The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1167 Still can't see through this man Liang Feimo!

Chapter 1167 Still can't see through this man Liang Feimo!

"Impossible, why did they send this and that, and in the afternoon, they deliberately canceled the decision to delete your episodes. This purpose is already obvious, and they are here for you."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin had a headache, "If I had known it was like this from the beginning, I would not have accepted this drama."

Yang Hui disagreed and said, "What does it have to do with people chasing you when you accept this drama?"

"If I don't join this crew, he won't have a chance." Rao Shixin sighed, "How about I quit this drama?"

Yang Hui widened his eyes and was very surprised, "What are you talking about? You can't quit, my ancestor, do you know how many people are vying for the role of Princess Qingluo, you can't get dizzy at this juncture head."

"Hey, sister Yang, what do you think I should do?" Rao Shixin almost went crazy.

"??" Yang Hui really didn't understand, "What can I do? If you're not happy, don't agree to it. If you're willing, you agree."

Rao Shixin chuckled, "It's easy to say."

"It's obviously a very simple thing. Didn't men often chase you before? Something is wrong." Yang Hui seemed to smell something strange.

Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"After all, Liang is also your ex-boyfriend. Logically speaking, you and Mr. Liang have dated before. Based on your understanding of Mr. Liang, you should know what kind of man Liang is always. So, you What are you afraid of?"

Rao Shixin: "."


Sorry, even though they were together before, she still can't see through this man Liang Feimo!

Yang Hui raised his hand and stroked his chin, and looked at Rao Shixin with probing eyes, "Could it be that you are afraid that you will fall in love with Mr. Liang?"

These words made Rao Shixin almost explode, "Sister Yang, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I be attracted to that cold block of ice?"

"Excited." Yang Hui had a certain understanding in his eyes, "I still don't admit it."

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

Can I change agents?

She wants to be with someone else!
outside the tent.

Liang Feimo appeared on the set, like an emperor descending, surrounded by stars.

The crew on the set, including the artists, all surrounded Liang Feimo.

Shen Qinghuan asked someone to brew the best West Lake Longjing tea, and deliberately vacated a comfortable place so that Liang Feimo could sit and taste the tea, and then watch the work progress on the set by the way.

On the rosewood chair, Liang Feimo was wearing a black suit and a white tie, the simplest color combination, but he gave him a different visual effect.

The West Lake Longjing tea exudes a delicate fragrance. Liang Feimo's slender hands are holding the teacup, and the heat is dense, covering his cold face with a layer of haze.

Xia Xi came out of the rest room immediately after learning that Liang Feimo was here.

That's right, because she couldn't get the spokesperson for Liang's Jewelry, she was so depressed that she didn't have a good rest at all, so before Shen Qinghuan started calling for filming, she bought some time to squint and rest.

Because she was worried that her condition was not good, and she was afraid that she would be distracted when she was filming, so she went to the rest room at this time.

The sound insulation effect of the rest room is very good, and it belongs to the rest area of ​​all artists, but very few artists will go to the rest room to rest during filming.

While Xia Xi was resting, she suddenly heard her assistant Xiao Wei running to tell her that Mr. Liang was here.

(End of this chapter)

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