The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1169 Serious and Affectionate

Chapter 1169 Serious and Affectionate

at the same time.

Rao Shixin walked around the front porch and went to the back area.

It was a small garden with rockery and flowing water, flowers and trees, and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

The sun above her head was very hot, she walked along the corridor, bored, all she could think about was Liang Feimo.

To be honest, she really didn't figure out what Liang Feimo meant to her?
Just when she was in great confusion, there was a steady sound of footsteps behind her suddenly. The sound sounded a bit familiar, like leather shoes stepping on the ground.

Almost subconsciously, she turned around to look, only to find that the person who appeared was a man with a handsome and cold face. In an instant, she widened her eyes, then turned her head, and quickened her pace to leave.

However, her behavior has long been discovered by men.

Liang Feimo narrowed his dark cold eyes slightly, and strode forward with long legs, heading directly towards her figure.

Rao Shixin keenly heard the movement from behind, and her whole heart panicked.She didn't dare to look back, she just wanted to leave.

As a result, the faster she walked, the faster the man behind her simply stepped over her body, blocking her way, and even clasped her wrist with his palm to prevent her from leaving.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" The man's slender body blocked all the light when he stood in front of him.

Rao Shixin felt the warmth from his wrist, his heart beat, and even his eyes flickered, "Let go."

"Don't let go." Liang Feimo was serious, but a little shameless.

Rao Shixin twitched her eyebrows, "Hi, this is the crew."

"Just right." Liang Feimo's eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a scorching light in his dark as obsidian eyes, which made Shixin feel uncomfortable.

"Liang Feimo, aren't you afraid of affecting your reputation?"

"You think I'm afraid?"

Rao Shixin paused, looked at Liang Feimo up and down with a slightly complicated gaze, and thought about Liang Feimo's flamboyant operation today, so he had a doubt in his mind, "Did you get stimulated by something?"

"Yeah." Liang Feimo responded lightly, "I was stimulated by you."

"Me?" Rao Shixin was a little annoyed, "What did I do? If I really did something that affected you, I will find a way to make it up. Can you stop playing with me like this!"

Liang Feimo was silent for a while, "Compensation?"

"Yes, I can endorse your Liang Shi for free, or help you shoot commercials for Liang Shi, in short, it's fine, as long as you don't make fun of me like that again."

That's Rao Shixin's plan, trying to use benefits to make the man give up harassing her!
However, she miscalculated what the man's starting point was.

So, she heard the man's serious and affectionate rhetorical question.

"Then I want you to be my girlfriend?"

Rao Shixin's slender body paused again, an inexplicable anger hit her heart again, and she struggled vigorously with her wrists a few times, but the man's strength was perfectly controlled, and she couldn't break free from the man's shackles at all.


"Liang Feimo, I am also a person with a bottom line, some jokes are almost enough."

"You think I'm joking?" Liang Feimo frowned slightly.

"Could it be that you still want to be serious?"

"I'm serious."

Rao Shixin: "."

What the hell is going on, she was entangled by this man out of nowhere!
(End of this chapter)

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