Chapter 1182 is full of sarcasm
Liang Feimo's thin lips curled up, his eyes glowed with doting, and then he backed away, closed the car door, and walked around to the other side.

He just opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. Through the rearview mirror, he happened to see Xiao Ke who was chasing out from the crew.

As a result, his eyes were stained with sharpness, he closed the car door without delay, and then started the car.

Xiao Ke finally asked Shen Qinghuan to chase him out, but he didn't expect Liang Feimo to drive away with Rao Shixin.

Seeing the car drive away, he clenched his fists, hating himself for being too slow.

The car drove away from the film and television city all the way.

It was afternoon, the hottest time of the day.

Liang Feimo turned on the air conditioner.

In the passenger seat, Rao Shixin was still wearing ancient and heavy clothes, which inevitably made him somewhat inconvenient in terms of movement.

That's why she couldn't break free during the struggle just now.

Of course, another factor was that Liang Feimo's strength was so well controlled that she couldn't find a chance to escape at all.

After a lot of tossing, she was already sweating all over her body. Fortunately, after sitting in the car, there was air conditioning, and she gradually felt cooler.

Outside the car window, the scenery goes all the way back.

Liang Feimo was driving the car, Rao Shixin didn't look at him, and kept staring at the scenery outside.

Along the way, Rao Shixin didn't speak, although his expression was a little ugly.

The atmosphere in the car fell into an eerie silence.

Soon, the car stopped at a red light.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes swept towards Rao Shixin.She had makeup on her face, her eyes looked charming, and her eyelashes fluttered, making her even more delicate and charming.

Just looking at it like this, a strong throbbing ignited in his chest, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and scratched her face with his fingertips.

Because of his actions, Rao Shixin, who was admiring the scenery outside the car window, was taken aback for a moment, followed by his gaze, and looked towards him, "What are you doing?"

While speaking, she raised her hand to pat his hand off.

Liang Feimo frowned slightly, looked at the hand that had been slapped away, and moved his thin lips slightly, trying to say something, just in time, when the front indicator light changed, the car behind him urged him.

So, he started the car, but he still didn't say anything.

Rao Shixin continued to admire the scenery.

The car drove all the way, and finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, "Where are you going? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Liang Feimo comforted him, "It's coming soon."

Rao Shixin pursed her lips.

The car went down the road and finally drove to a hotel.

The gate of the luxurious and luxurious hotel is covered with intricate and delicate red carpets, and there are steps going up.

Rao Shixin saw the familiar hotel in front of him through the car window, raised his thin eyebrows, and glanced at Liang Feimo.

At this moment, Liang Feimo took off his seatbelt and was about to open the car door, but Rao Shixin said, "You don't need to get out of the car, we can just talk here if we have anything to say."

Liang Feimo paused with his hand that was about to untie the safety belt, rubbed his fingertips a few times, then parted his thin lips slightly, and said, "Do you still remember this place?"

"Oh, of course I remember." The calmness shown on Rao Shixin's face made Liang Feimo frowned slightly.

In the next second, Rao Shixin continued: "Isn't this the place where we had our first date, oh yes, it's also the place where I confessed my love to you."

Liang Feimo's eyes brightened, "You still remember."

"Joke, how could I not remember, Liang Feimo, what did you bring me here for? Don't tell me that you are here to find memories?" Rao Shixin's words were full of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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