The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1150 Men are indeed the same!

Chapter 1150 Men are indeed the same!

At this moment, Wen Zhan, who was busy far away from Liang's, suddenly felt a chill down his back, and sneezed several times in a row.

too weird!

Does he have a cold or something?
Why do I suddenly feel like that?

Xia Xi was still holding the script and reading the lines.

On the side, Xiaowei handed over a bottle of orange juice, "Sister Xia, today's freshly squeezed orange juice, this drink is just right to supplement vitamin C."

Xia Xi took a sip of the orange juice, and glanced at Rao Shixin not far away.

Thinking of the spokesperson, she felt unwilling.

Why can Rao Shixin endorse Liang's jewelry, but she can't?
Perhaps to prove herself, she swore in her heart that she would definitely win Liang's jewelry endorsement!

She wanted to prove one thing to everyone, including herself, that she was no worse than Rao Shixin, and even, she could definitely be better than Rao Shixin!

Xiao Wei followed Xia Xi's eyes and saw Xia Xi was staring at Rao Shixin, so she lowered her voice and said, "Sister Xia, that Rao Shixin was bought by someone and brought chocolates to the staff who specially gave it to the crew. , This kind of buying people's hearts is really disgusting."

"Hmph, doesn't she just want to win favor, hypocrisy, and affectation!" Xia Xi's eyes were full of disdain.

"I also think she's really fake. You are obviously the most straightforward one, sister Xia, but everyone has been deceived by Rao Shixin's hypocrisy."

"Isn't she just because she is the main character of this show, that's why she is so confident. Who knows how she got this role."

Xiao Wei echoed: "In my opinion, she must rely on her body to get the upper hand."

"Aside from her body, what else can she rely on."

"That's right, she's disgusting."

not far away.

Rao Shixin waved Yang Hui away, holding the phone and staring at the screen.

L: As long as you like it.

Seeing the news, Rao Shixin's eyes flickered with calculations, and then he typed.

Xinxinshang: In order to express my gratitude to you, can I have lunch with you at noon?

The other side of WeChat on the phone.

After Liang Feimo saw the news, his body paused slightly, and his dark eyes became brighter.

In the next second, his slender hands typed out the text, but after glancing at it, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and then deleted it.

Typing again, the result is to delete again.

After editing and deleting in this way, he finally stood up and paced back and forth behind the desk.

The man who was always ruthless in the mall was suddenly a little at a loss at this moment.

Rao Shixin waited for a long time but couldn't get the other party's reply, so he couldn't help guessing that the other party was afraid of showing up.

In order for the other party to agree, she thought about it for a while, and then typed and sent it.

Xin Xin Shang: Mr. L, why didn't you reply?Don't you want to have lunch with me?

Liang Feimo stopped pacing back and forth when he saw the news.

There was a trace of anxiety in his brows, and then he raised his hand to loosen his tie before replying to the message.

L: Are you sure you want to have lunch with me?
Xin Xin Shang: Of course, actually I think you should be a very attractive man, I am still single, if we have lunch together, maybe
Click till.

Rao Shixin's eyes were sly, and the corners of his lips curled up with a hint of playfulness.

She didn't believe that the other party wouldn't take the bait!

Wen Xie looked very honest, but unexpectedly he was also greedy for her beauty.

Men are all alike!

When Liang Feimo received the news, his dark pupils immediately shrank.He held the phone tightly with his fingertips, as if restraining something.

After a while, he walked to the terrace and looked at the overpass not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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