The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1154 Li Xiangyun's eyes are full of pity

Chapter 1154 Li Xiangyun's eyes are full of pity

He didn't expect that the matter had already been exposed, and Li Xiangyun didn't believe it at all, but instead believed that everything was caused by Lou Jianian.

Of course, for Li Xiangyun to be able to make such a decision, he was naturally eager in his heart.

Soon, thoughts flashed through his mind, and then a sad expression appeared on his face, "Mom, fortunately you are willing to believe me."

"Mom doesn't believe you, is it possible that you still believe in that broom star?" Li Xiangyun reached out to hold Lou Guangzong's face, "I have suffered in prison, and Mom will find a way to let you out as soon as possible."

Lou Guangzong's eyes flashed an unbearable dark light.In the next second, a gratified expression appeared on his face, "Fortunately, God treats me well. With Mom here, I am not afraid of anything."

"You've lost weight, mom loves you." Li Xiangyun's eyes were full of pity.

Lou Guangzong sighed.

During this period of time in the prison, he was indeed living a very bad life, food and clothing, all of which could not be compared with before, especially the loss of freedom, which was the most uncomfortable.

He had stubble growing on his chin, and he didn't have any tools to fix it.

Li Xiangyun reached out to touch Lou Guangzong's face distressedly, "Mom will find a way to see if I can bring you some daily necessities."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong nodded, then remembered something, and asked, "By the way, how is your family doing?"

Li Xiangyun paused, and the expression that was full of pity soon became filled with hatred, "Don't mention it, Cheng Lin, that woman is really damned!"

"What's wrong? Mom." Lou Guangzong frowned slightly.

"Guangzong, that woman Cheng Lin gave you a cuckold, Tianyou is not your son."

After Li Xiangyun's words fell, Lou Guangzong was shocked, "Mom, you said Tianyou is not my son?"

"Yes, Mom has done a blood test with him. Tian You is a wild bastard Cheng Lin had with other men outside!"

Lou Guangzong gritted his teeth, "She dared to give me a cuckold!"

"Fortunately, God has opened his eyes. In the morning, Cheng Lin took that bastard on the plane and planned to leave the country before I found out, but the plane had an accident on the way, and the two of them must not survive."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong was surprised again, but soon, his anger returned, "Even if she is not dead, when I go out, I will strangle her to death."

Every man can't accept being cuckolded by his wife, and Lou Guangzong is no exception.

Li Xiangyun reassured: "Cheng Lin and that bastard are gone anyway, the most important thing right now is our company, the broom star took the company away, I will never let her stay in that position for a long time. "

"Mom, when I go out, I will definitely find a way to take out the position of president." Lou Guangzong is actually not sure whether he will have a chance to go out, but since Li Xiangyun chooses to trust him, then he has hope get out of prison.

"The company will always be yours. Even if that broom star wants to take it away, I won't let her do so. Guangzong, Mom is your only son. Mom Hu tried to get you out."

"Only Mom, you can save me." Lou Guangzong's face was moved, and then he thought of something, and immediately asked: "By the way, Mom, Tianyou is not my son, the book said her"

"Don't worry about that. Mom has already gone to have an appraisal with her. Shuyu is your daughter."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Xiangyun was very relieved, "Fortunately, Shuyu is the blood of our Lou family."

Lou Guangzong also thinks so.

Right now, he only has a child like Lou Shuyu left!

(End of this chapter)

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