The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1153 1 has not been able to calm down the emotions

Chapter 1153 Has not calmed down

On the other side, the hospital.

On the hospital bed, Lou Shuyu closed his eyes tightly and fell into a coma.

Because she learned about Cheng Lin's crash, she couldn't accept it for a while, so that she passed out from crying and was sent to the hospital.

It was noon.

Outside the ward, there was the sound of trampling footsteps, followed by a slender figure, it was Lin Cheng who had arrived.

Lin Cheng was wearing a lead gray suit, and his whole face looked haggard.

During this period of time, the company fell into the most difficult time in history. He didn't get enough sleep every day, and he didn't even feel at ease to eat a meal. In order to save the company, he tried his best, but in the end he still had enough energy.

In the morning, when he was busy at the company, he suddenly received a call and learned that Cheng Lin had crashed and that Lou Shuyu had passed out in the crew. No, he rushed over in a hurry.

Walking into the ward, I saw Lou Shuyu lying on the bed.

The fluorescent light came in from the outside, and there were tears in the corners of Lou Shuyu's eyes. It is not difficult to see the sadness she felt when she first received the disappearance.

Lin Cheng walked to the bedside and sat down, stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears from the corners of Lou Shuyu's eyes.

His movements were very gentle, but Lou Shuyu was still awakened.

When she just woke up, her vision was a little blurred, and she cried bitterly when she saw the person in front of her clearly, "Ah Cheng, what should I do? My mother."

Lin Cheng raised his hand and patted Lou Shuyu's shoulder, "I know everything, don't be sad."

"My father is in jail, my mother has an accident, and I will have no parents from now on." Lou Shuyu couldn't bear the blow in his heart.

Since she was a child, she has grown up under the pampering of her parents. So many things happened overnight, she also has moments of vulnerability after all.

Lin Cheng frowned slightly, "Don't think about it, don't you still have me?"

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu reached out and hugged Lin Cheng, "I only have you, Ah Cheng, don't leave me."

"Well, I won't." Lin Cheng's words were a little faint, and his brows and eyes were tired.

Lou Shuyu was still crying, unable to calm down.

the other side.


Led by the prison guards, Lou Guangzong was taken to a small dark room.

In the room, Li Xiangyun was already sitting at the table waiting.

Lou Guangzong thought it was Lou Jianian at first, but at first glance, he found it was Li Xiangyun, his cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, "Mom!"

Hearing the voice, Li Xiangyun, who was originally in deep thought, raised his eyes, and then his eyes turned red, "Guangzong, mother's son!"

While speaking, she stood up excitedly and stretched out her trembling hands.

Lou Guangzong stepped forward and held her hand, "Mom, you finally came to see me."

"There are too many things happening at home, Mom can't leave at all." Li Xiangyun couldn't hide his grief, "Guangzong, you've lost weight."

Lou Guangzong's eyes flickered slightly, and he lowered his head and sighed, "Here, if the food and food are not good, you will naturally lose weight."

"Mom will find a way to get you out."

"But, I." Lou Guangzong was a little elusive about Li Xiangyun's thoughts.

Li Xiangyun's thin face added a touch of unwillingness, "Mom knows it's not your fault, it's the broom star who is at fault, if she hadn't framed her, you wouldn't have to go to jail."

"Mom, you..." Lou Guangzong was stunned.

"You're not that kind of person, mom believes in you." Li Xiangyun's eyes were firm, "You have been honest and honest since you were a child, how could you kill your brother and sister, mom won't follow the way of that bastard."

Lou Guangzong's small eyes burst into disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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