Chapter 1184 tied with her hand

"That's right, don't waste your time. I haven't filmed the afternoon scene yet. I" Rao Shixin said halfway, but the man suddenly stretched out his finger, landed on her lips, and stroked her gently.

At this moment, Rao Shixin paused, and then raised his hand to slap the man's hand off, but the man had already predicted her behavior.

When she reached out to slap the man away, the man had already taken the first step to pinch her jaw, and followed his thin lips down forcefully.

The overwhelming clear breath surrounded her, Rao Shixin never expected that a man would suddenly kiss her.

She was stunned for a few seconds before she realized that when she was about to pull away, the back of her head was clasped tightly by a palm.

The man still does this kind of operation, but she still can't avoid it.

Inside the car, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

For a long time, until Rao Shixin wondered if he was really about to suffocate to death, suddenly the man's lips moved away.

After getting the air, she quickly took a deep breath, and at the same time, her eyes never forgot to stare at the man.

The man's thin lips were radiant, and the corners of his eyes and brows were all burning with light.

From a close distance, she could see that the man's eyes were no longer cold as usual, but only affectionate and warm.

She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the man.

After a lot of difficulty, she opened her eyes only after she recovered, only to find that the man had been staring at her.

"What are you looking at me for? Let go!" She twisted a few times, but it didn't work at all.

Liang Feimo grabbed her hand and buckled it even tighter. At the same time, he pulled off the tie with the other hand and tied his hand with hers.

Seeing this operation, Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, "Do you think you can tie me up like this?"

Anyway, he has already brought her out, so today's scene will definitely not be able to be filmed. However, she suddenly felt very annoyed at the thought of being met with everyone's curious and probing eyes when she went back to the crew.

With Liang Feimo making such a fuss today, everyone must have thought that something was wrong with her and Liang Feimo.

As long as she thinks about this, she regrets why she took this drama.

After Liang Feimo tied her hands, a look of joy added to his expression.In the next second, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said, "From now until dinner, don't even think about leaving."

Rao Shixin: "???"

What if she wants to go to the bathroom?
After Liang Feimo finished speaking, he started the car and drove away from the hotel.

Seeing the car start, Rao Shixin asked, "Where are you going?"


So, the car turned around like this and drove all the way to Liang's.

Rao Shixin felt a little strange that he was wearing an ancient costume and then entered the Liang family.

However, fortunately, the employees of Liang's did not gossip like this.

When Liang Feimo led her into Liang's, the employees shouted politely, but they didn't show any surprised expressions and movements afterwards, perhaps because Liang Feimo was too cold to others in normal times.

Just like that, Liang Feimo took the elevator to the president's office by grabbing his wrist all the way.

Fortunately, the cuffs of the ancient costume were long and wide, and were covered by the cuffs, so no one saw her hands tied together by Liang Feimo.

As the elevator doors parted, Wen Xun happened to be sorting out some materials not far away.

Therefore, when Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin stepped out of the elevator, the first person they saw was Wen Xie.

Wen Xie knew that someone was coming up the elevator, and when he subconsciously looked up, he was surprised to find that the people who came were Mr. Liang and Miss Rao.

How did these two appear together?

Could it be that Mr. Liang's pursuit has succeeded?
(End of this chapter)

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