Chapter 1183 She lost herself
Liang Feimo's face had an indescribable expression, "So, you don't have any memories of this place anymore?"

"Of course, this is the first place I confessed to you. I remember it clearly. Even after many years, I think I will remember it clearly. After all, I will tell myself that my first What is a man like, so that I can avoid stepping on mine again."

While Rao Shixin was speaking, he caressed his nails with his index finger, looking a little careless.

However, it was this attitude that made Liang Feimo's face turn cold for a moment.

"Oh, by the way, don't you tell me you want to bring me back here? To be honest, I've been here many times, so there's really nothing worth revisiting. Besides, we've been apart for so many years , you don’t think you can make me accept your pursuit just by bringing me here to recall it? If that’s the case, you really think too much.”

These words, Rao Shixin's tone was light, but very cruel.

Liang Feimo narrowed his eyes, "You're lying!"

"Lying?" Rao Shixin clicked his tongue twice, "Why should I lie? Liang Feimo, you don't think I still have feelings for you, do you?" It was buckled.

It was the familiar feeling of dryness and heat, conveyed to the depths of the heart through the skin on the wrist.

She twisted a few times and found that she couldn't break free, so she pursed her lips slightly and looked at the other person, "Can you stop grabbing my hand?"

Liang Feimo seemed emotional, "You have no feelings for me? Look into my eyes and repeat what you just said."

"You don't understand!" After struggling a few times, Rao Shixin found that he still couldn't pull away, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Let go!"

"What? Don't dare to say?" Liang Feimo's face approached.

Rao Shixin turned his head and said stubbornly: "Forcing me in this way, is this what you call chasing me?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo's eyes darkened for a few minutes, and the next second, the palm clasping her wrist pulled a little harder, pulling her into his arms.

Before Rao Shixin had time to react, he fell into the man's chest, his hard abdominal muscles sounded stiff.

She struggled to sit up straight, but the man clasped her waist with his other hand, and at the same time moved his thin lips to her ear, and said, "Are you nervous? Rao Shixin, don't you feel nothing about me?" of."

In fact, it is true.

Rao Shixin's heart beat faster, her pulse was throbbing, and even her unnatural expression gave away her thoughts.

Facing Liang Feimo's dominance today, she was completely powerless to resist. Even though she had been trying her best to resist, she couldn't resist the man's series of coquettish manipulations.

The man's chest was vaguely exposed through the white shirt fabric, and his wheat-colored Adam's apple was slightly raised, which looked a bit sexy.

In particular, when the man clasped her waist, the tactile sensation conveyed by his fingertips rubbing her waist made her completely at a loss as to how to resist.

The man has a faint green pine smell, which smells particularly good, overflowing into the nostrils, as if it can make people's hearts flutter.

Rao Shixin felt that his head was not rational enough for a moment.

It was precisely because of the man's approach and touch that she lost herself.

But soon, she came back to her senses and retorted, "Liang Feimo, I don't have any feelings for you at all."

Liang Feimo stared at her eyes full of deep meaning, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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