The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1149 The so-called beauty is poisonous!

Chapter 1149 The so-called beauty is poisonous!
Liang Group.

In front of the huge desk.

Liang Feimo's cuffs were rolled up, and his slender hands were holding a pen to sign.

At the table, Wen Xie waited respectfully, but his expression was a little complicated.

He didn't know what was going on, but suddenly he felt a tingling pain in his heart, thinking that something bad was about to happen!
After Liang Feimo signed his name, he closed the document and pushed it to Wen Xie, and asked coldly, "Have you delivered the chocolate?"

Hearing this, Wen Xie came to his senses and nodded quickly, "Mr. Liang, the chocolate has been delivered to Ms. Rao."

When he sent the documents in just now, he deliberately contacted the young man in the flower shop, and only then did he learn that the chocolates had been sent out successfully.

Liang Feimo's face was still paralyzed, but there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

Wen Xi licked his lips, "Mr. Liang, if there's nothing else, I'll go out first."


Just like that, Wen Xi took the document and left.

In the office, Liang Feimo leaned back against the chair, tapped his index finger on the table, and his deep face was full of incomprehensible deep thinking.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly, indicating that there was a message.

Liang Feimo picked up the phone and looked at it, his dark eyes glowed with light.

This is a WeChat message, sent by Rao Shixin.

Happy: The chocolate you sent is delicious.

Seeing the news, the beating of Liang Feimo's entire chest intensified at that moment.

He read the text several times, and then tapped the screen to reply to the message.


Rao Shixin's exquisite makeup made her look more and more classical, especially her hair was rolled up into a bun with dazzling golden hairpins on it.

Beside, Yang Hui gave chocolates to the staff.

Because Rao Shixin didn't want to eat at all, and he didn't want to accept the gift, so Yang Hui accepted it in the end.

This is the production crew, and it's not appropriate to keep talking about it, so Yang Hui simply put away the chocolate so that the young man can leave.

Of course, after the chocolates were received, Yang Hui borrowed flowers to present to the Buddha, and gave the chocolates to the staff of the film crew to taste, and the pretense was that Rao Shixin had someone buy them to reward everyone.

This kind of chocolate is very famous and very expensive. Yang Hui's operation immediately caused the staff present to have a different appreciation for Rao Shixin, and also explained very well the scene where the young man brought the chocolate just now.

Rao Shixin stared at the phone, waiting for the other party to reply after sending the message.

At this moment, Yang Hui came over, "Don't you really want to try it? This chocolate is precious."

Rao Shixin turned his head, "No, I want to lose weight."

"Come on, you will take the initiative to lose weight?" Yang Hui snorted, "I would rather believe that it will snow in June."

Rao Shixin pursed her lips.


The phone vibrated suddenly, and the other party replied.

L: Do you like it?

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes before replying.

Xinxinshang: I like it very much, thank you for this gift.

On the side, Yang Hui took a glance and couldn't help complaining, "You have never tasted chocolate at all, why are you lying to Secretary Wen?"

Rao Shixin pinched off the phone screen, not letting Yang Hui look at it, and said, "He's playing tricks on me, of course I have my own plans."

"According to me, he is not playing with you. He should be conquered by your beauty and want to chase you."

Rao Shixin chuckled, "I want to make him beautiful, so I won't fall in love with him."

"Then why are you texting him?"

"He thinks he can catch me by pretending to be a stranger, and treat me like a fool? I must punish him!"

Yang Hui suddenly broke into a cold sweat for Secretary Wen!
The so-called beauty is poisonous!
It's not good for Secretary Wen to chase after anyone, but this one!
(End of this chapter)

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