt inside and black pants of the same style on her lower body. Her long jet black hair hung down behind her. Apart from being capable and elite, she also added the sexy charm of a little woman.

In particular, she had light makeup on her face, and the dangling metal earrings on her earlobes made her look even more glamorous.

"Chairman Lou, if you don't mind the matter between you and me, we can go to court. There is no need to talk about it here. Also, I am very busy and have a lot of work to do. Please get out immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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