The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1152 An Insider Information

Chapter 1152 An Insider Information

【This morning, a plane flying to Languo encountered a turbulence in mid-air and crashed. Passengers on board.】

After seeing such a piece of news, Lou Jianian was silent.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and there was an incoming call, which was from Jing Chen.

Lou Jianian glanced at it, then pressed the answer button, and brought the phone to his ear, "What's the matter?"

"Good news!" Jing Chen's excited voice came from the phone, "Do you know? That good-for-nothing younger brother of Lou Bailian is not from the Lou family!"

"Huh?" Lou Jianian couldn't react for a while, "What do you mean?"

"I just received an insider information. In the well-known Lou's Group, there is a chairman's grandmother and grandson who have no blood relationship at all."

Lou Jianian was confused, mainly because he just learned of Cheng Lin's accident, so he felt embarrassed, so he couldn't turn his head around for a while to understand what Jing Chen said.

"Can you say it simply and directly?"

On the other side of the phone, Jing Chen raised his hand and raised his forehead, "Did I not understand enough? All right, if you don't understand, then I'll just click. A friend of mine who is a doctor told me that Lou Tim You don't have any blood relationship with the old lady of the Lou family, understand?"

"?" Lou Jianian was surprised, "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. My doctor friend just saw the old hag of the Lou family a few days ago, and unexpectedly found out about it by accident. If Lou Tianyou is not from the Lou family, isn't Lou Guangzong the old hag's?" son?"

Lou Jianian thought for a while, "I think Lou Guangzong must be Li Xiangyun's son, but Lou Tianyou may not be Lou Guangzong's son."

"Damn it! So, Lou Bailian's mother gave Lou Guangzong a cuckold, tsk, isn't Lou Bailian not even Lou's family?"

Hearing this, the scene of Lou Shuyu crying in the video just now flashed through Lou Jianian's mind, "If my guess is correct, only Lou Tianyou is not."

"Why so sure?"

"Cheng Lin was going to Languo by plane this morning. I thought she was going to take Lou Tianyou out to escape, but I didn't expect the plane to crash midway. I just read the report and heard that the plane crashed. The chances of all personnel surviving should be slim."

Jing Chen's eyes were surprised, "I lost it!"

"If Lou Shuyu is not from the Lou family, she must have gone abroad with Cheng Lin. Since she doesn't have one, it means she is from the Lou family. Otherwise, Li Xiangyun can keep her?"

"Damn! The Lou family is so messed up! These two people deserved their death!"

Lou Jianian: "."

On the other side, the Lou family mansion.

Li Xiangyun is resting on the sofa.

In the past two days, her hands are still wrapped in plaster and need to be raised properly.

Mrs. Li came over with a cup of tea, "Madam, I made you a cup of tea."

"Leave it alone." Li Xiangyun's expression was obviously irritated.

Too many bad things happened during this period, she couldn't sleep at night, and she was in a bad mood.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Aunt Li put down her teacup and went to answer the phone, "Hi, this is Lou's."

After the call was answered, I didn't know what the other party said.Mrs. Li looked surprised after answering the phone, "What!"

Li Xiangyun swept his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Old lady, the police station called, saying that the wife and the young master were going to leave the country by plane this morning, but the plane crashed unexpectedly."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun's face was gloomy and cold, and then a sinister smile gradually bloomed, "It's a good fall."

Mrs. Li was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that the young master was not of the Lou family's blood, so she didn't dare to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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