Chapter 1155 Wasting her time!
the other side.

Tanmin Hotel.

A fiery red Bugatti drove up to the door and stopped.

The car door opened, and under the sunlight, a girl was seen stepping out of the car.

The girl wore sunglasses, fair skin, and a mask, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

However, judging from the way she was dressed, her curvy figure, including the charm she radiated while walking, she was definitely a very pretty woman.

The passers-by couldn't help casting their eyes on the girl.

The girl's long curly hair was scattered behind her body, she was wearing a white lace sleeveless shirt, and a pair of shorts on her lower body, her gestures were charming.

After getting out of the car, Rao Shixin immediately walked up the steps and entered the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, the welcoming staff immediately asked politely, "Who are the ladies?"

"I'm here to find someone." While speaking, Rao Shixin took out his phone, swiped open the screen, found L in WeChat, and sent a message there.

Shining Up: Are you there yet?
On the second floor, in the private room.

There is a bouquet of bright red roses on the table, and beautiful music is playing.

Liang Feimo was wearing a black suit, standing by the window, his dark eyes had already spotted the fiery red sports car driving downstairs just now.

Bright and dazzling, just like Rao Shixin's personality, flamboyant and flamboyant.

Standing by the window, holding his mobile phone, he suddenly found out that there was a message, so he quickly clicked on it.

After he read the message, he typed and replied.

L: I am in private room 208 on the second floor
After reading the news, Rao Shixin immediately walked inside, and at the same time refused the waiter's escort to lead the way.

This hotel is not far from the set, and she has been there many times before.

Soon, she walked up the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor is as spacious as the first floor, with exquisite tables.

Because it is lunch time, it is no more than evening, and there are not many people eating, but there are not many.

Rao Shixin walked along the corridor, and quickly found private room No. 208.

Standing at the door of the private room, she rolled her eyes, then pulled her lips and snorted softly.

You have harassed her continuously for the past few days, and now you still want to have lunch with her?
Think beautiful!
If Wen Xian hadn't been taught a harsh lesson today, she would have written her name upside down!

Thinking of this, she reached into her bag and held the spray with her hand.

That's right, she brought something here on purpose.

Seeing that the door of the private room was closed tightly, she raised her hand to tap it a few times, but the door was pushed open unexpectedly.

It turned out that the door was not closed tightly.

After thinking for a while, she stepped into the private room, glanced around, and saw that there were already cooked steaks, red wine, fruit salad, and some low-calorie delicacies on the table.

no one?

She raised her hand to close the door, looked around vigilantly, "L, where are you?"

As she frowned slightly, she walked to the dining table and sat down, deep in thought.

When he sent the message just now, didn't he say that he had arrived?
Is he playing with her?

Thinking about it this way, she thought it was possible!
Maybe Wen Xi was temporarily afraid of showing up, so he ran away.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time for her to come?


Waste her time!
After all, she was still hungry, so she didn't rush to leave, and simply enjoyed the food on the table.

Driving here from the set, she didn't have time to eat at all, and she was already starving to death.

The steak on the table was cooked to perfection, and with the red wine, it was simply delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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