The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1166 The whole heart is not calm

Chapter 1166 The whole heart is not calm
"President Liang is finally worried?" Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his lips seemed to curl up, "It's only a matter of time before I can be with Shi Xin."

"This is the biggest problem." Liang Feimo said with aloofness like a king, "I forgot to tell you that we were together six years ago."

The smile on Xiao Ke's lips froze.

No matter what he can't think of, Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo have a past!

He couldn't laugh anymore.

"You, it's too late." Liang Feimo threw down this sentence domineeringly, took a step, and when he reached the threshold, he stopped suddenly and said, "Besides, she will only be my person in this life. "

After speaking, he directly crossed the threshold and walked into the crew.

Xiao Ke's slender eyes stared at Liang Feimo who was walking towards the set, with complicated expressions on his face and frown.

at the same time.

Rao Shixin changed into clothes in the changing room, and then touched up her makeup in the tent after changing.

After finishing her makeup, since she hadn't started filming yet, she lay down on the rocking chair, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, and sipped slowly.

As for why the filming hasn't started yet, it's simply because of Liang Feimo's arrival that Shen Qinghuan was too busy to entertain and had no time to gather the actors for filming.

Inside the tent, Xiao Zhang has been busy tidying up from just now.

Rao Shixin looked at Xiao Zhang who was busy beside him, so he raised his hand to his forehead: "Xiao Zhang, don't clean up, I'm upset."

"Ah?" Xiaozhang was a little confused, "Then I won't clean up."

Rao Shixin let out a long sigh.Xiaozhang is good at everything, but he is too diligent.

On the side, Yang Hui clicked his tongue twice, "Annoyed people will feel annoyed when they look at everything. If you want me to tell you, what's wrong with Xiaozhang is obviously your own problem."

In fact, it is true.

Rao Shixin became irritable after going out for a trip at noon.

As long as she remembered what Liang Feimo had said in the private room, she would not be calm.

Originally, after leaving the hotel, she had already adjusted her emotions in the car, but unexpectedly, she received a call informing Liang Feimo that she had withdrawn her decision to cut her episodes, and followed Liang Feimo to the set .

Such a big movement by Liang Feimo gave her a vague feeling that Liang Feimo's pursuit of her was not just casual talk.

"Xiao Zhang, keep tidying up, it's such a mess, if you don't clean it up, some caring person from the crew will secretly photograph it and post it on the Internet, it will be a big mess." Yang Hui directed Xiao Zhang.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhang nodded, "Oh."

Then, she silently began to pack up.

Rao Shixin was pampered as a child, and he preferred to put the used things away, so that there was a mess everywhere in the tent, and Xiaozhang had to tidy it up several times a day.

The tent that was set up belonged to Rao Shixin alone. It was equipped with tea table and chairs, drinking fountains, rocking chairs, air conditioners and refrigerators, etc., which were benefits given by the crew.

After Yang Hui instructed Xiaozhang, he nudged Rao Shixin lightly with his elbow and said, "Shixin, is that L really Mr. Liang?"

"Sister Yang, please stop asking nonsense, okay?" Rao Shixin rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm just a little surprised. I didn't expect Mr. Liang to do such a thing. Sending flowers and chocolates, this kind of coquettish operation is simply not done by Mr. Liang? But, look at Mr. Liang doing this , is it possible that Mr. Liang wants to chase you?"

Rao Shixin frowned slightly, "Is it possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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