The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1145 I want to win the spokesperson status

Chapter 1145 I want to win the spokesperson status

within the crew.

Rao Shixin just arrived at the scene and began to make up and change clothes.

Of course, she has her own makeup artist.

Sitting in a chair, she was checking Weibo with her mobile phone in her hand.

Today's Weibo is the same as usual, there are still black fans commenting on her Weibo with some weird words.

Of course, she didn't pay attention to it at all. To her, as long as she didn't criticize her acting skills and her appearance, then everything else didn't matter to her.

Makeup artist applies liquid foundation to her face.

Because her skin is very good, she basically doesn't need to use liquid foundation.

"Zhaoyang Tianxia" is a large-scale costume drama. In terms of makeup, it is especially important to focus on the eyes.

The image of Princess Qingluo in the play belongs to the kind of lively and proud princess, but Rao Shixin's eyes are charming, so the eye makeup part needs to be carefully drawn.

According to the director's request, Rao Shixin's fox eyes must show that kind of aura and cunning in the play.

Every time she puts on makeup, Rao Shixin spends more time on her facial features than the eyes.

Because eye makeup takes time, every time the makeup artist puts makeup on her eyes, she can't sit still.

Finally, after the eye makeup is done, the next step is to make the headgear, which is also time-consuming.

Assistant Xiaozhang was serving tea and water.

Rao Shixin drank tea and browsed the Internet.

When the headgear is finished, the last thing is to change clothes.

Rao Shixin went into the changing room, and with the help of Xiao Zhang, finished dressing the complicated ancient costumes.

There is just a rest area outside the changing room.

At this moment, Xia Xi walked in, accompanied by his assistant Xiaowei.

Xia Xi had just finished putting on her makeup and headdress, and needed to change her clothes.

The assistant Xiaowei is holding a costume in her hand.

Xia Xi was about to take her clothes when her phone rang suddenly.After she took it out to see the name on the caller ID, her eyes lit up, and she quickly pressed the answer button, "Hello, Secretary Wen."

Changing room.

Rao Shixin had just changed his clothes and was about to open the door when he suddenly heard Xia Xi's voice from outside.

She paused for a moment when she raised her hand to push the door, and then she made a gesture with Xiao Zhang behind her, telling Xiao Zhang not to speak.

Xiaozhang nodded when he realized it.

Just like that, Rao Shixin put his arms around his chest and listened to Xia Xi talking on the phone openly.

Outside, it wasn't long before Xia Xi entered, and she didn't pay much attention to whether there was anyone in each single room in the changing room.

There are three changing rooms in this one.

Xia Xi was holding the phone, her face was full of excitement just after putting on makeup.

She could only hear her saying: "Secretary Wen, is the jewelry spokesperson's affairs settled?"

"Sorry, Miss Xia, I may not be able to help you with this matter." On the other side of the phone, Wen Xun was in the corridor, holding the phone in his hand, standing in the corner talking on the phone.

Xia Xi paused, with a stiff expression on his face, "Secretary Wen, what's going on?"

In order to wait for this call from Mrs. Liang, she hardly dared to turn off her mobile phone.

Before, she learned that Liang had found Rao Shixin to be the spokesperson for jewelry, but she didn't know what happened later, Rao Shixin broke the contract by herself and paid liquidated damages, so she immediately wanted to get the spokesperson's status idea.

Of course, in order to successfully win the spokesperson, she went to Liang's on purpose, and mentioned it to Liang Feimo intentionally or unintentionally, but Liang Feimo was completely indifferent. After thinking about it, she shifted her target to Wen Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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