Chapter 1168
As soon as she heard that Liang Feimo was coming to the set, she couldn't stay any longer, so she ran out immediately.

She walked very fast along the corridor, and then slowed down when she walked outside, and even adjusted her clothes a little bit.

She was wearing an ancient costume, her hair was pulled into a beautiful bun, and there was a red hairpin on it. When she walked around, she swayed, but she looked a bit dazzling.

Soon, she jumped over layers of staff and came to the front, "Brother Mo."

This is not brother Mo, she shouted very softly.

On the sandalwood chair, Liang Feimo took a sip of tea, then put down the teacup without giving Xia Xi a single look.

Xia Xi paused, completely unexpected that Liang Feimo would ignore him so much.The smile on her face almost collapsed for a moment.But, soon, deep thoughts flashed through her mind, and then she opened her mouth and said with a smile: "Brother Fei Mo, I haven't seen Auntie for a long time, how is Auntie doing recently?"

On the side, Shen Qinghuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Xia Xi and Mrs. Liang seem to be very familiar with each other?
In front of everyone, Xia Xi deliberately moved out Mrs. Liang, and affectionately called her Auntie. The purpose was just to make everyone present believe that she and Liang Feimo had an extraordinary relationship.

Liang Feimo's face was paralyzed, "Well, she's fine."

After getting a response, Xia Xi was naturally relieved.

Just now, Liang Feimo ignored her, which made her almost lose face. Fortunately, she moved out of Mrs. Liang.

In any case, she had saved Mrs. Liang, and for this alone, Liang Feimo naturally wanted to give her some face.

The staff present looked at Xia Xi in a different way immediately.

Everyone mistakenly thought that Xia Xi and Liang Feimo had an unusual relationship!
After Liang Feimo put down his teacup, his eyes passed over the person in front of him, and then he glanced at a tent not far away.

It was Rao Shixin's tent, but unfortunately, he was unable to see the people inside because the crowd blocked his view.

At this time, inside the tent.

Yang Hui guessed again and again, and his guess was accurate.

Thus, Rao Shixin was completely overwhelmed.Simply, she got up directly, "Okay, let's not talk, I'll go out and get some air."

After speaking, she hurried away.

However, after leaving the tent and walking outside, she found that all the staff at the scene, including the artists, had gathered in front of the rosewood chair. As for the rosewood chair, there was a man who was so familiar to her that she could no longer be familiar with him. .

When she found the man sitting there, she turned around and walked in another direction.

However, what she didn't know was that although the man was surrounded by everyone, his sharp eyes still passed through layers of people, and then captured her figure.

A dark light flashed across Liang Feimo's eyes.Seeing the girl in ancient costume coming out of the tent just now, she walked in another direction.

The next second, he stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

He turned and left, and dropped a sentence, "Don't follow."

As a result, Shen Qinghuan, including the assistant director and several important actors who were planning to follow up, stopped immediately.

Seeing Liang Feimo leave, Xia Xi felt anxious, and when she wanted to catch up, she was stopped by Shen Qinghuan.

"Xiaxi, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with Mrs. Liang? Our production team depends on you to say something nice in front of Mr. Liang."

Hearing this, Xia Xi was instantly elated, "Director Shen, don't worry, I'm also a member of the crew, so I naturally know what to say."

(End of this chapter)

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