The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1144 Rao Shixin is the most dick

Chapter 1144 Rao Shixin is the most dick
Lou Shuyu clenched his hands and his face was cold.

Rao Shixin embarrassed her face-to-face in the crew. Fortunately, there were not many people here. If the director, cameraman and staff were all there, she would be even more embarrassed.

She is just a newcomer to the crew, so she dare not offend Rao Shixin.

However, when Rao Shixin gave her a blow, she naturally remembered all of this.

Seeing Rao Shixin go in arrogantly, she took a deep breath and suppressed the unhappiness forcibly.

When she took a step, another car drove up and stopped in front of her.

After the car stopped, the door opened, and the person who got out was Xia Xi.

Xia Xi was wearing sunglasses, her long hair was hanging down her shoulders, she was wearing a black skirt, and her lips were very red.

After getting off the car, Xia Xi didn't go into the set, but raised her hand and took off her sunglasses, and glanced over.

Lou Shuyu froze for a moment, not knowing why Xia Xi was suddenly looking at her like that.

After thinking about it, she still politely smiled back.

However, at this moment, Xia Xi came over, pursed her lips and said, "Your name is Lou Shuyu?"

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu nodded, "Yes."

"I know you, you are the daughter of the Lou family, you were a singer before, oh yes, you bought Bei Xiao's music inspiration and published it in your own name, this is quite a big deal." Xia Xi said in an understatement tone .

Lou Shuyu didn't expect Xia Xi to mention this suddenly.She looked a little ugly for a while.

In the crew, except for Rao Shixin who is the most dick, everyone else is more responsible.

Although Xia Xi was well-known, she was still inferior to Rao Shixin.

When facing Rao Shixin, Lou Shuyu didn't dare to offend too much, but facing Xia Xi, it was different.

Lou Shuyu was unwilling to be mentioned in the scandal, so his mind reacted very quickly, and then he said, "Sister Xia Xi, it's hard for you to remember this, oh yes, when I joined the crew, I seemed to hear that Qing Princess Luo originally wanted you to play the role, sister Xia Xi, but I didn't expect the director to give the role to Rao Shixin in the end."

Hearing this, Xia Xi's face darkened.

Lou Shuyu raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips curled up, "Sister Xia Xi, I actually think you are more suitable to play the role of Princess Qingluo."

"Heh." Xia Xi smiled coldly, "Lou Shuyu, what right do you have to be so presumptuous in front of me?"

Lou Shuyu lifted his chin lightly, "As I am the daughter of the Lou family!"

"You!" Xia Xi gritted her teeth.

She came from a bad background, which is really hard to say in the artist circle.

Beside, the assistant Xiaowei was a little angry, and helped her to say: "Miss Lou, even if you are Miss Qianjin, you are still just a rookie in the crew after all. If you can't be a singer, you want to be an actor. Unfortunately, netizens have a very good memory. , I'm afraid it will be hard to forget that you bought Bei Xiao's inspiration before."

Lou Shuyu's face turned cold.

"That's right." Xia Xi was proud, "It's a shame to become an actor after such a big scandal. I don't know how to write the word shame?"

Xiao Xiao smiled, "Sister Xia, maybe people think that my acting skills are good, and I can win the gold card award."

Xia Xi curled her lips mockingly, "Gold card award, there will be one in my dream."

Xiaowei: "Sister Xia, you have several announcements to be busy today, so don't waste your time here."

"It's good that you reminded me, otherwise I almost forgot that I have a few more announcements today, Xiaowei, let's go in." Xia Xi folded her arms around her chest, turned around and walked in proudly.

Xiaowei glanced at Lou Shuyu, hummed, and followed Xia Xi.

Behind him, Lou Shuyu gritted his silver teeth secretly.

She really didn't expect that when she came to the set early in the morning, she would encounter such two plague gods one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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